March 12, 2021 at 6:16:50 PM UTC
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HTTP Requests

Response Headers
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			  <a href="">
			  Speaking to the press about The Men's Conference that feminists 
			  tried to shut down</a>. </p>
			  International Conference on Men's Issues 2014 </p>
			  <a href="">
			  The whole conference is now on YouTube here.</a></p>
			  <p class="style46">
			  <p class="standardheading">
			  (Videos are below this section)</p>
			  <a href="">
			  Warriors of the White War emerge from their frozen tomb</a></p>
			  <em>Almost 100 years after losing their lives in ferocious First 
			  World War battle, melting ice reveals the bodies of the fallen.</em></p>
			  Ah yes. Those were the days when the women had it worse.</p>
			  ... so much so, apparently, that while tens of thousands of 
			  British men were being killed on the battlefields 
			  <span class="style9"><em>every month</em></span>, the 
			  Suffragettes were disrupting the British war effort by smashing 
			  windows, firebombing homes and engaging in acts of civil 
			  disobedience because, apparently, women were being hard done by 
			  compared to men.</p>
			  And they were also handing out white feathers, signifying 
			  cowardice, to men who were not wearing military uniforms.</p>
			  (Also see AH's <a href="Men-Are-Worthless.htm">Men Are Worthless.)
			  <a href="">
			  UK - Paying for sex should be a crime</a></p>
			  <em>Britain will today take a significant step towards reforming 
			  prostitution laws as the first cross-party report for almost 20 
			  years recommends that only pimps and punters should be jailed or 
			  Wherever men and women are found to be interacting with each 
			  other, feminist-dominated governments will always seek to empower 
			  themselves by criminalising men for their alleged poor behaviours.</p>
			  (This is how government workers have gotten themselves so much 
			  power - and funding - over the past few decades.)</p>
			  And no matter how trivial or non-existent these poor behaviours 
			  might be, governments will push any extreme examples of them into 
			  the public mind, but base all their fear-mongering statistics on 
			  those behaviours that are trivial or non-existent.</p>
			  In the latter case, calling all <span class="style9"><em>
			  allegations</em></span> of rapes actual &quot;rapes&quot; is one example of 
			  Another example would be the claim that calls to domestic violence 
			  units are coming from people in need of protection. Mostly, 
			  however, they are coming from people who are using the state to 
			  aggress against their partners on their behalf; e.g. see
			  <a href="Real-Face-Of-Domestic-Violence.htm">The Real Face Of 
			  Domestic Violence: The Violation Of Winnie</a> - by AH</p>
			  In all cases, the government and its workers benefit from the 
			  deceptions and from the criminalising of men; e.g. see AH's
			  <a href="esWhyGovernmentsLoveFeminism.htm">&nbsp;Why Governments 
			  Love Feminism. </a></p>
			  Notice also, that when it comes to illicit drugs, it is the 
			  sellers, not the buyers, who are on the receiving end of most of 
			  the legal heat.</p>
			  So, why do they want it to be the other way round for 
			  prostitution? </p>
			  Answer: They want to criminalise men, not women. </p>
			  <a href="">
			  Are Domestic Violence Statistics Bogus?</a> - by Wendy McElroy</p>
			  <em>A dominant voice in victim-advocacy and research on domestic 
			  violence stands accused of flatly fabricating data.</em></p>
			  <em>Jacquelyn C. Campbell, a professor in the Johns Hopkins 
			  University School of Nursing, is accused of fabricating “key 
			  statements [about domestic violence] and then representing the 
			  statements as findings of a government survey.” </em></p>
			  <span class="style9"><em>All</em></span> the statistics on 
			  domestic violence and &quot;abuse&quot; etc are fabricated by 
			  feminist-supporting academics - which is most of them.</p>
			  At the very least, they fudge the definitions to such an extent 
			  that &quot;abuse&quot; is just about anything that a man does, and then 
			  their friends in the media, in the justice system and in the 
			  therapy business hoodwink the public into believing that these 
			  very same statistics apply to the very worst of cases.</p>
			  And they lie to the extent that they sound credible.</p>
			  (Also see AH's <a href="esWouldYouSignThisContract.htm">Would You 
