10 novembre 2024 à 15:58:27 UTC
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latest<br>reads </div><div class = "it"> <div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1002/er.7067"><span class = "dt">18:58:28</span> <span class = "title">A review on perovskite materials with solar cell prospective</span> / <span class = "journal">Int J Energy Res</span> <span class = "author">Ali</span>, <span class = "year">2021</span></a></div><div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1016/j.jarmap.2018.07.003"><span class = "dt">18:58:28</span> <span class = "title">Soxhlet extraction of phenolic compounds from Vernonia cinerea leaves and its antioxidant activity</span> / <span class = "journal">Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants</span> <span class = "author">Alara</span>, <span class = "year">2018</span></a></div><div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1109/BigData.2018.8621948"><span class = "dt">18:58:27</span> <span class = "title">Energy Anomaly Detection with Forecasting and Deep Learning</span> / <span class = "journal">2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)</span> <span class = "author">Hollingsworth</span>, <span class = "year">2018</span></a></div><div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1007/s10904-016-0366-y"><span class = "dt">18:58:27</span> <span class = "title">Boron Modified Phenol Formaldehyde Derived Cf/SiBOC Composites with Improved Mechanical Strength for High Temperature Applications</span> / <span class = "journal">Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials</span> <span class = "author">Ganesh babu</span>, <span class = "year">2016</span></a></div><div class = "second"><div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1007/s40521-022-00319-0"><span class = "dt">18:58:27</span> <span class = "title">Immunological and Non-Immunological Risk Factors in Anaphylaxis</span> / <span class = "journal">Curr Treat Options Allergy</span> <span class = "author">Carpio-escalona</span>, <span class = "year">2022</span></a></div><div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1109/iciii.2010.489"><span class = "dt">18:58:27</span> <span class = "title">Research on Space Frame of Multidimensional Dynamic Industry International Competitiveness Evaluation</span> / <span class = "journal">2010 3rd International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering</span> <span class = "author">Zhaolin</span>, <span class = "year">2010</span></a></div><div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1016/s0040-4039(01)91359-0"><span class = "dt">18:58:27</span> <span class = "title">Regioselective addition of organocuprates to 2-siloxypyrylium salt: Facile synthesis of substituted 2-siloxy-4H-pyrans and their reactions with electrophiles</span> / <span class = "journal">Tetrahedron Letters</span> <span class = "author">Kume</span>, <span class = "year">1987</span></a></div><div class = "paper"><a href = "/10.1111/j.1365-2818.1988.tb01379.x"><span class = "dt">18:58:27</span> <span class = "title">Supported metal model catalyst surfaces examined by scanning tunnelling microscopy</span> / <span 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