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<a href="/LibertyAtRisk/"><img src="/i/slides/liberty-at-risk-slide.jpg" 
 alt="Liberty At Risk" /></a><h3>Liberty at Risk: Pre-trial Risk Assessment Tools in the U.S.</h3>
	<p>Federal, state, and local governments use Risk Assessment Tools to make key decisions about defendants in criminal cases, depriving accused individuals of their liberty based on subjective assessments of the likelihood that they will flee or commit crimes in the future. Many of these tools are opaque and not subject to independent review. "Liberty at Risk: Pre-trial Risk Assessment Tools in the U.S." provides an overview of Risk Assessment Tools that practitioners and scholars can use to understand the nature of these systems, understand the broader context in which they are used, and help focus their evaluations of the fairness of these systems.
	<p><a href="/LibertyAtRisk/" target="new">Learn more &raquo;</a></p>

<a href=""><img src="/i/slides/covid-slide.jpg" alt="Privacy and the Pandemic" /></a><h3>Privacy and the Pandemic</h3>
	<p>EPIC is working to ensure that private and public sector responses to COVID-19 safeguard the privacy and civil liberties of all people. Through advocacy, oversight, and litigation, EPIC is ensuring that the coronavirus pandemic does not lead to erosion of individual rights. Visit to see EPIC's resources on these issues. 
	<p><a href="" target="new">Learn more &raquo;</a></p>
		<a href="/2020/03/breaking-epic-prevails-in-case.html"><img src="/i/slides/mueller-2.jpg" alt="Court Rules for EPIC in Mueller Case" /></a>
	<h3>Court Rules for EPIC in Mueller Case.</h3>
	<p>A federal judge has <a href="">agreed</a> to conduct an independent assessment in EPIC's case for the release of the complete Mueller Report. Judge Walton called the Attorney General's conduct in the case <a href="">EPIC v. DOJ</a> "distorted" and "misleading." EPIC has published a book about the case <a href="">EPIC v. Department of Justice: The Mueller Report"</a>, available for sale at the <a href="">EPIC Bookstore.</a>
	<p><a href="/2020/03/breaking-epic-prevails-in-case.html">Learn more &raquo;</a></p>
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	<h3>Defend Privacy. Support EPIC.</h3>
	<p>EPIC is on the front lines of the major privacy and civil liberties debates. In 2020, EPIC has worked to protect democratic institutions, promote algorithmic transparency, and defend the right to privacy. We need your support. And EPIC is a top-rated non-profit - Charity Navigator (Four Star) and Guidestar (Gold). Please donate to EPIC today.</p>
	<p><a href="/donate/">Defend Privacy. Support EPIC. &raquo;</a></p>
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	<h3>EPIC 2020</h3>
	<p>EPIC is on the front lines of the major privacy and civil liberties debates. In 2020, EPIC has important work to do on artificial intelligence, face surveillance, data protection, and election security, among many other issues. Please donate to EPIC today to help us continue this important work.</p>
	<p><a href="/donate/">Defend Privacy. Support EPIC. &raquo;</a></p>

		<a href="/dpa/"><img src="/i/slides/Fitzgerald-Gillibrand.jpg" alt="Gillibrand DPA press conference photo" /></a>
		<h3>EPIC Launches Campaign For a Data Protection Agency</h3>
	<p>EPIC Advisory Board Member Professor <strong>Ari Waldman</strong> and EPIC Policy Director <strong>Caitriona Fitzgerald</strong> with <strong>Senator Kirsten Gillibrand</strong> for introduction of <a href="" target="new">Data Protection Act</a> to establish a <a href="">data protection agency</a> in the United States.
		<p><a href="/dpa/">Learn more &raquo;</a></p>

		<a href="/privacy/ftc/hirevue/"><img src="/i/slides/Butler-CBS.jpg" alt="Alan Butler on CBS" /></a>
		<h3>EPIC Files Complaint with FTC about Employment Screening Firm HireVue</h3>
	<p>EPIC General Counsel <strong>Alan Butler</strong> discussing <a href="">EPIC's case</a> about the use of AI for employment screening on <a href="" target="new">CBS News</a>.
		<p><a href="/privacy/ftc/hirevue/">Learn more &raquo;</a></p>

