May 5, 2020 at 11:31:04 AM UTC
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<p class="megamenu__intro__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">Médecins Sans Frontières brings medical humanitarian assistance to victims of conflict, natural disasters, epidemics or healthcare exclusion.</p>
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<p class="megamenu__topic__content js-ellipsis [ hidden overflow-hidden block mb-15 ] [ md:block md:mb-10 ]">We treat patients suffering from a wide array of illnesses and health needs. Here are some of the main needs we see and what we do about them.</p>
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<p class="megamenu__topic__content js-ellipsis [ hidden overflow-hidden block mb-15 ] [ md:block md:mb-10 ]">Discover some of the main crises we work in, the consequences faced by affected people and challenges in delivering care.</p>
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<p class="megamenu__intro__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">In more than 70 countries, Médecins Sans Frontières provides medical humanitarian assistance to save lives and ease the suffering of people in crisis situations.</p>
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<article class="megamenu__text [ md:mb-70 lg:mb-60 ]">
<span class="eyebrow [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] truncate [ block text-red ] [ mt-43 md:mt-0 mb-13 lg:mb-18 ]">Access Campaign</span>
<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">We set up the MSF Access Campaign in 1999 to push for access to, and the development of, life-saving and life-prolonging medicines, diagnostic tests and vaccines for people in our programmes and beyond.</p>
<a href="" class="cta cta--underline no-extlink [ inline-flex items-center ] [ font-america-condensed text-black text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] [ text-white ] [ mt-20 md:mt-10 lg:mt-22 ]" title="GO TO SITE" id="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">GO TO SITE</a>
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Access Campaign
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<span class="eyebrow [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] truncate [ block text-red ] [ mt-43 md:mt-0 mb-13 lg:mb-18 ]">Staff blogs</span>
<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">Read stories from our staff as they carry out their work around the world.</p>
<a href="" class="cta cta--underline no-extlink [ inline-flex items-center ] [ font-america-condensed text-black text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] [ text-white ] [ mt-20 md:mt-10 lg:mt-22 ]" title="GO TO SITE" id="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">GO TO SITE</a>
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Staff blogs
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<span class="eyebrow [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] truncate [ block text-red ] [ mt-43 md:mt-0 mb-13 lg:mb-18 ]">Patient blogs</span>
<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">Hear directly from the inspirational people we help as they talk about their experiences dealing with often neglected, life-threatening diseases.</p>
<a href="" class="cta cta--underline no-extlink [ inline-flex items-center ] [ font-america-condensed text-black text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] [ text-white ] [ mt-20 md:mt-10 lg:mt-22 ]" title="GO TO SITE" id="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">GO TO SITE</a>
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Patient blogs
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<article class="megamenu__text [ md:mb-70 lg:mb-60 ]">
<span class="eyebrow [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] truncate [ block text-red ] [ mt-43 md:mt-0 mb-13 lg:mb-18 ]">CRASH</span>
<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">Based in Paris, CRASH conducts and directs studies and analysis of MSF actions. They participate in internal training sessions and assessment missions in the field.</p>
<a href="" class="cta cta--underline no-extlink [ inline-flex items-center ] [ font-america-condensed text-black text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] [ text-white ] [ mt-20 md:mt-10 lg:mt-22 ]" title="GO TO SITE" id="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">GO TO SITE</a>
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<article class="megamenu__text [ md:mb-70 lg:mb-60 ]">
<span class="eyebrow [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] truncate [ block text-red ] [ mt-43 md:mt-0 mb-13 lg:mb-18 ]">UREPH</span>
<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">Based in Geneva, UREPH (or Research Unit) aims to improve the way MSF projects are implemented in the field and to participate in critical thinking on humanitarian and medical action.</p>
