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Korn, David </span>, <span class="year">2005</span></a></div> <div class="paper"><a href='./10.1177/0891243208319359'><span class="dt">09:51:47</span> <span class="title">The Importance of Motherhood Among Women in the Contemporary United States</span> / <span class="journal">Gender &amp; Society</span> <span class="author">Mcquillan, J.; Greil, A. 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Michael; Guerci, Joseph R. </span>, <span class="year">2017</span></a></div> <div class="second"> <div class="paper"><a href='./10.1002/bit.27730'><span class="dt">09:51:46</span> <span class="title">Gene switch for &lt;scp&gt;l&lt;/scp&gt; ‐glucose‐induced biopharmaceutical production in mammalian cells </span> / <span class="journal">Biotechnology and Bioengineering</span> <span class="author">Tobias Strittmatter;Sabina Egli;Adrian Bertschi;Richard Plieninger;Daniel Bojar;Mingqi Xie;Martin Fussenegger;</span>, <span class="year">2021</span></a></div> <div class="paper"><a href='./10.1055/s-0028-1109917'><span class="dt">09:51:45</span> <span class="title">Sonografische Klassifikation solider Weichteiltumoren</span> / <span class="journal"></span> <span class="author">M. Schulte; A. Von Baer; M. Schultheiss; S. 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