			  Sign This Contract?</a>)</p>
			  <a href="">
			  Men receive sentences that are 63 percent higher, on average, than 
			  their female counterparts.</a></p>
			  <em>females arrested for a crime are also significantly more 
			  likely to avoid charges and convictions entirely, and twice as 
			  likely to avoid incarceration if convicted. </em></p>
			  <a href="">
			  Patients who had FAKE surgery for a broken back recovered just as 
			  ... a demonstration of just how easy it is to make the mind feel 
			  that all is well and, hence, actually get better - get better 
			  physically too, in this particular case.</p>
			  Contrast this with the wicked, self-serving machinations of those 
			  working in the abuse industry who, <span class="style9"><em>for 
			  profit</em></span>, purposely harm people very seriously indeed by 
			  convincing them that they are now permanently damaged beings who 
			  will be &quot;ruined for life&quot; following even the most trivial of 
			  inappropriate incidents; e.g. see AH's <a href="reTeaAbuse.htm">
			  Tea Abuse.</a></p>
			  <a href="">
			  Wife cried rape just a month after her wedding</a></p>
			  <p>Another false accuser caught. But, as usual, no jail time.</p>
			  <p><em>Mr Ross added that Gore was suffering from mental health 
			  issues and blamed problems as a child for her difficulties with 
			  <p>Of course, men who rape don't have mental health issues. Only 
			  women have mental health issues when they behave badly.</p>
			  <p>When people break the law, the general rule is this.</p>
			  <p>Men are inherently bad and should go to prison. Women have 
			  mental health issues and need help.</p>
			  <p>Men's badness is a product of their genes; about which nothing 
			  can be done. Women's badness is a 
			  product of their environment; about which plenty can be done.</p>
			  <a href="reSmashmouth.htm">Smashmouth</a> - by Benjamin Aldo</p>
			  <em>When New Yorker Benjamin Aldo swore at his
ex-girlfriend he had no idea he could end up going to jail for ‘aggravated
			  An oldie, and a warning to young men.</p>
			  <a href="">
			  Infants pretend to be distressed to get attention</a></p>
			  Well, what a surprise!</p>
			  Hmm. I wonder which gender employs this devious technique the 
			  Tricky question!</p>
			  (But I think that I know the answer.)</p>
			  Now, I want you to imagine that I changed the title to ...</p>
			  &quot;FEMALE Infants pretend to be distressed to get attention.&quot;</p>
			  I would be misleading you, wouldn't I? - <span class="style9"><em>
			  despite the fact that the statement would be true</em></span>.</p>
			  And this is what politically-motivated academics do all the time. 
			  They expose only the bits of their data that support their agenda. 
			  (In many cases, they just make up the data.)</p>
			  This occurs often in domestic violence 'research' wherein the 
			  academics will only reveal data that show men to be awful. Any 
			  data suggesting that women might also be awful is purposely 
			  hidden, and not talked about.</p>
			  The NSPCC does something similar. It actually hides the data that 
			  show children to be better off when they live with both biological 
			  parents by merging it with the data from non-traditional families.</p>
			  If the people at the NSPCC really cared about children, they would 
			  not do this. In fact, this would surely be one of the last things 
			  that they would do - hide information that shows the best way 
			  for children to be brought up.</p>
			  (Also see AH's <a href="Can-You-Trust-Academic-Research.htm">Can 
			  You Trust Academic Research?</a>)</p>
			  <a href="">
			  Global Warming Worse For Women</a></p>
			  <em>A resolution put forward by Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., and a 
			  dozen other House Democrats claims that global warming could drive 
			  women to prostitution</em>.</p>
			  Well, why don't they do what the men do?</p>
			  Have you noticed that everything that happens is worse for women?</p>
			  Even the deaths of men is worse for women.</p>
			  Remember Hilary Clinton ... &quot;Women are the primary victims of 
			  Yep: That's what she said; e.g. see AH's<a href="esEqualityNotAchievable.htm"> 
			  Equality Between Men and Women Is Not Achievable.</a></p>
			  <a href="">
			  They even keep track of who is having an affair or looking at 
			  pornography, in case they need to damage their target's 
			  reputation.</a> - by Edward Snowden</p>
			  Your Uncle Harry was, of course, right ... as ever ... e.g.
