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        <h1>Ethos Books is an independent publisher of literary fiction, non-fiction, and poetry based in Singapore.</h1>

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        Giving voice to emerging and exciting writers from diverse backgrounds, we help foster an environment in which literature and the arts not only survive, but thrive. In short, we nurture the growing literary community in Singapore and throughout the region.
        That's why our authors and their ideas come first. By taking a collaborative approach to publishing, we bring each author‘s voice and vision to fruition. We are always open to new ideas: different ways of working and fresh ways of delivering the unparalleled satisfaction only a good book can bring.
        Established in Singapore in 1997, Ethos Books, an imprint of Pagesetters Services Pte Ltd, aims to create books that capture the spirit of a people and reflect the ethos of our changing times.


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                <h1 class="book_snippet_title hide_mobile">Raffles Renounced: Towards a Merdeka History</h1>

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                <p class="book_header_description"><meta charset="utf-8"><br />
<p><span><em></em></span>Why did independent Singapore celebrate two hundred years of its founding as a British colony in 2019? What does Merdeka mean for Singaporeans? And what are the possibilities of doing decolonial history in Singapore? <em>Raffles Renounced: Towards a Merdeka History</em> presents essays by historians, literary scholars and artists which grapple with these questions. The volume also reproduces some of the source material used in the play Merdeka / 獨立 / சுதந்திரம் (Wild Rice, 2019). Taken together, the book shows how the contradictions of independent nationhood haunt Singaporeans' collective and personal stories about Merdeka. It points to the need for a Merdeka history: an open and fearless culture of historical reckoning that not only untangles us from colonial narratives, but proposes emancipatory possibilities.</p><br />
<p><a title="Raffles Renounced Sample Pages" href="" target="_blank"> → Read a preview here</a>  </p><br />
<p> </p></p>


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                    <p style="margin: 5px">Editors:</p>
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                            <a class="tag" href="/pages/author?author=Alfian Sa’at">Alfian Sa’at</a>
                            <a class="tag" href="/pages/author?author= Faris Joraimi"> Faris Joraimi</a>
                            <a class="tag" href="/pages/author?author= Sai Siew Min"> Sai Siew Min</a>




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            <h1 class="book_snippet_title show_mobile">Raffles Renounced: Towards a Merdeka History</h1>

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    <div class="book-details" style="display: none" id="book-details">
        <p>ISBN: 978-981-14-2038-2 (paperback) | 978-981-14-9023-1 (e-book)<br />
Published: January 2021<br />
Dimension: 150mm x 220mm <br />
Extent: 280<br />
Finish: Paperback</p>



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                <h3 class="subtitle featured_article_subtitle">featured article</h3>
                <h1 class="featured_article_title">"In the realm of the personal, we can also do a lot to resist colonial logics" | Decolonising our Natural Heritage panel transcript</h1>
                <p>Access the full transcript of Decolonising our Natural Heritage here.</p>
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<a class="news_article" href="/blogs/news/mastering-the-art-of-lightness" id="Mastering the Art of Lightness">
    <h1 class="news_article_header">Mastering the Art of Lightness</h1>
    <div class="news_links">
        <p>Aug 15, 2022</p>
        <p class="read-more-link">Read <img class="news_headline_arrow" src="//" width height loading="lazy"/></p>



<a class="news_article" href="/blogs/news/in-the-comfort-of-books" id="In the Comfort of Books">
    <h1 class="news_article_header">In the Comfort of Books</h1>
    <div class="news_links">
        <p>Aug 11, 2022</p>
        <p class="read-more-link">Read <img class="news_headline_arrow" src="//" width height loading="lazy"/></p>



<a class="news_article" href="/blogs/news/treasures-from-our-forests" id=""We need to see what we have in this piece of land in its own right as a precious living being that has existed for a long time" | Treasures from our Forests panel transcript">
    <h1 class="news_article_header">"We need to see what we have in this piece of land in its own right as a precious living being that has existed for a long time" | Treasures from our Forests panel transcript</h1>
    <div class="news_links">
        <p>Aug 10, 2022</p>
        <p class="read-more-link">Read <img class="news_headline_arrow" src="//" width height loading="lazy"/></p>



<a class="news_article" href="/blogs/news/we-are-not-alone" id="We are not alone">
    <h1 class="news_article_header">We are not alone</h1>
    <div class="news_links">
        <p>Jul 30, 2022</p>
        <p class="read-more-link">Read <img class="news_headline_arrow" src="//" width height loading="lazy"/></p>



<a class="news_article" href="/blogs/news/book-launch-of-how-we-live-now" id=""Writing like yourself or representing yourself on the page is also liberating" | Book Launch of How We Live Now">
    <h1 class="news_article_header">"Writing like yourself or representing yourself on the page is also liberating" | Book Launch of How We Live Now</h1>
    <div class="news_links">
        <p>Jul 28, 2022</p>
        <p class="read-more-link">Read <img class="news_headline_arrow" src="//" width height loading="lazy"/></p>



<a class="news_article" href="/blogs/news/spring-cleaning" id="Spring Cleaning">
    <h1 class="news_article_header">Spring Cleaning</h1>
    <div class="news_links">
        <p>Jul 26, 2022</p>
        <p class="read-more-link">Read <img class="news_headline_arrow" src="//" width height loading="lazy"/></p>