<a href="" class="cta cta--underline no-extlink [ inline-flex items-center ] [ font-america-condensed text-black text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] [ text-white ] [ mt-20 md:mt-10 lg:mt-22 ]" title="GO TO SITE" id="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">GO TO SITE</a>
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<article class="megamenu__text [ md:mb-70 lg:mb-60 ]">
<span class="eyebrow [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] truncate [ block text-red ] [ mt-43 md:mt-0 mb-13 lg:mb-18 ]">ARHP</span>
<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">Based in Barcelona, ARHP documents and reflects on the operational challenges and dilemmas faced by the MSF field teams.</p>
<a href="" class="cta cta--underline no-extlink [ inline-flex items-center ] [ font-america-condensed text-black text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] [ text-white ] [ mt-20 md:mt-10 lg:mt-22 ]" title="GO TO SITE" id="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">GO TO SITE</a>
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<span class="icon icon-trending-flat icon--red icon-nav-trending-flat [ ml-15 mt-2 ]">
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<article class="megamenu__text [ md:mb-70 lg:mb-60 ]">
<span class="eyebrow [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] truncate [ block text-red ] [ mt-43 md:mt-0 mb-13 lg:mb-18 ]">MSF Analysis</span>
<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">Based in Brussels, MSF Analysis intends to stimulate reflection and debate on humanitarian topics organised around the themes of migration, refugees, aid access, health policy and the environment in which aid operates.</p>
<a href="" class="cta cta--underline no-extlink [ inline-flex items-center ] [ font-america-condensed text-black text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] [ text-white ] [ mt-20 md:mt-10 lg:mt-22 ]" title="GO TO SITE" id="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">GO TO SITE</a>
<a href="" class="megamenu__link megamenu__text__mobile [ hidden font-america text-white ]" title="MSF Analysis">
MSF Analysis
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<article class="megamenu__text [ md:mb-70 lg:mb-60 ]">
<span class="eyebrow [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] truncate [ block text-red ] [ mt-43 md:mt-0 mb-13 lg:mb-18 ]">MSF Supply</span>
<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">This logistical and supply centre in Brussels provides storage of and delivers medical equipment, logistics and drugs for international purchases for MSF missions.</p>
<a href="" class="cta cta--underline no-extlink [ inline-flex items-center ] [ font-america-condensed text-black text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] [ text-white ] [ mt-20 md:mt-10 lg:mt-22 ]" title="GO TO SITE" id="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">GO TO SITE</a>
<a href="" class="megamenu__link megamenu__text__mobile [ hidden font-america text-white ]" title="MSF Supply">
MSF Supply
<span class="icon icon-trending-flat icon--red icon-nav-trending-flat [ ml-15 mt-2 ]">
<svg aria-hidden="true" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 9">
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<article class="megamenu__text [ md:mb-70 lg:mb-60 ]">
<span class="eyebrow [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] truncate [ block text-red ] [ mt-43 md:mt-0 mb-13 lg:mb-18 ]">MSF Logistique</span>
<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">This supply and logistics centre in Bordeaux, France, provides warehousing and delivery of medical equipment, logistics and drugs for international purchases for MSF missions.</p>
<a href="" class="cta cta--underline no-extlink [ inline-flex items-center ] [ font-america-condensed text-black text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] [ text-white ] [ mt-20 md:mt-10 lg:mt-22 ]" title="GO TO SITE" id="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">GO TO SITE</a>
<a href="" class="megamenu__link megamenu__text__mobile [ hidden font-america text-white ]" title="MSF Logistique">
MSF Logistique
<span class="icon icon-trending-flat icon--red icon-nav-trending-flat [ ml-15 mt-2 ]">
<svg aria-hidden="true" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 9">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M19.068 4.5L15.25 8.318V5.443H.875V3.557H15.25V.682z" />
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<article class="megamenu__text [ md:mb-70 lg:mb-60 ]">
<span class="eyebrow [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] truncate [ block text-red ] [ mt-43 md:mt-0 mb-13 lg:mb-18 ]">Amsterdam Procurement Unit</span>
