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							<li><a href="" title="A driver of truck carrying charcoal shot by Tatmadaw, treated at hospital">A driver of truck carrying charcoal shot by Tatmadaw, treated at hospital</a></li>
							<li><a href="" title="RCSS/SSA abducts local medic from Kyaukme accused of informing TNLA">RCSS/SSA abducts local medic from Kyaukme accused of informing TNLA</a></li>
							<li><a href="" title="Arrested Man Nar school principal brought to court for the first time">Arrested Man Nar school principal brought to court for the first time</a></li>
							<li><a href="" title="RCSS troops loot people&#8217;s houses and belongings of the war refugees">RCSS troops loot people&#8217;s houses and belongings of the war refugees</a></li>
							<li><a href="" title="Sixty houses destroyed in military tension between TNLA and RCSS">Sixty houses destroyed in military tension between TNLA and RCSS</a></li>
							<li><a href="" title="Six Upper Man Loi villagers abducted by KIA on border dispute between two villages">Six Upper Man Loi villagers abducted by KIA on border dispute between two villages</a></li>
							<li><a href="" title="Some Houses and A Monastery Destroyed on Explosion of 6 Artillery Shells in Panchin Village">Some Houses and A Monastery Destroyed on Explosion of 6 Artillery Shells in Panchin Village</a></li>
							<li><a href="" title="War refugees need food and utensils">War refugees need food and utensils</a></li>
							<li><a href="" title="A villager killed and two houses burnt due to artillery shelling">A villager killed and two houses burnt due to artillery shelling</a></li>
							<li><a href="" title="Four villagers including a pregnant woman injured by heavy weaponary in Northern Shan State">Four villagers including a pregnant woman injured by heavy weaponary in Northern Shan State</a></li>
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							<time class="the-date" datetime="2021-01-23T21:33:00-06:30">January 23, 2021</time>
							<h3><a href="" title="A driver of truck carrying charcoal shot by Tatmadaw, treated at hospital">A driver of truck carrying charcoal shot by Tatmadaw, treated at hospital</a></h3>
						<a href="" class="image-link"><img width="702" height="336" src="" class="attachment-main-slider size-main-slider wp-post-image" alt="RCSS/SSA abducts local medic from Kyaukme accused of informing TNLA" title="" srcset=" 702w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 702px) 100vw, 702px" /></a>					
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							<time class="the-date" datetime="2021-01-23T21:30:00-06:30">January 23, 2021</time>
							<h3><a href="" title="RCSS/SSA abducts local medic from Kyaukme accused of informing TNLA">RCSS/SSA abducts local medic from Kyaukme accused of informing TNLA</a></h3>
						<a href="" class="image-link"><img width="702" height="336" src="" class="attachment-main-slider size-main-slider wp-post-image" alt="Arrested Man Nar school principal brought to court for the first time" title="" srcset=" 702w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 702px) 100vw, 702px" /></a>					
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							<time class="the-date" datetime="2021-01-18T21:38:00-06:30">January 18, 2021</time>
							<h3><a href="" title="Arrested Man Nar school principal brought to court for the first time">Arrested Man Nar school principal brought to court for the first time</a></h3>
						<a href="" class="image-link"><img width="702" height="336" src="" class="attachment-main-slider size-main-slider wp-post-image" alt="RCSS troops loot people&#8217;s houses and belongings of the war refugees" title="" srcset=" 702w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 702px) 100vw, 702px" /></a>					
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							<time class="the-date" datetime="2021-01-15T21:37:00-06:30">January 15, 2021</time>
							<h3><a href="" title="RCSS troops loot people&#8217;s houses and belongings of the war refugees">RCSS troops loot people&#8217;s houses and belongings of the war refugees</a></h3>
						<a href="" class="image-link"><img width="702" height="336" src="" class="attachment-main-slider size-main-slider wp-post-image" alt="Sixty houses destroyed in military tension between TNLA and RCSS" title="" srcset=" 702w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 702px) 100vw, 702px" /></a>					
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							<time class="the-date" datetime="2021-01-15T21:35:00-06:30">January 15, 2021</time>
							<h3><a href="" title="Sixty houses destroyed in military tension between TNLA and RCSS">Sixty houses destroyed in military tension between TNLA and RCSS</a></h3>
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					 <a href="" class="image-link"><img width="168" height="137" src="" class="attachment-slider-small size-slider-small wp-post-image" alt="Some Houses and A Monastery Destroyed on Explosion of 6 Artillery Shells in Panchin Village" title="" /></a>
					 <h3><a href="" title="Some Houses and A Monastery Destroyed on Explosion of 6 Artillery Shells in Panchin Village">Some Houses and A Monastery Destroyed on Explosion of 6 Artillery Shells in Panchin Village</a></h3>
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				<a href="" title="A driver of truck carrying charcoal shot by Tatmadaw, treated at hospital" class="image-link" itemprop="url">
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					<time datetime="2021-01-23T21:33:00-06:30" itemprop="datePublished">January 23, 2021 </time>
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				<h2 itemprop="name"><a href="" title="A driver of truck carrying charcoal shot by Tatmadaw, treated at hospital">A driver of truck carrying charcoal shot by Tatmadaw, treated at hospital</a></h2>
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					<p>Tatmadaw shot U Nyi Lar, a driver of the truck carrying charcoal, who live at Loi Lawng village, Kawng Wine&hellip;</p>
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					<a href=""><img width="110" height="96" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" title="RCSS/SSA abducts local medic from Kyaukme accused of informing TNLA" />
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						<time datetime="2021-01-23T21:30:00-06:30">January 23, 2021 </time>

