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Students and Youth congress of Burma
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<p class='description'><span>To strengthen the capacity of Students and Youth organizations of Burma</span></p>
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<h2 class='date-header'><span>Thursday, April 1, 2010</span></h2>

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<a href=''>About SYCB</a>
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SYCB is an umbrella organization consisting of 15 students and youth organizations of various ethnic backgrounds. The SYCB is based on the Thai-Burma border and on the Burma-India border. It was founded on January 8th 1996 in New Delhi, India. The SYCB aims to promote and increase the growth in understanding and cooperation among various ethnic nationalities of Burma, and among its member organizations. It strives towards the achievement of democracy, the restoration of human rights and the establishment of a federal union of Burma. The Member Organizations of SYCB are:<br /> <br />1. <a href="">All Arakan Students&#8217; and Youths&#8217; Congress (AASYC)</a><br />2. <a href="">All Burma Students&#8217; Democratic Front (ABSDF)</a><br />3. <a href="">All Kachin Students and Youth Union (AKSYU)</a><br />4. <a href="">Arakan League for Democracy - Youth Wing (Exile) (ALD-Youth Wing - Exile)</a><br />5. <a href="">Democratic Party for a New Society - Youth (DPNS-Youth)</a><br />6. <a href="">Karen Youth Organization (KYO)</a><br />7. <a href="">Kayan New Generation Youth (KNGY)</a><br />8. <a href="">Kuki Students Democratic Front (KSDF)</a><br />9. <a href="">Mon Youth Progressive Organization (MYPO)</a><br />10. <a href="">National League for Democracy-Liberated Area, Youth (NLD-LA, Youth)</a><br />11. <a href="">Naga National League for Democracy &#8211; Youth (NNLD-Youth)</a><br />12. <a href="">Pa-O Youth Organization (PYO)</a><br />13. <a href="">Tavoyan Youth Organization (TYO)</a><br />14. <a href="">Zomi Students and Youth Organization (ZSYO)</a><br />15. <a href="">Ta'ang Students & Youth Organization (TSYO) </a><br /><br /><strong>SYCB Aims & Objectives </strong><br />&#8226; To strengthen the capacity of students and youth organizations of Burma<br />&#8226; To increase understanding and co-operation among the organizations in their fight against the military regime in Burma.<br />&#8226; To build mutual trust among various nationalities of youth for the foundation of the future federal union of Burma
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<a href=''>All Arakan Students and Youth Congress(AASYC)</a>
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<strong>Background</strong><br />After military coup in 1988 in Burma, the Arakanese students who fled to Bangladesh formed All Arakan Students&#8217; Union (AASU) on November 1988 in Wakhet-Choung camp along Bangladesh-Burma border. When ABSDF was formed in Thailand, the Arakanese students stood as ABSDF (Arakan) to foster unity among the student groups of Burma to overthrow the military dictatorship (common enemy). We set up ABSDF (Arakan-901 regiment) both in Thailand and Bangladesh. ABSDF (Arakan) encamped at the eagle camp (Wakhet-Choung Area) along Bangladesh-Burma border.<br />In 1992,Arakan army led by Khaing Raza landed Bangladesh through Arakan. Border tension erupted nearly to burst between Bangladesh and Burma security forces due to landing of Arakan army. This caused great influx of Bengali Rohinga Muslims refugees into Bangladesh. Some students of ABSDF (Arakan) were arrested. Some fled into India for their security. In 1994, former ABSDF (Arakan) students and the students living in India first setup Arakanese Students&#8217; Congress (ASC) in Delhi, India to fight the military regime by non-violence means according to the needs and demands of the political situation in India. One Arakanese student and youth conference was held in Bangkok, Thailand in October 1995 attended by students and youth representatives from Bangladesh, India and Thailand by the unanimous decisions and revolution of the represents, both ASC, ABSDF (Arakan) was abolished and setup All Arakanese Students and Youth Congress (AASYC) on October 6, 1995.<br /><br /><strong>Objectives</strong><br />&#8226; To struggle for democracy and human rights<br />&#8226; To eliminate any form of colonialism and dictatorship<br />&#8226; To liberate the whole oppressed ethnic nationalities<br />&#8226; To construct the national unity of Arakan<br />&#8226; To achieve the lost sovereignty of Arakan<br />Presently, AASYC is the member organization of SYCB (Students and Youth Congress of Burma), UNDC (United Nationalities Democratic Congress), and CNAB (Committee for Nonviolent Actions in Burma). AASYC is one of the signatory organization of Maetharawtha Aggreement, which is most radical signed by the prominent revolutionary ethnic organizations including the cease-fired organizations. AASYC practice non violence policy to thwart the Burmese military regime in alliance with the democratic organizations for a common purpose.