		<a href="/banfacesurveillance/"><img src="/i/slides/Scott-CBS-2.jpg" alt="Jeramie Scott on CBS" /></a>
		<h3>EPIC's Jeramie Scott: Ban Face Surveillance</h3>
	<p>EPIC Senior Counsel <strong>Jeramie Scott</strong> on <a href="" target="new">CBS News</a> discussing the dangers of face surveillance.
		<p><a href="/banfacesurveillance/">Learn more &raquo;</a></p>
<a href="/banfacesurveillance/"><img src="/i/slides/EPIC-ban-face-surveillance-slide.jpg" alt="EPIC - Ban Face Surveillance" /></a>
		<h3>EPIC Launches Campaign to Ban Face Surveillance</h3>
	<p>EPIC has launched a campaign to ban face surveillance. EPIC will publish information on face surveillance laws, reports, and protests worldwide.</p>
		<p><a href="/banfacesurveillance/">Learn more &raquo;</a></p>


<a href="/bookstore/ai2019"><img src="/i/slides/AI-sourcebook-slide.jpg" alt="EPIC - AI Sourcebook" /></a>
		<h3>EPIC Publishes First Reference Book on AI Policy</h3>
	<p>EPIC has published "The EPIC AI Policy Sourcebook 2019." The EPIC collection is the first compendium of AI policy, providing essential information to policy makers, researchers, journalists, and the public. The EPIC Sourcebook includes global AI frameworks such as the OECD AI Principles and the Universal Guidelines for AI, as well as materials from the EU, Council of Europe, national AI initiatives and professional societies IEEE and ACM. "Required reading for a necessary conversation," Sherry Turkle. </p>
		<p><a href="/bookstore/ai2019">Learn more &raquo;</a></p>

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<h5><a href="">EPIC, Coalition Urge Biden Administration to Halt Use of Facial Recognition </a></h5>
 <p>In a <a href="/privacy/facerecognition/Coalition-Letter-Biden-FRT-Moratorium.pdf" target="_blank">coalition letter</a>, EPIC and over 40 other privacy, civil liberties, and civil rights groups called on the Biden administration to 1) place a moratorium on federal use of facial recognition and other biometric technologies, 2) stop state and local governments from purchasing facial recognition services with federal funds, and 3) support the <a href=" " target="_blank">Facial Recognition and Biometric Technology Act</a>. The coalition letter highlights the threat of facial recognition to create a panopticon of surveillance, the particular harms to people of color, women, and youth from mis-identification by facial recognition, and widespread adoption of facial recognition without public input. Last year, EPIC and a coalition of privacy, civil liberties, and civil rights groups <a href="/privacy/facerecognition/FRT-Moratorium-and-Divestment-Coalition-Letter-July2020.pdf" target="_blank">urged Congress</a> to pass Senator Markey's Facial Recognition and Biometric Technology Act bill. In 2019, EPIC launched a campaign to <a href="/banfacesurveillance/ " target="_blank">Ban Face Surveillance</a> and through the <a href=" " target="_blank">Public Voice coalition</a> gathered the <a href="" target="_blank">support</a> of over 100 organizations and many leading experts across 30 plus countries.</p>
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		  <span class="date">February 17, 2021</span> |<span class="hide"> Share: </span>
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<h5><a href="">FTC Commissioner Wilson Signals Openness to Data Privacy Rulemaking</a></h5>
 <p><a href="" target="blank">Christine Wilson</a>, one of four current members of the Federal Trade Commission, <a href="" target="blank">said</a> <a href="" target="blank">Friday</a> that she is open to using the FTC's rulemaking <a href="" target="blank">authority</a> to regulate data privacy. "I would hope that Congress will act, but if Congress doesn't act, maybe we do spend that time," Politico quoted Commissioner Wilson as saying during a Silicon Flatirons <a href="" target="blank">event</a>. EPIC has long urged the FTC to impose clear privacy obligations on companies that collect and use personal data, including by exercising the Commission's underused rulemaking power. In 2020, EPIC <a href="" target="blank">filed</a> a <a href="" target="blank">petition</a> with the FTC calling on the Commission to conduct a rulemaking on the use of artificial intelligence in commercial settings. "By defining unfair and deceptive practices <em class="" target="blank">ex ante</em>, and with specificity, a trade regulation rule would make it easier for the FTC to take action against parties that harm consumers," EPIC explained. Acting FTC Chair Rebecca Kelly Slaughter and Commissioner Rohit Chopra have <a href="" target="blank">previously</a> <a href="" target="blank">signaled</a> their support for using the FTC's rulemaking authority to address consumer privacy issues.</p>
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		  <span class="date">February 12, 2021</span> |<span class="hide"> Share: </span>
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<h5><a href="">EPIC to Maryland Legislators: Security Questions Need Upgrade</a></h5>
 <p>EPIC Interim Associate Director and Policy DIrector Caitriona Fitzgerald will <a href="">testify</a> today before the Maryland Senate Committee on Finance in support of stronger authentication methods to protect consumers. <a href="" target="new">Senate Bill 185</a> <span>requires financial institutions who choose to use security questions as a authentication method to provide customers with more than one security question option. EPIC noted that there are plenty of alternative authentication methods available today and that financial institutions truly should no longer be using basic security questions. "The</span> requirement that your password contain one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one symbol, and one number is meaningless if all that is required to bypass that password is your pet&#8217;s name," EPIC told the Committee. But, EPIC said, if security questions are going to be used, institutions should ensure that multiple question options are given, and that users are permitted to answer the questions with randomly-generated password-like answers rather than factual, semantic answers. </p>
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		  <span class="date">February  9, 2021</span> |<span class="hide"> Share: </span>
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					<h5><a href="">EPIC & National Consumer Law Center Tell Court Not to Let Robocallers Off the Hook &raquo;</a></h5><hr />
					<h5><a href="">EPIC Urges NIST to Adopt Privacy-Protective Standards for Federal ID Cards &raquo;</a></h5><hr />
					<h5><a href="">EPIC Gives International Privacy Award to Justice K.S. Puttaswamy (Retd.) and Shyam Divan &raquo;</a></h5><hr />
					<h5><a href="">Hamburg DPA Deems Clearview AI's Biometric Photo database Illegal, Orders a Partial Deletion of Profile &raquo;</a></h5><hr />
					<h5><a href="">EPIC to Maryland Legislators: Enact Biometric Privacy Law &raquo;</a></h5><hr />
					<h5><a href="">European Parliament Guidelines Call for Moratorium on Facial Recognition &raquo;</a></h5><hr />