			  <a href="How-To-Target-Journalists-And-Politicians.htm">How To 
			  Target Journalists And Politicians</a>.</p>
			  <a href="">Claims of virgin births in U.S. near 1 percent: study</a> </p>
			  So, one million US women are prone to claiming, falsely, that they 
			  have never had sexual intercourse - even though the evidence would 
			  show irrefutably that they had.</p>
			  Hmm. How many would claim, <span class="style9"><em>falsely</em></span>, 
			  that they did have sexual intercourse, I wonder?</p>
			  And what if this false claim was of 'unwilling' sex? </p>
			  Would these women claim, falsely, that they had been raped?</p>
			  One <span class="style9"><em>million</em></span> of them!</p>
			  So now we can understand better how it is that thousands of women 
			  every year make false allegations of 'abuse' against men.</p>
			  <a href="Ched-Evans-Too-Drunk-To-Remember.htm">On Ched Evans</a> - Too drunk to remember does not mean too drunk to 
			  act rationally - by AH</p>
			  <p><a href="The-Ubiquitous-Quest-For-Power.htm">The Ubiquitous 
			  Quest For Power</a> - Recognising that most of what you see going on around you is, by and 
	  large, a quest for power, is one of the most <strong>enlightening</strong> 
	  		experiences that you will ever have, in my view - by AH</p>
			  <a href="Flooded-By-False-Rape-Allegations.htm">Flooded By False 
			  Rape Allegations </a>- by AH </p>
			  <a href="How-To-Target-Journalists-And-Politicians.htm">How To 
			  Target Journalists And Politicians</a> - as per Snowden's 
			  revelations - by AH</p>
			  <a href="Hiding-The-Ladmags.htm">Hiding The Ladmags</a> - is it 
			  such a bad idea? - by AH</p>
			  <a href="Incredible-Rape-Statistics.htm">Incredible Rape 
			  Statistics</a> - how researchers into the incidence of rape and 
			  sex assault can create almost any numbers that they wish<em> - </em>
			  by AH</p>
			  <p><a href="Can-You-Trust-Academic-Research.htm">Can You Trust 
			  Academic Research? </a>-&nbsp; since the 1970's the feminists and 
			  the Left have dominated, by force, most of academia - by AH</p>
			  <p><a href="Stop-Violence-Against-Men.htm">Stop Violence Against 
			  Men</a> - AH offers reward for best video.</p>
			  <a href="Real-Face-Of-Domestic-Violence.htm">The Real Face Of 
			  Domestic Violence: The Violation Of Winnie</a> - by AH</p>
			  <a href="A-Fraction-Of-A-Percent.htm">A Fraction Of A Percent</a> 
			  - by AH - how an issue which seriously affects a very tiny 
			  fraction of the population gets turned into a never-ending 
			  nightmare that poisons everyone.</p>
			  <p itemprop="name"><a href="Neurotic-Introverts-Unite.htm">
			  Neurotic Introverts Unite</a> - your time is coming</p>
			  <p itemprop="name"><a href="Do-Women-Care.htm">Do Women Care?</a> 
			  - very short piece</p>
			  <a href="How-The-Tabloids-Encourage-Child-Abuse.htm">How The 
			  Tabloids Encourage Child Sex Abuse </a>&nbsp;- and many other 
			  horrible things - by AH </p>

			  <p class="style46">Videos</p>
			  <p>There is not much worth watching on the mainstream TV channels 
			  tonight. So, take a look at some of these videos that I have 
			  enjoyed watching. ...</p>
			  <p>Audio only ...</p>
			  <p><a href="">Who Rules Over Us?&nbsp; Part 1</a> -&nbsp; by AH</p>
			  <p><a href="">Who Rules Over Us?&nbsp; Part 2</a> -&nbsp; by AH</p>
			  <p><a href="">Who Rules 
			  Over Us?&nbsp; Part 3</a> -&nbsp; by AH </p>
			  <p><a href="">Who Rules 
			  Over Us?&nbsp; Part <span class="style39">4</span></a> -&nbsp; by AH </p>
			  <p><a href="">Karen 
			  Straughan (GirlWritesWhat) Presentation at the 2013 NY Libertarian 
			  Convention</a> - debunking numerous feminist myths - 70 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">
			  #IfIWereABoy and #IfIWereAGirl</a> - by DoomRulz - 4 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Women 
			  Against Feminism</a> - by Julie Borowski - 4 min</p>
			  <a href=";v=XqUQz8IMZ5s">
			  Video Game Misogyny: A Brief History of Media Scares</a> - 
			  Cheshire Cat Studios - 15 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Origins 
			  of the He Said/She Said Gap in Sexual Allegations</a> - lecture by 
			  Professor Carol Tavris - really good - 40 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Boko 