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<a href=''>All Burma Students Democratic Front (ABSDF)</a>
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<strong>POLITICAL GOAL</strong><br />The political goal of the ABSDF is to become a dynamic youth force in the democracy movement. We envisage ABSDF participating effectively and efficiently in the reconstruction process in future Burma. The ABSDF will be open for its members to choose their future participation whether it will be in political parties, institutions or the army.<br /><br />WORKING PROGRAMS<br />1. Skill sharing and training for ABSDF members<br />2. Mass education and mobilization<br />3. Primary health care for local people<br />4. Formal and non-formal education<br />5. Foreign affairs<br />6. Alliance affairs and networking<br />7. Documenting and disseminating information<br />8. National reconciliation within grassroots<br />9. Formation of the Federal Army<br /><br />1. Skill sharing and training for ABSDF members: ABSDF members need to be wellrounded people to fulfill the needs in the reconstruction processes in future Burma. Furthermore, during the struggle, a deepening of knowledge is needed to enable members to participate in community mass education. These programs include democracy and human rights issues, federalism, governance, media advocacy, women&#8217;s rights, public relations and public administration.<br /><br />2. Mass education and mobilization: ABSDF has been attempting to educate and mobilize grassroots people on the border as well as inside Burma. We will continue doing so in various areas, as grassroots participation in the struggle is the main driving force to overthrow the military junta.<br /><br />3. Primary health care for local people: ABSDF will continue conducting primary health care programs for local people. In most of the areas where the ABSDF camps are based, which are under control of ethnic revolutionary forces, successive governments have ignored villagers&#8217; basic rights to health, education and social welfare.<br /><br />4. Formal and non-formal education: ABSDF will continue to carry out formal education programs. These will focus on the children of local people and IDP&#8217;s who would otherwise have no access to education. To fulfill gaps in many children&#8217;s education, ABSDF has established primary and secondary schools in its camps and in front line areas. Informally, ABSDF frequently conducts adult education programs such as basic and intermediate English classes, basic and advanced computer training, and accountancy. These are for ABSDF members and other organizations.<br /><br />5. Foreign affairs: ABSDF focuses on foreign affairs as a crucial area for the movement. Foreign Affairs is important to raise awareness of Burma&#8217;s political problems within the international community and to promote cooperation among the various Burmese and international organizations. It also helps secure financial, political and material assistance for the ABSDF and other organizations working for peace and democracy in Burma.<br /><br />6. Alliance affairs and networking: ABSDF will continue to work at building and strengthening alliance networks with various armed and unarmed groups as well as grassroots organizations working for peace and democracy. We believe strong alliances and networks are essential for us to be able to work together cooperatively in solidarity for our common cause.<br /><br />7. Documenting and disseminating information: ABSDF will continue documenting and disseminating information on the real situation in Burma to the international community. We believe the international community must be well informed to really assist the movement.<br /><br />8. National reconciliation within grassroots: ABSDF will continue to participate in the national reconciliation processes by working together with grassroots. We believe mutual understanding of grassroots within various ethnic groups is crucial for us to achieve national reconciliation.<br /><br />9. Formation of the Federal Army: ABSDF will continue to work closely with various ethnic armed forces under the Democratic Alliance of Burma. We considers it very important for alliance groups to have knowledge about the role of the army in future<br />democratic Federal Union of Burma, as well as to explore possible ways to form a<br />Federal Army.<br /><br />Source:
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<a href=''>All Kachin Students and Youth Union</a>