						<a href="" title="RCSS/SSA abducts local medic from Kyaukme accused of informing TNLA">
							RCSS/SSA abducts local medic from Kyaukme accused of informing TNLA</a>
					<a href=""><img width="110" height="96" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" title="Arrested Man Nar school principal brought to court for the first time" />
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						<time datetime="2021-01-18T21:38:00-06:30">January 18, 2021 </time>

						<a href="" title="Arrested Man Nar school principal brought to court for the first time">
							Arrested Man Nar school principal brought to court for the first time</a>
					<a href=""><img width="110" height="96" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" title="RCSS troops loot people&#8217;s houses and belongings of the war refugees" />
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						<time datetime="2021-01-15T21:37:00-06:30">January 15, 2021 </time>

						<a href="" title="RCSS troops loot people&#8217;s houses and belongings of the war refugees">
							RCSS troops loot people&#8217;s houses and belongings of the war refugees</a>
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					<a href="">Statement</a></span>
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				<a href="" title="Civil Society Organizations in Myanmar Demand Truth And Justice For Three Villagers Who Were Arbitrarily Arrested And Killed" class="image-link" itemprop="url">
					<img width="351" height="185" src="" class="image wp-post-image" alt="" title="Civil Society Organizations in Myanmar Demand Truth And Justice For Three Villagers Who Were Arbitrarily Arrested And Killed" />					
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					<time datetime="2020-09-14T09:29:04-06:30" itemprop="datePublished">September 14, 2020 </time>
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				<h2 itemprop="name"><a href="" title="Civil Society Organizations in Myanmar Demand Truth And Justice For Three Villagers Who Were Arbitrarily Arrested And Killed">Civil Society Organizations in Myanmar Demand Truth And Justice For Three Villagers Who Were Arbitrarily Arrested And Killed</a></h2>
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					<p>Three villagers living in Muse and Namkham Townships were arrested on May 29, 2020 by the Infantry Division 99 of&hellip;</p>
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					<a href=""><img width="110" height="96" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" title="Statement of the Ta’ang Community Based Organizations on  Serious Human Right Violations by the Burmese Military" />
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						<time datetime="2020-04-08T06:42:58-06:30">April 8, 2020 </time>

						<a href="" title="Statement of the Ta’ang Community Based Organizations on  Serious Human Right Violations by the Burmese Military">
							Statement of the Ta’ang Community Based Organizations on  Serious Human Right Violations by the Burmese Military</a>
					<a href=""><img width="110" height="96" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" title="Statement by Ta’ang Civil Society Organization on the torture and killing of six women prisoners of war by the Burmese Tatmadaw" />
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						<time datetime="2018-07-20T05:44:44-06:30">July 20, 2018 </time>

						<a href="" title="Statement by Ta’ang Civil Society Organization on the torture and killing of six women prisoners of war by the Burmese Tatmadaw">
							Statement by Ta’ang Civil Society Organization on the torture and killing of six women prisoners of war by the Burmese Tatmadaw</a>
					<a href=""><img width="110" height="96" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" title="Human right violations against Ta’ang people in Shan State" />
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						<time datetime="2016-09-28T05:05:35-06:30">September 28, 2016 </time>

						<a href="" title="Human right violations against Ta’ang people in Shan State">
							Human right violations against Ta’ang people in Shan State</a>

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					<time datetime="2020-09-20T05:04:08-06:30" itemprop="datePublished">September 20, 2020 </time>
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						<time datetime="2016-06-01T10:19:00-06:30">June 1, 2016 </time>

						<a href="" title="Trained to Torture">
							Trained to Torture</a>
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						<time datetime="2012-10-19T06:51:21-06:30">October 19, 2012 </time>

						<a href="" title="The Burden of War (Women bear burden of displacement)">
							The Burden of War (Women bear burden of displacement)</a>
					<a href=""><img width="110" height="96" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" title="Voices for Change (Domestic Violence and Gender Discrimination in the Palaung Area)" />
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						<time datetime="2011-11-25T07:10:56-06:30">November 25, 2011 </time>

						<a href="" title="Voices for Change (Domestic Violence and Gender Discrimination in the Palaung Area)">
							Voices for Change (Domestic Violence and Gender Discrimination in the Palaung Area)</a>
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					<time datetime="2020-09-20T05:04:08-06:30" itemprop="datePublished">September 20, 2020 </time>
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						<time datetime="2016-06-01T10:19:00-06:30">June 1, 2016 </time>

						<a href="" title="Trained to Torture">
							Trained to Torture</a>
					<a href=""><img width="110" height="96" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="" title="The Burden of War (Women bear burden of displacement)" />
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						<time datetime="2012-10-19T06:51:21-06:30">October 19, 2012 </time>

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							The Burden of War (Women bear burden of displacement)</a>
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						<time datetime="2011-11-25T07:10:56-06:30">November 25, 2011 </time>

						<a href="" title="Voices for Change (Domestic Violence and Gender Discrimination in the Palaung Area)">
							Voices for Change (Domestic Violence and Gender Discrimination in the Palaung Area)</a>

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								An Explosion occurred near Kinder-garden school and killed a villager</a>
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