			  Haram: Save our boys</a> - by HumanityBites - 5 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Erin 
			  Pizzey on Feminism</a> - - by HumanityBites - 5 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Paul Elam 
			  Interviews female MRA Janet Bloomfield</a> - really good! - 45 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">&quot;Ban 
			  Bossy&quot;- Why 'Feminism' poisons everything</a> - 11 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Damaged 
			  Women March on Washington</a> - humour from The Onion - 3 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Who has 
			  the softer heart?</a> - from famous 60 Minutes TV program - how 
			  feminism has hurt women when it comes to medicine and science - 5 
			  <p>(Also see AH's <a href="Feminism-And-Falling-Birth-Rates.htm">
			  Feminism And Falling Birth Rates.) </a></p>
			  <p><a href="">Allen Ault 
			  Former Commissioner of Corrections Now Opposes Death Penalty</a> - 
			  25 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Re; Gamer 
			  Girl Manifesto</a> - an occasionally unwholesome view of female 
			  video gamers - made me laugh - 10 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">The 
			  gender wage gap is a myth</a> - Professor Cristina Hoff Sommers - 
			  3 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">1980s 
			  False Memory</a> - with John Stossel - on how children can make 
			  the most ludicrous accusations and on how the abuse industry 
			  implants these inside their minds - 18 min</p>
			  <p>Notice also how doctors, lawyers and judges working for the 
			  abuse industry - and the juries - can take it as true that 
			  children can have the most enormous and sharpest of objects 
			  forcibly and repeatedly inserted into their various orifices 
			  without leaving any trace whatsoever.</p>
			  <p>In other words, when it comes to prosecuting men for sexual 
			  inappropriateness, even the laws of Physics and Biology count for 
			  <p>Men, apparently, can abuse women and children in the most 
			  horrendous of manners, but not leave a single trace of their 
			  <p>Thus, not only can men be successfully prosecuted and convicted 
			  without one shred of evidence standing against them, they can also 
			  be convicted of offences which they cannot possibly have 
			  <p><a href="">How 'The 
			  Immoral' Shaped the Nation</a> - Young Turks boss, Cenk Uygur, 
			  interviews Thaddeus Russell - 48 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">True 
			  Gender Equality: Adrien Martinon at TEDxYouth</a> - highlighting 
			  misandry! - 13 min</p>
			  <p>Yo! </p>
			  <p>x 5 !</p>
			  <p><a href="">The End 
			  of Men? or The End of Women?</a> - by Tom Golden - 6 min</p>
			  <p>(Also see AH's <a href="esAreWomenBecomingRedundant.htm">Are 
			  Women Becoming Redundant?) </a></p>
			  <p><a href="">Rich 
			  people don't create jobs</a> - 5 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">What 
			  Facebook And Google Are Hiding From The World</a> - 12 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Paul 
			  Bloom: the origins of pleasure</a> - 16 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Syria: 
			  Al-Qaeda's New Home</a> - worrying - 22 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Brainwash 1:7 - The Gender 
			  Equality Paradox</a> - by Harald Ela -&nbsp; well worth watching - 
			  exposes some of the nonsense espoused by politically-corrected 
			  'academics' - 40 min</p>
			  <p>Notice also how utterly clueless are the politically-corrected&nbsp; 
			  'sociologists', not only about science but about evidence.</p>
			  <p>(Also see AH's <a href="Can-You-Trust-Academic-Research.htm">
			  Can You Trust Academic Research?) </a></p>
			  <p><a href="">Brainwash 2:7 - The 
			  Parental Effect</a> - by Harald Ela - 40 min</p>
			  <p>(Other videos in the series are
			  <a href="">here</a> - but I 
			  have not seen them yet.)</p>
			  <p><a href="">Malcolm 
			  Gladwell: Choice, happiness and spaghetti sauce</a> - What is the 
			  best spaghetti sauce?<em> - </em>16 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Good 
			  Reasons for &quot;Believing&quot; in God - Dan Dennett, AAI 2007</a> -&nbsp; 
			  highly relevant for those who see ideologies such as feminism as 