<a class="news_article" href="/blogs/news/ethos-books-second-charm-pop-up" id="Ethos Books Second Charm POP-UP!">
    <h1 class="news_article_header">Ethos Books Second Charm POP-UP!</h1>
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        <p>Jul 21, 2022</p>
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<a class="news_article" href="/blogs/news/imperfect-pages-sauce-on-the-side" id="Imperfect pages, sauce on the side">
    <h1 class="news_article_header">Imperfect pages, sauce on the side</h1>
    <div class="news_links">
        <p>Jul 18, 2022</p>
        <p class="read-more-link">Read <img class="news_headline_arrow" src="//" width height loading="lazy"/></p>


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<a class="news_article" href="/blogs/news/meeting-in-the-middle-doing-being-intersections-of-community-organising" id=""Communities are the backbone of civil society activism" | Meeting in the Middle | Doing & Being: Intersections of Community Organising">
    <h1 class="news_article_header">"Communities are the backbone of civil society activism" | Meeting in the Middle | Doing & Being: Intersections of Community Organising</h1>
    <div class="news_links">
        <p>Jul 13, 2022</p>
        <p class="read-more-link">Read <img class="news_headline_arrow" src="//" width height loading="lazy"/></p>

<a class="news_article" href="/blogs/news/calm-deflection" id="Calm deflection">
    <h1 class="news_article_header">Calm deflection</h1>
    <div class="news_links">
        <p>Jul 12, 2022</p>
        <p class="read-more-link">Read <img class="news_headline_arrow" src="//" width height loading="lazy"/></p>

<a class="news_article" href="/blogs/news/an-anthology-about-race-and-everything-else" id="An Anthology About Race—and Everything Else">
    <h1 class="news_article_header">An Anthology About Race—and Everything Else</h1>
    <div class="news_links">
        <p>Jul 4, 2022</p>
        <p class="read-more-link">Read <img class="news_headline_arrow" src="//" width height loading="lazy"/></p>

<a class="news_article" href="/blogs/news/decolonising-our-natural-heritage" id=""In the realm of the personal, we can also do a lot to resist colonial logics" | Decolonising our Natural Heritage panel transcript">
    <h1 class="news_article_header">"In the realm of the personal, we can also do a lot to resist colonial logics" | Decolonising our Natural Heritage panel transcript</h1>
    <div class="news_links">
        <p>Jul 4, 2022</p>
        <p class="read-more-link">Read <img class="news_headline_arrow" src="//" width height loading="lazy"/></p>

<a class="news_article" href="/blogs/news/book-launch-of-potong-from-page-to-stage" id=""Do you sever a tie, and is that a form of caring?" | Book Launch of Potong: To Care/Cut">
    <h1 class="news_article_header">"Do you sever a tie, and is that a form of caring?" | Book Launch of Potong: To Care/Cut</h1>
    <div class="news_links">
        <p>Jun 29, 2022</p>
        <p class="read-more-link">Read <img class="news_headline_arrow" src="//" width height loading="lazy"/></p>

<a class="news_article" href="/blogs/news/in-solidarity-with-zakir-hossain" id="In Solidarity With Zakir Hossain">
    <h1 class="news_article_header">In Solidarity With Zakir Hossain</h1>
    <div class="news_links">
        <p>Jun 27, 2022</p>
        <p class="read-more-link">Read <img class="news_headline_arrow" src="//" width height loading="lazy"/></p>

<a class="news_article" href="/blogs/news/will-we-ever-be-old-enough" id="Will we ever be old enough?">
    <h1 class="news_article_header">Will we ever be old enough?</h1>
    <div class="news_links">
        <p>Jun 20, 2022</p>
        <p class="read-more-link">Read <img class="news_headline_arrow" src="//" width height loading="lazy"/></p>

<a class="news_article" href="/blogs/news/far-away-right-here" id="Far Away Right Here">
    <h1 class="news_article_header">Far Away Right Here</h1>
    <div class="news_links">
        <p>Jun 11, 2022</p>
        <p class="read-more-link">Read <img class="news_headline_arrow" src="//" width height loading="lazy"/></p>

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<a class="news_article" href="/blogs/news/mastering-the-art-of-lightness" id="Mastering the Art of Lightness">
    <h1 class="news_article_header">Mastering the Art of Lightness</h1>
    <div class="news_links">
        <p>Aug 15, 2022</p>
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        <p>Aug 11, 2022</p>
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<a class="news_article" href="/blogs/news/treasures-from-our-forests" id=""We need to see what we have in this piece of land in its own right as a precious living being that has existed for a long time" | Treasures from our Forests panel transcript">
    <h1 class="news_article_header">"We need to see what we have in this piece of land in its own right as a precious living being that has existed for a long time" | Treasures from our Forests panel transcript</h1>
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        <p>Aug 10, 2022</p>
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        <h3 class="article_thumbnail_margin thumbnail_header">In Solidarity With Zakir Hossain</h3>
        <p class="article_thumbnail_margin">Jun 27, 2022</p>
        <p class="article_thumbnail_margin">In today’s Attunement, we would like to express our solidarity with Zakir by highlighting the liv...</p>

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        <h3 class="article_thumbnail_margin thumbnail_header">Will we ever be old enough?</h3>
        <p class="article_thumbnail_margin">Jun 20, 2022</p>
        <p class="article_thumbnail_margin">I don’t seem to have the ability to make mistakes, fail, all while forgiving myself and moving fo...</p>

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        <h3 class="article_thumbnail_margin thumbnail_header">Far Away Right Here</h3>
        <p class="article_thumbnail_margin">Jun 11, 2022</p>
        <p class="article_thumbnail_margin">I’m not talking about feeling homesick or merely enjoying the rhythms of Singlish.</p>

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