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<span class = "title">Relation between microlite textures and discharge rate during the 1991–1995 eruptions at Unzen...</span>
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<div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.03.025"><span class = "dt">18:58:24</span> <span class = "title">Relation between microlite textures and discharge rate during the 1991–1995 eruptions at Unzen, Japan</span> / <span class = "journal">Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research</span> <span class = "author">Noguchi</span>, <span class = "year">2008</span></a></div><div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1183/09031936.00037014"><span class = "dt">18:58:24</span> <span class = "title">Gas exchange and ventilation-perfusion relationships in the lung</span> / <span class = "journal">European Respiratory Journal</span> <span class = "author">Petersson</span>, <span class = "year">2014</span></a></div><div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1016/j.mri.2016.06.003"><span class = "dt">18:58:24</span> <span class = "title">A new technique for MR elastography of the supraspinatus muscle: a gradient-echo type multi-echo sequence</span> / <span class = "journal">Magnetic Resonance Imaging</span> <span class = "author">Ito</span>, <span class = "year">2016</span></a></div><div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1227/00006123-198302000-00002"><span class = "dt">18:58:24</span> <span class = "title">Penetration of Nafcillin, Methicillin, and Cefazolin into Human Brain Tissue</span> / <span class = "journal">Neurosurgery</span> <span class = "author">Frame</span>, <span class = "year">1983</span></a></div><div class = "second"><div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1021/ma401230x"><span class = "dt">18:58:24</span> <span class = "title">Understanding and Describing the Liquid-Crystalline States of Polypeptide Solutions: A Coarse-Grained Model of PBLG in DMF</span> / <span class = "journal">Macromolecules</span> <span class = "author">Wu</span>, <span class = "year">2014</span></a></div><div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1111/j.1365-2850.1996.tb00131.x"><span class = "dt">18:58:24</span> <span class = "title">The role of empathy in the care of dementia</span> / 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