<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">This logistical centre in Amsterdam purchases, tests, and stores equipment including vehicles, communications material, power supplies, water-processing facilities and nutritional supplements.</p>
<a href="" class="cta cta--underline no-extlink [ inline-flex items-center ] [ font-america-condensed text-black text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] [ text-white ] [ mt-20 md:mt-10 lg:mt-22 ]" title="GO TO SITE" id="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">GO TO SITE</a>
<a href="" class="megamenu__link megamenu__text__mobile [ hidden font-america text-white ]" title="Amsterdam Procurement Unit">
Amsterdam Procurement Unit
<span class="icon icon-trending-flat icon--red icon-nav-trending-flat [ ml-15 mt-2 ]">
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<article class="megamenu__text [ md:mb-70 lg:mb-60 ]">
<span class="eyebrow [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] truncate [ block text-red ] [ mt-43 md:mt-0 mb-13 lg:mb-18 ]">Southern Africa Medical Unit</span>
<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">SAMU provides strategic, clinical and implementation support to various MSF projects with medical activities related to HIV and TB. This medical unit is based in Cape Town, South Africa.</p>
<a href="" class="cta cta--underline no-extlink [ inline-flex items-center ] [ font-america-condensed text-black text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] [ text-white ] [ mt-20 md:mt-10 lg:mt-22 ]" title="GO TO SITE" id="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">GO TO SITE</a>
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Southern Africa Medical Unit
<span class="icon icon-trending-flat icon--red icon-nav-trending-flat [ ml-15 mt-2 ]">
<svg aria-hidden="true" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 9">
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<article class="megamenu__text [ md:mb-70 lg:mb-60 ]">
<span class="eyebrow [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] truncate [ block text-red ] [ mt-43 md:mt-0 mb-13 lg:mb-18 ]">Kenya Supply Unit</span>
<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">Regional logistic centre for the whole East Africa region
<a href="" class="cta cta--underline no-extlink [ inline-flex items-center ] [ font-america-condensed text-black text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] [ text-white ] [ mt-20 md:mt-10 lg:mt-22 ]" title="GO TO SITE" id="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">GO TO SITE</a>
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Kenya Supply Unit
<span class="icon icon-trending-flat icon--red icon-nav-trending-flat [ ml-15 mt-2 ]">
<svg aria-hidden="true" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 9">
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<article class="megamenu__text [ md:mb-70 lg:mb-60 ]">
<span class="eyebrow [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] truncate [ block text-red ] [ mt-43 md:mt-0 mb-13 lg:mb-18 ]">Brazilian Medical Unit</span>
<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">BRAMU specialises in neglected tropical diseases, such as dengue and Chagas, and other infectious diseases. This medical unit is based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.</p>
<a href="" class="cta cta--underline no-extlink [ inline-flex items-center ] [ font-america-condensed text-black text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] [ text-white ] [ mt-20 md:mt-10 lg:mt-22 ]" title="GO TO SITE" id="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">GO TO SITE</a>
<a href="" class="megamenu__link megamenu__text__mobile [ hidden font-america text-white ]" title="Brazilian Medical Unit">
Brazilian Medical Unit
<span class="icon icon-trending-flat icon--red icon-nav-trending-flat [ ml-15 mt-2 ]">
<svg aria-hidden="true" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 9">
<path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M19.068 4.5L15.25 8.318V5.443H.875V3.557H15.25V.682z" />
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<article class="megamenu__text [ md:mb-70 lg:mb-60 ]">
<span class="eyebrow [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] truncate [ block text-red ] [ mt-43 md:mt-0 mb-13 lg:mb-18 ]">MSF Medical Guidelines</span>
<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">Our medical guidelines are based on scientific data collected from MSF’s experiences, the World Health Organization (WHO), other renowned international medical institutions, and medical and scientific journals.</p>
<a href="" class="cta cta--underline no-extlink [ inline-flex items-center ] [ font-america-condensed text-black text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] [ text-white ] [ mt-20 md:mt-10 lg:mt-22 ]" title="GO TO SITE" id="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">GO TO SITE</a>