			  being akin to religions - 80 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Man 
			  uses hidden crotch cam to catch women staring at and photographing 
			  his giant bulge while he pretends to nap on subway</a> - humour - 
			  6 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Devil 
			  Baby Attack</a> - humour - 2 min</p>
			  <a href="">Legalize 
			  Prostitution to Fight Sex Trafficking? Sex Workers Say &quot;Yes&quot;</a> - 
			  8 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Equality: 
			  A Step Down for Women?</a> - 6 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">On white 
			  sprinters and female CEOs</a> - by Humanity Bites</p>
			  <p><em>Should we insist that there are equal numbers of blacks and 
			  whites in the finals of sporting events?</em></p>
			  <p><a href="">Camille 
			  Paglia Talks Gender Politics with Dennis Prager</a> - 23 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Agenda: Grinding America 
			  Down</a> - on Cultural Marxism and Communism - a bit too 
			  right-wing and religious for me - but denounces feminism; so, not 
			  all bad! - 90 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Sam Harris 
			  - The End of Faith</a> - a truly golden oldie - 80 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Sam Harris 
			  - The Happiness Experiment</a> - 9 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">
			  Extreme Bike Tricks</a> - 6 min</p>
			  <a href="">
			  Michelle Alexander: Locked Out of America</a> - interviewed by 
			  Bill Moyers - on how the people in the underclass (men mostly) are 
			  treated abysmally by a corrupt legal system and how their lives 
			  are completely messed up by it - 35 min</p>
			  <a href="">Do Muslim Women Need Saving</a> - Lila Abu-Lughod - 2 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Does 
			  Anti-feminism Help or Hurt the Men's Movement?</a> - Paul Elam, 
			  Greg Anderson, Dean Esmay, Glen Poole, Sage Gerard - 90 min - All MRAs should watch this.</p>
			  <p><a href="">How the 
			  Media Failed Women in 2013</a> - yawn - 4 min</p>
			  <a href="">
			  European Commission Committee on Civil Liberties interviewing 
			  Glenn Greenwald</a> - first 60 min of video - must see! (slow 
			  loading, but OK once started)</p>
			  <p>The UK is the worst, apparently, when it comes to invading 
			  <p><a href="">The 
			  Amazing Machine</a> - 90 sec</p>
			  <p><a href="">Harvey 
			  Silverglate on the shameful blocking of free speech in American 
			  universities</a> - 12 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Morality 
			  and the Christian God</a> - Sam Harris - 8 min</p>
			  <a href="">
			  The Agenda with Steve Paikin: Singing the Masculinity Blues</a> - 
			  serious discussion - 55 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">InSight: 
			  The Men's Rights Movement</a> - 8 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">The 
			  Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality</a> - Chris Ryan - 25 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Richard 
			  Dawkins on Post Modernism Invading Science</a> - mocking feminism 
			  - 4 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Richard 
			  Dawkins</a> - relaxed interview about religion - 60 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Ricky 
			  Gervais Live 3 Fame 2007</a> - 75 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Steven 
			  Pinker: Human nature in 2013</a> - 20 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Interview 
			  with Glenn Greenwald on Democracy Now </a>- 25 min - really good!</p>
			  <a href=";v=7N1Osn64gL8">
			  Newspaper Censorship in America</a> - 3 min</p>
			  <a href="">
			  Lawrence Lessig: We the People</a> - 18 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Dr. Helen 
			  Smith - Men On Strike</a> - 16 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Pankhurst 
			  - The White Feather Betrayal of History</a> - 8 min - also see my 
			  piece <a href="Men-Are-Worthless.htm">Men Are Worthless</a></p>
			  <p><a href="">What is a 
			  Man Worth?</a> - golden oldie by ManWomanMyth - 5 min - also see 
			  my piece <a href="esWhataPieceofShtisMan.htm">What A Piece Of Sht 
			  Is Man</a></p>
			  <p><a href="">14 year 
			  old stands up for his rights. Cops say he is free to go with his 