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<strong>Brief History</strong><br />After the military took over the power a bloody coup in 1988, the Kachin students and youth bad to flee to the borderlands. To be under one banner, we organized all Kachin students in exile and formed OKSO (Overseas Kachin Students Organization) in 1995, which was transformed as AKSYU (All Kachin Students and Youth Union in order to be more powerful with the participation of all the students who are inside and outside the country. AKSYU joined he SYCB in 1996.<br />In 1998, All Kachin Student and Youth Union Thailand branch was established in Chiang Mai, Thailand with Thai based Kachin Youth and Students. By the resolution of Executive Committee, we, officially extended to European Union Chapter of All Kachin Student and Youth Union on February 20, 2002. Recently in the September of 2002, AKSYU China branch was formed in the China border town of Laiza with member of its member from inside Kachin State. All Kachin Students and Youth Union (AKSYU) is currently a member organization of Students and Youth Congress of Burma (SYCB), United Nationalities Youth League(UNYL), United Nationalities&#8217; Democratic Congress (UNDC).<br /><br /><strong>Aims and Objectives</strong><br /><br /><strong>Political Objectives</strong><br />&#8226; To restore genuine Federal Democracy and Self-determination of the Kachin<br />Nation as well as Human Rights.<br />&#8226; To cooperate with all other Democratic forces which have common objectives and<br />program to establish a Federal Democracy in Burma.<br />&#8226; To cooperate with other International Students, Youth organization as well as<br />NGOs.<br /><strong>Educational Objectives</strong><br />&#8226; Every children from remote Areas should have chance to learn.<br />&#8226; Every one should be able to read and write the Kachin Literature.<br />&#8226; To promote the leadership skills of the Youth.<br />&#8226; To provide education grants to Kachin Students to complete their graduate and<br />under graduate course.<br />&#8226; To assist and support the following areas; Education, Health, Economy, Culture,<br />Religious, and Agriculture as well as to protect the environment and natural<br />resources.<br /><strong>Social Objectives</strong><br />&#8226; To save the lives of drug addicted Kachin youngster.<br />&#8226; To carry out prevention of HIV/ AIDS with our capabilities<br />&#8226; To help and solve problem socially as well as spiritually<br /><br /><strong>Contact Address:</strong><br />A5/A-40, Janta Quarter, Janakpuri, New Delhi 110058, India. Tel: (91) (11) 2557-3840<br />E-mail:,,
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<a href=''>Arakan League for Democracy( ALD )</a>
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<strong>The Brief history</strong><br />Arakan League for Democracy (ALD) is a party representing Arakanese people that received overwhelming support of Arakanese people in the 1990 election. ALD was the third most seats winner in Burma and the most seats winner in Arakan state. ALD was deregistered unlawfully when it opposed notification (1/90) of then State Law and Order Restoration Council. As a result, party&#8217;s leaders went into exile in order to continue to carry out responsibilities assigned by Arakanese people with firm dedication and formed the Arakan League for Democracy (in exile) in 1994 at Harabun of Bangladesh. ALD has formed its branches in Bangladesh, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, Japan and a liaison office in Netherlands. Under the guidance of party&#8217;s policy and that of leaders, Youth Wing of ALD (in exile) Thailand was successfully formed at a meeting held from December 30 to 31 of 2001. A meeting was held on January 20, 2004 to thoroughly evaluate and assess the activities of Youth Wing of ALD in the past years and stamped out below aims and objectives for newly reorganized executive committee.<br /><br /><strong>Aims and Objectives</strong><br />1) To help implement aims and objectives of its mother party ALD<br />2) To raise and produce highly qualified leaders for future Arakan<br />3) To forge a friendly and close cooperation with all other youth groups<br />4) To promote further unity and mutual help awareness among Arakanese expatriates<br /><br /><strong>Executive Committee</strong><br />1) Khaing Myo Khant In charge<br />2) Hla Htay Associate In charge (1)<br />3) Khaing Saw Tun Associate In charge (2)<br />4) Khaing Swe Thant Member<br />5) Aung Ne Oo Member<br />6) Nyi Nyi Htwe Member<br />7) Khaing Min Nyein Member<br /><br /><strong>Executive Committee</strong><br />Arakan League for Democracy (in exile, Youth Wing ) Thailand
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<a href=''>Democratic Party for a New Society (DPNS)</a>
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The Democratic Party for a New Society (DPNS) was founded by the then students and youth leaders who emerged from the 1988 nationwide pro-democracy movement on the 14th of October 1988 in Rangoon, Burma, in order to legally play a greater political role toward the achievement o democracy in Burma. The DPNS, which was founded on then youths including students, played a very important role in the democratic struggle. Since its beginning in Burma politics, it has been recognized as a new generation of political force in the country. It has been at a vanguard position in the struggle against the Burmese military junta, which brutally cracked down on the pro-democracy uprising. Due to its firm political stance and its substantive policies based in the interest of the people of Burma where multi-ethnic nationalities co-exist, many young people joined the DPNS. With branches in over 250 townships supported by 1,500 organizers, the party&#8217;s official membership reached up to 250,000. At the time of the 1990 election, DPNS was Burma&#8217;s second largest political party after Aung San Suu Kyi&#8217;s NLD