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		<h3>Privacy and COVID-19</h3>
<p align="center" style="padding-top: 4px;">Dr. Michael Ryan, World Health Organization on Battling the Pandemic  and Fundamental Rights</p>
<a href="/privacy/covid/who/april10remarks.mp4">April 10, 2020</a><br />
<a href="/privacy/covid/who/april6remarks.mp4">April 6, 2020</a><br />
<a href="/privacy/covid/who/march27remarks.mp4">March 27, 2020</a><br />
<a href="/privacy/covid/who/march25remarks.mp4">March 25, 2020</a></p>

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<p><a href=''>Why some like Apple’s new privacy labels, despite their flaws</a><br /><em>Vox</em><br />February 19, 2021</p>		<p class="right_align_link"><a href="/news/">More EPIC in the News &raquo;</a></p>


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<p align="center">OECD Experts and NGOs endorse<br />
<a href="">Statement on COVID-19, Privacy, and Fundamental Rights</a></p>
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					<p><a href="/foia/doj/mueller-report/">EPIC v. DOJ</a>: Seeking the final report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller concerning Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.</p>
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					<p><a href="/amicus/census/2020/">Department of Commerce v. New York</a>: Whether the Department of Commerce and Census Bureau violated the Administrative Procedure Act when it added a citizenship question to the 2020 Census.</p>
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					<p>EPIC provides expertise to shape strong privacy and open government laws at both the state and federal level.</p>
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					<p style="font-weight: 600;"><a href="" target="_blank">The Public Voice &raquo;</a></p>
					<p>EPIC works to promote the Public Voice in decisions concerning the future of the Internet. Visit our partner site, <a href="" target="_blank"></a> to learn more.</p>
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					<p>EPIC recently launched a campaign to promote the creation of a Data Protection Agency in the U.S.</p>
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