			  dad,</a> - emotional manipulation caught on camera - 75 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">The Other 
			  Man is You</a> - by ManWomanMyth - 6 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Marcus 
			  Chown on 10 Bonkers Things About the Universe</a> - 50 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Marijuana 
			  Now Legal in Washington State</a> - news item - 5 min</p>
			  <p>+ <a href="">Cops Say 
			  Legal Marijuana Makes Communities Safer</a> - 5 min</p>
			  <p>+ <a href="">Superior 
			  Court Judge James P. Gray</a> - 6 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">
			  Dismantling America</a> - Thomas Sowell interviewed by Jim 
			  Glassman - 25 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Forensic 
			  Psychology: The Real World of CSI</a> - lecture - an insight into the type 
			  of people who seem to know just about everything - for money - 
			  psychology is a business - always remember that - a few cases 
			  here, a few cases there, and you're an expert! - 80 min</p>
			   <p class="textcentre">	  
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			  <p><a href="">IPCC's Ben 
			  Santer admits ...</a> - on how you can be deceived by people in 
			  the media using various technological techniques to misrepresent 
			  what other people have said - 17 min </p>
			  <p>Thomas Sowell - The Ethnic Flaw 1984 -
			  <a href="">Part 1</a> -
			  <a href="">Part 2</a> - 
			  15 min each</p>
			  <p>+ <a href="">Thomas 
			  Sowell On Government Statistics</a> - quite funny - 8 min</p>
			  <p>+ <a href="">Thomas 
			  Sowell On The Gender Pay Gap</a> (circa 1982) - 5 min</p>
			  <p>+ <a href="">Walter 
			  Williams And Thomas Sowell On 'Progressives' and 'Liberals'</a> - 
			  8 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">George 
			  Gilder interviewed</a> - the benefits of capitalism - 40 min</p>
			  <p>John Stossel -<a href=""><span class="style39">&gt;</span> Illegal Everything</a> - 
			  <a href="">The Money 
			  Hole</a> - <a href="">Top 10 
			  Politicians' Promises Gone Wrong</a>  
			  - the general argument throughout being that western governments 
			  are nowadays too big and too self-serving - about 45 min each </p>
			  <p><a href="">The End of 
			  the World as We Know It</a> - say goodbye to your country - with 
			  Mark Steyn - 40 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Lucky 
			  People</a> - usual mishaps and mayhem - 14 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Glenn 
			  Reynolds Talks To Jonah Goldberg on the Left's War on Words</a> - 
			  25 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Men</a> - 
			  by ManWomanMyth - 10 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">
			  Confessions of an American marine</a> - 10 min</p>
			  <a href="'s-rights-speech-stifled-only-on-a-canadian-campus/2017271843001">
			  Men's Rights Speech Stifled</a> - 10 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Protest 
			  Against Warren Farrell at the University of Toronto</a> - Warren 
			  Farrell is a gentle, fair-minded, leading author on men's issues - 
			  (IMHO, MRAs should make their own copies of this video) - 5 min </p>
			  <p>+ <a href="">Warren 
			  Farrell's response</a> - 30 min</p>
			  <p>&nbsp;<a href="">&quot;Ancient 
			  Aliens&quot; Debunked</a> - a thorough debunking of the entire series - 
			  190 min</p>
			  <p><span class="style33">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
			  <p>Eurovision 2012 Song Contest - three performances that still 
			  make my spine tingle - about 4 min each - big screen and plenty of 
			  volume required for full tingling effect -
			  <a href="">Sweden </a>(I 
			  want to marry and dominate her) -
			  <a href="">Macedonia</a> 
			  (I want her to marry and dominate me.) -
			  <a href="">Albania</a> (Er, 
			  no thanks. But, give it a chance and listen to her amazing voice 
			  as it grows louder and louder. And then imagine her getting angry, 
			  and shouting at you. You'll have the heebie-jeebies for at least a 
			  <p>Piers Morgan -
			  looking at the very rich <a href="">
			  in Monaco</a> - 45 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">The Myth 
			  of Being Happy</a> - talk by Richard Schoch - 50 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">