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MSF Medical Guidelines
<span class="icon icon-trending-flat icon--red icon-nav-trending-flat [ ml-15 mt-2 ]">
<svg aria-hidden="true" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 9">
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<article class="megamenu__text [ md:mb-70 lg:mb-60 ]">
<span class="eyebrow [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] truncate [ block text-red ] [ mt-43 md:mt-0 mb-13 lg:mb-18 ]">MSF Field Research</span>
<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">Find important research based on our field experience on our dedicated Field Research website.</p>
<a href="" class="cta cta--underline no-extlink [ inline-flex items-center ] [ font-america-condensed text-black text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] [ text-white ] [ mt-20 md:mt-10 lg:mt-22 ]" title="GO TO SITE" id="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">GO TO SITE</a>
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MSF Field Research
<span class="icon icon-trending-flat icon--red icon-nav-trending-flat [ ml-15 mt-2 ]">
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<article class="megamenu__text [ md:mb-70 lg:mb-60 ]">
<span class="eyebrow [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] truncate [ block text-red ] [ mt-43 md:mt-0 mb-13 lg:mb-18 ]">Manson Unit</span>
<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">The Manson Unit is a London, UK-based team of medical specialists who provide medical and technical support, and conduct research for MSF.</p>
<a href="" class="cta cta--underline no-extlink [ inline-flex items-center ] [ font-america-condensed text-black text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] [ text-white ] [ mt-20 md:mt-10 lg:mt-22 ]" title="GO TO SITE" id="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">GO TO SITE</a>
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Manson Unit
<span class="icon icon-trending-flat icon--red icon-nav-trending-flat [ ml-15 mt-2 ]">
<svg aria-hidden="true" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 9">
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<article class="megamenu__text [ md:mb-70 lg:mb-60 ]">
<span class="eyebrow [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] truncate [ block text-red ] [ mt-43 md:mt-0 mb-13 lg:mb-18 ]">Epicentre</span>
<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">Providing epidemiological expertise to underpin our operations, conducting research and training to support our goal of providing medical aid in areas where people are affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or excluded from health care.</p>
<a href="" class="cta cta--underline no-extlink [ inline-flex items-center ] [ font-america-condensed text-black text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] [ text-white ] [ mt-20 md:mt-10 lg:mt-22 ]" title="GO TO SITE" id="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">GO TO SITE</a>
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<span class="icon icon-trending-flat icon--red icon-nav-trending-flat [ ml-15 mt-2 ]">
<svg aria-hidden="true" role="img" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 20 9">
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<article class="megamenu__text [ md:mb-70 lg:mb-60 ]">
<span class="eyebrow [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] truncate [ block text-red ] [ mt-43 md:mt-0 mb-13 lg:mb-18 ]">Evaluation Units</span>
<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">Evaluation Units have been established in Vienna, Stockholm, and Paris, assessing the potential and limitations of medical humanitarian action, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of our medical humanitarian work.</p>
<a href="" class="cta cta--underline no-extlink [ inline-flex items-center ] [ font-america-condensed text-black text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 ] [ text-white ] [ mt-20 md:mt-10 lg:mt-22 ]" title="GO TO SITE" id="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">GO TO SITE</a>
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Evaluation Units
<span class="icon icon-trending-flat icon--red icon-nav-trending-flat [ ml-15 mt-2 ]">
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<article class="megamenu__text [ md:mb-70 lg:mb-60 ]">
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<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">The Luxembourg Operational Research (LuxOR) unit coordinates field research projects and operational research training, and provides support for documentation activities and routine data collection.</p>
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<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">The Intersectional Benchmarking Unit collects and analyses data about local labour markets in all locations where MSF employs people.</p>