party. As a sign of its commitment to democracy, the DPNS did not campaign any of its own candidates during the election in order to build unified support for the NLD party. The strategy of recruiting their membership focused on youth in urban and industrial centers as well as those in the hinterlands. Preceding the election, DPNS concentrated on educating voters, securing political rights and campaigning for democracy. As part of their political strategy to build a united political front, they built an alliance that incorporated over 53 registered political parties. Because of their success in galvanizing such a strong coalition, they were heavily targeted in the military crackdown. After the 1990 election, all political activities of the DPNS were severely suppressed by the military regime, the then state Law and Order Restoration Council(SLORC) and a number of its members including some party leaders were arrested. Many of whom are still being held in various prisons in Burma. As a result, the DPNS Central Committee made a decision to move its headquarters into the liberated area along the Thai-Burma border in order to continue its struggle against the military junta. The DPNS was outlawed by the military regime in 1991. The party became a member of the Democratic Alliance of Burma (DAB) and then the National Council of Union of Burma (NCUB), tow umbrella organizations that are composed of over twenty political organizations including ethnic resistance forces. At present, the party Chairperson is working as the General Secretary of NCUB. Other ranking officers of DPNS have also been elected to high-level leadership positions in both organizations. Currently, DPNS have been actively building regional committees within Burma that build grassroots capacity to develop non-violent resistance and promote a national reconciliation organizations. Recently, the party successfully organized its Second Conference at which the party platform was developed and guideline policies were adopted. The new leadership of the party was also elected by secret votes at the conference. Accordance with the guidance of the party conference, the party&#8217;s women branch and youth branch were set up in April 2002. These tow branches as other party committees are independently running their programmes in line with party platform.<br /><br />Web:
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<a href=''>Karen Youths Organization(KYO)</a>
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<strong>Organization Background</strong><br />The Karen Youth Organization (KYO) was formed in 1989 to respond to the real needsof the young Karen people in Karen community. For many years, the KYO has performed valuable work on behalf of the Karen community, helping young Karen to develop their potential to work in and on behalf of the Karen community. In March 2001, the organization was revived, new leaders elected and membership renewed. Its leadership is younger and includes more young Karen women. Its role in the community has become more important for the younger generation. It is structured to maximize youth&#8217;s participation in and ownership of our entire programs. The KYO currently has committees at four levels, they are Central, District, Township and Village. We provide training in education and formation of youth, leadership & management, social protection, community development, community organization, political education and other relevant programs within the Karen community to ensure that local needs are met by local solutions. Our main goal is to empower and equip youths with skills which will enable them to respond to the ever-changing needs of the community.<br /><br /><strong>B Vision of KYO</strong><br />Empowering and equipping youth through democratic leadership & socioeconomic development for a better world for establishing a place of justice and peace.<br /><br /><strong>C Mission of KYO</strong><br />Formation and Education of young people, to play a vital role for a just and peaceful society.<br /><br /><strong>D Aims and Objectives of KYO</strong><br />We intend to empower young people to actively share current and future livelihoods in order to achieve the target of development. E.g. Environmentally sustainable, politically and economically accessible, socially just.<br /><br /><strong>The following are our aims & objectives:</strong><br />1. To raise the living standard of the youths by improving their physical and mental power through education and special know-how & skills.<br />2. To educate the youths about their responsibilities.<br />3. To maintain, upgrade, and encourage participation in the various cultural activities of the ethnic nationalities within Burma, while promoting fellowship and cross-cultural exchange.<br />4. To support the achievement of unity among the different ethnic nationalities, which are presently being oppressed.<br />5. To help today&#8217;s youth in becoming Democratic National Leaders.<br />6. To help establish democracy throughout the country while promoting the concepts of a Federal Union.Community Organization and supporting community development are the most important work that KYO carries out.
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