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"year">1993</span></a></div><div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.25225/fozo.v64.i2.a2.2015"><span class = "dt">13:33:41</span> <span class = "title">Sexual dimorphism of five Cobitis species (Cypriniformes, Actinopterygii) in the Adriatic watershed</span> / <span class = "journal">Folia Zoologica</span> <span class = "author">Buj</span>, <span class = "year">2015</span></a></div><div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1039/c9ra07302g"><span class = "dt">13:33:41</span> <span class = "title">Investigating the biodegradation of sulfadiazine in soil using Enterobacter cloacae T2 immobilized on bagasse</span> / <span class = "journal">RSC Adv.</span> <span class = "author">Hu</span>, <span class = "year">2020</span></a></div><div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1073/pnas.1901777116"><span class = "dt">13:33:41</span> <span class = "title">Long-term neurocognitive benefits of FLASH radiotherapy driven by reduced reactive oxygen species</span> / <span class = "journal">Proc Natl Acad Sci 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ooniprobe-engine (3.23.0)
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