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<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">To upskill and provide training to locally-hired MSF staff in several countries, MSF has created the MSF Academy for Healthcare. </p>
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<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">This Guide explains the terms, concepts, and rules of humanitarian law in accessible and reader-friendly alphabetical entries.</p>
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<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">The MSF Paediatric Days is an event for paediatric field staff, policy makers and academia to exchange ideas, align efforts, inspire and share frontline research to advance urgent paediatric issues of direct concern for the humanitarian field.</p>
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<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">The MSF Foundation aims to create a fertile arena for logistics and medical knowledge-sharing to meet the needs of MSF and the humanitarian sector as a whole.</p>
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<p class="megamenu__text__content js-ellipsis [ overflow-hidden block ]">A collaborative, patients’ needs-driven, non-profit drug research and development organisation that is developing new treatments for neglected diseases, founded in 2003 by seven organisations from around the world.</p>
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<div class="info-text-block__intro [ block mb-20 font-tiempos text-16 leading-23 text-red ] [ lg:mb-30 lg:text-22 lg:leading-27 ]">We work with the Myanmar Ministry of Health to provide care for HIV and TB patients, primary healthcare, and vaccinations.</div> <div class="info-text-block__content">
<p>Once the largest provider of HIV treatment in Myanmar, we are working with the Ministry of Health and Sports to transfer patients to the decentralised National AIDS Programme so they can receive care closer to home. This includes patients on treatment for co-infections such as hepatitis C, tuberculosis (TB) and multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB).</p>
<p>We have mobile teams in Naga, Sagaing, a remote, mountainous region in northern Myanmar, where communities have limited access to basic healthcare, especially during the rainy season, when some may be completely inaccessible for months.</p>
<p>Despite restrictions on humanitarian access to conflict-affected areas and forcibly displaced people, we also have mobile teams based in Sittwe, central Rakhine, offering primary healthcare and arranging emergency referrals for patients from all communities.</p>
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<a href="/international-activity-report-2018/rohingya-no-country-call-home" title="The Rohingya: No country to call home" class="[ absolute pin opacity-0 z-4 ]">&nbsp;</a> <div class="featured-package__details [ flex justify-between mb-9 ] [ md:mb-7 ]  [ lg:mb-4 ]">
<span class="eyebrow eyebrow--small [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-semi-wide uppercase no-underline ] featured-package__eyebrow [ inline-block uppercase text-red ]">International Activity Report 2018</span>
<h4 class="typo-featured [ m-0 ] [ font-america text-25 leading-23 ] [ lg:text-37 lg:leading-38 ] featured-package__title [ text-white ]">The Rohingya: No country to call home</h4>
<span class="eyebrow eyebrow--small [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-semi-wide uppercase no-underline ] featured-package__date featured-package__date--bottom [ inline-block uppercase text-grey ] [ mt-10 ]">20 Jun 2019</span>
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<span class="[ block ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-wide uppercase no-underline mb-20 ] [ md:mb-30 ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-22 lg:mb-40 ]">In 2018</span>
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<h4 class="counter__value"><span class="js-counter-digit">55,500</span><span></span></h4>
<h4 class="counter__copy">55,5</h4>
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<h4 class="counter__value"><span class="js-counter-digit">20,500</span><span></span></h4>
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<div class="counter [ relative ]  js-counter " data-counter-value="770">
<h4 class="counter__value"><span class="js-counter-digit">770</span><span></span></h4>
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<div class="key-figures__note__text [ block truncate text-grey-darkest ]">Myanmar: 2018 International Activity Report</div>
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<a href="/aids-death-toll-stagnates-due-lack-community-level-testing" title="AIDS death toll stagnating due to lack of testing at community level" class="card__link [ absolute pin opacity-0 z-4 ]">&nbsp;</a>