			  Four-Year-Old Boy Plays The Piano</a> - 4 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">The Crisis 
			  of Civilization</a> - endless growth is not sustainable - Dr 
			  Nafeez Mosadeqq Ahmed - 75 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">
			  Cosmic Voyages through Computer Simulation</a> -&nbsp; the 
			  formation of cosmic structure - lecture by Dr Mike Norman - 55 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Misandry - 
			  Men are Disposable</a> - 10 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">
			  Mysteries of the Dark Universe</a> - 2009 Buhl Lecture - 60 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Mark 
			  Steyn's Australian Freedom of Speech Tour 2012</a> - 35 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">The 
			  Luckiest People compilation part 4</a> - amusing mishaps and 
			  strokes of luck - 8 min</p>
			  <p><span class="style34">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
			  <p><a href="">Misandry 
			  in Health</a> - the disparity in health spending and health 
			  promotion between men and women - 25 min </p>
			  <p><a href="">The Untold 
			  Story of Psychotropic Drugging</a> - prescribing psychiatric 
			  medicines for profit - 95 min</p>
			  <p>+ <a href="">
			  Psychiatry's Deadliest Scam</a> - the manufacturing of mental 
			  disorder for profit - 80 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">This Is 
			  Your Brain</a> - Yale lecture -&nbsp; good introduction to the 
			  brain/mind issue - 60 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Fighting 
			  in the Fifth Dimension</a> - Cyber wars between nations - 45 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Indian 
			  Democracy, Chinese Autocracy</a> - an insight into two future 
			  superpowers - which one will be king? - 50 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Empire : 
			  The new arms race</a> - Why are so many countries increasing their 
			  weaponry? - 45 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Feminism 
			  and the Disposable Male</a> - 20 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Heretical 
			  Thoughts About Science and Society</a> - Freeman Dyson - famous 
			  physicist - with some interesting revelations about how important 
			  climate-change factors are being ignored by climate scientists; 
			  who are, therefore, misleading the public over matters to do with 
			  climate change - 60 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Beauty and 
			  Elegance in Physics</a> - lecture by world-famous physicist, 
			  Murray Gell-Mann - 60 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Printing a 
			  bicycle with a 3D printer</a> - 10 min</p>
			  <p>+ <a href="">The 3D 
			  Printing Revolution</a> - 6 min</p>
			  <p>+ <a href="">Printing 
			  a Simple Spanner</a> - 4 min</p>
			  <p><span class="style33">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
			  <p><a href="">Why Are 
			  People Different?</a> - lecture on personality and intelligence by Yale professor - 65 min</p>
			  <p>+ <a href="">
			  Rorschach Ink Blot Test</a> - as the professor said; It is a 
			  completely bogus test of perception still used by a majority of 
			  American clinical psychologists to determine, for example, whether 
			  or not fathers are fit to be with their own children - 3 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Is Alcohol 
			  Worse Than Ecstasy?</a> - 50 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Islam: A 
			  Religion Of Peace?</a> - Perhaps not , according to some religious 
			  scholars. Do not be put off by the dramatic first few minutes. The 
			  video consists mostly of straightforward academic talk. - 95 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Review Of 
			  Microsoft Surface Windows 8 RT Tablet&nbsp; </a>- 35 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Dave 
			  Chappell</a>e - stand-up comedy - includes bad language - 30 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Are We 
			  Alone?</a> - Combining the latest telescope images with dazzling 
			  CGI, &quot;Finding Life Beyond Earth&quot; looks at the sights and sounds of 
			  alien worlds in our own Solar System - 105 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Douglas 