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<img src="" alt="Malawi - Advanced HIV" title="Malawi - Advanced HIV" />
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<span class="eyebrow__text--default">HIV/AIDS</span>
<h4 class="typo-card-title typo-card-title--b [ m-0 ] [ font-tiempos text-18 leading-23 ] [ md:text-12 md:leading-18 ] [ lg:text-18 lg:leading-23 ] card__title [ overflow-hidden relative ] js-ellipsis">
AIDS death toll stagnating due to lack of testing at community level
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<span class="eyebrow eyebrow--small [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-semi-wide uppercase no-underline ] card__subtitle [ inline-block uppercase ]">Press Release</span>
<span class="eyebrow eyebrow--small [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-semi-wide uppercase no-underline ] card__date [ inline-block uppercase ]">1 Dec 2019</span>
<article class="card card--half [ relative ] white default has-image">
<a href="/msf-report-examines-fight-against-aids-15-countries" title="MSF report &quot;No time to lose&quot; examines the fight against AIDS in 15 countries" class="card__link [ absolute pin opacity-0 z-4 ]">&nbsp;</a>
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<img src="" alt="Malawi - Advanced HIV" title="Malawi - Advanced HIV" />
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<span class="eyebrow__text--default">HIV/AIDS</span>
<h4 class="typo-card-title typo-card-title--b [ m-0 ] [ font-tiempos text-18 leading-23 ] [ md:text-12 md:leading-18 ] [ lg:text-18 lg:leading-23 ] card__title [ overflow-hidden relative ] js-ellipsis">
MSF report &quot;No time to lose&quot; examines the fight against AIDS in 15 countries
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<span class="eyebrow eyebrow--small [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-semi-wide uppercase no-underline ] card__subtitle [ inline-block uppercase ]">Report</span>
<span class="eyebrow eyebrow--small [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-semi-wide uppercase no-underline ] card__date [ inline-block uppercase ]">27 Nov 2019</span>
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<a href="/myanmar-displaced-couple-cured-multidrug-resistant-tb" title="Displaced couple cured of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Shan state" class="card__link [ absolute pin opacity-0 z-4 ]">&nbsp;</a>
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<img src="" alt="Overcoming MDR-TB in Conflict: Lashio Clinic" title="Overcoming MDR-TB in Conflict: Lashio Clinic" />
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<div class="eyebrow eyebrow--xsmall [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-medium uppercase no-underline ] [ md:text-9 md:leading-14 md:tracking-semi-medium ] [ lg:text-10 lg:leading-15 lg:tracking-medium ] card__eyebrow [ inline-block uppercase text-red ]">
<span class="eyebrow__text--default">Myanmar</span>
<h4 class="typo-card-title typo-card-title--b [ m-0 ] [ font-tiempos text-18 leading-23 ] [ md:text-12 md:leading-18 ] [ lg:text-18 lg:leading-23 ] card__title [ overflow-hidden relative ] js-ellipsis">
Displaced couple cured of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Shan state
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<span class="eyebrow eyebrow--small [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-semi-wide uppercase no-underline ] card__subtitle [ inline-block uppercase ]">Project Update</span>
<span class="eyebrow eyebrow--small [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-semi-wide uppercase no-underline ] card__date [ inline-block uppercase ]">17 Oct 2019</span>
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<a href="/general-assembly-asean-should-show-true-leadership-rohingya" title="ASEAN should show true leadership on Rohingya, Myanmar" class="card__link [ absolute pin opacity-0 z-4 ]">&nbsp;</a>
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<span class="eyebrow__text--default">Rohingya refugee crisis</span>
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ASEAN should show true leadership on Rohingya, Myanmar
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<span class="eyebrow eyebrow--small [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-semi-wide uppercase no-underline ] card__date [ inline-block uppercase ]">13 Sep 2019</span>
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<span class="eyebrow__text--default">Rohingya refugee crisis</span>
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“The collective fate of the Rohingya is in our hands”
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<span class="eyebrow eyebrow--small [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-semi-wide uppercase no-underline ] card__subtitle [ inline-block uppercase ]">Voices from the Field</span>
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<span class="eyebrow__text--default">Rohingya refugee crisis</span>
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Being Rohingya in Bangladesh: “The population has been completely suspended in time”
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<span class="eyebrow eyebrow--small [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-semi-wide uppercase no-underline ] card__subtitle [ inline-block uppercase ]">Voices from the Field</span>
<span class="eyebrow eyebrow--small [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-semi-wide uppercase no-underline ] card__date [ inline-block uppercase ]">20 Aug 2019</span>
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<span class="eyebrow__text--default">Rohingya refugee crisis</span>
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Being Rohingya in Myanmar: “We hold our frustration inside because we cannot speak out”
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<span class="eyebrow eyebrow--small [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-semi-wide uppercase no-underline ] card__subtitle [ inline-block uppercase ]">Voices from the Field</span>
<span class="eyebrow eyebrow--small [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-semi-wide uppercase no-underline ] card__date [ inline-block uppercase ]">20 Aug 2019</span>
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<span class="eyebrow__text--default">Rohingya refugee crisis</span>
<h4 class="typo-card-title typo-card-title--b [ m-0 ] [ font-tiempos text-18 leading-23 ] [ md:text-12 md:leading-18 ] [ lg:text-18 lg:leading-23 ] card__title [ overflow-hidden relative ] js-ellipsis">
Two years on: No solutions in sight for the Rohingya
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<span class="eyebrow eyebrow--small [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-semi-wide uppercase no-underline ] card__subtitle [ inline-block uppercase ]">Project Update</span>
<span class="eyebrow eyebrow--small [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-semi-wide uppercase no-underline ] card__date [ inline-block uppercase ]">20 Aug 2019</span>
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<span class="eyebrow__text--default">Myanmar</span>
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Clinic closure marks milestone for HIV treatment in Myanmar
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<span class="eyebrow eyebrow--small [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-semi-wide uppercase no-underline ] card__subtitle [ inline-block uppercase ]">Project Update</span>
<span class="eyebrow eyebrow--small [ m-0 ] [ font-america-condensed text-10 leading-15 tracking-semi-wide uppercase no-underline ] card__date [ inline-block uppercase ]">8 Jul 2019</span>
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<span class="eyebrow__text--default">Medical Activities</span>
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<h5 class="teaser teaser--d [ m-0 ] [ font-tiempos-italic text-12 leading-17 ] [ md:text-10 md:leading-14 ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-17 ] card__description [ inline-block mt-24 ] [ md:mt-9 ] [ lg:mt-24 ] js-ellipsis">Nearly 800,000 people die each year from HIV/AIDS, while nearly 2 million people become newly infected with the virus.
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<span class="eyebrow__text--default">Medical Activities</span>
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<h5 class="teaser teaser--d [ m-0 ] [ font-tiempos-italic text-12 leading-17 ] [ md:text-10 md:leading-14 ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-17 ] card__description [ inline-block mt-24 ] [ md:mt-9 ] [ lg:mt-24 ] js-ellipsis">Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the world’s biggest global health crises. Killing 1.5 million people in 2018, TB is the world’s deadliest infectious disease (WHO).
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Hepatitis C
<h5 class="teaser teaser--d [ m-0 ] [ font-tiempos-italic text-12 leading-17 ] [ md:text-10 md:leading-14 ] [ lg:text-12 lg:leading-17 ] card__description [ inline-block mt-24 ] [ md:mt-9 ] [ lg:mt-24 ] js-ellipsis">Worldwide, an estimated 71 million people are infected with the hepatitis C virus, double the number living with HIV. While hepatitis C can be cured, few people have access to treatment.
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Rohingya refugee crisis
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ooniprobe-android (2.3.2)
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libmeasurement_kit (0.10.11)

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