			  Adams: Parrots the Universe and Everything</a> - author of The 
			  Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy gives a light-hearted talk about 
			  the apparently absurd lifestyles of the world's creatures, and 
			  gleans from them some unusual insights about the future of 
			  humanity - 90 min</p>
			  <p><span class="style32">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
			  <p><a href="">Rise of 
			  the Machines</a> - the expanding market for airborne drones - 30 
			  <p><a href="">The God 
			  Debate: Hitchens vs. D'Souza</a> - 90 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">A Universe 
			  From Nothing by Lawrence Krauss</a> - 60 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">'The 
			  Evolution of Confusion' by Dan Dennett</a> - purposely-confusing 
			  theology and how it's used - 60 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Why 
			  Evolution Is True by Jerry Coyne</a> - 60 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">
			  Christopher Hitchens: Why Women Still Aren't Funny</a> - 5 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Hillary 
			  Clinton Playing The Gender Card, Christopher Hitchens and Andrew 
			  Sullivan</a> - 2 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">The 
			  Purpose of Purpose - Richard Dawkins</a> - 55 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">'The New 
			  Atheism' by Richard Dawkins</a> - 57 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Who Says 
			  Science has Nothing to Say About Morality</a>? Sam Harris and 
			  Richard Dawkins - 75 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Sam Harris 
			  - Death and the Present Moment</a> - 60 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Sam Harris 
			  on &quot;Free Will&quot;</a> - 75 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">The God 
			  Debate: Sam Harris vs. William Craig</a> - 130 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">
			  Christopher Hitchens vs Rabbi Harold Kushner re: 
			  Circumcision</a> - 8 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Texas 
			  Monthly Talks with Christopher Hitchens</a> - 27 min</p>
			  <p><span class="style31">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
			  <p><a href="">The Man 
			  Song</a> - 2 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">The Woman 
			  Song</a> - 2 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Is There An Afterlife?</a> Christopher 
			  Hitchens, Sam Harris, Rabbi David Wolpe, Rabbi Bradley, Artson 
			  Shavit debate the idea of an afterlife.- 100 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Comedian 
			  Bill Burr - Let It Go</a> - 65 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">David 
			  Chalmers Interviewed on Singularity 1 on 1</a> - 65 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Change 
			  Your Mind</a>&nbsp; Matthieu Ricard - If happiness is an inner 
			  state, influenced by external conditions but not dependent on 
			  them, how can we achieve it? - 60 min </p>
			  <p><a href="">The 
			  Obedient Wives Club - Malaysia</a> - The women fighting to honour 
			  and obey their men - 15 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Brian 
			  Greene and Amir Aczel</a> - The Hidden Reality - the multiverse - 
			  talk - 70 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">&quot;The World 
			  in 2030&quot; lecture by Dr. Michio Kaku</a> - 65 min</p>
			  <p><a href="">Marijuana 
			  Documentary</a> - Exposing The Myths - 100 min</p>
			  <a href="">Does God Exist?</a> A debate between Sam Harris and Rabbi David 
			  Wolpe - 105 min</p>
			  <a href="">Peter 
			  Diamandis - The best way to predict the future</a> - the world's 
			  largest problems (food, energy etc) represent great business 
			  opportunities - and so within the world of business lie the most 
			  effective solutions - 105 min</p>
			  <a href="">Which Way 
			  Next?</a> - with guest Peter Diamandis - 55 min</p>
			  <a href="">Out of the 
			  Blue</a> - on UFOs - 110 min</p>
			  <a href="">Fall of the 
			  Republic</a> - on the New World Order - 145 min</p>
			  <a href="">Attack of the 
			  Drones</a> - the increasing use of airborne drones - 30 min</p>
	  		  <a href="">The Dickhead Song</a> - LOL! 
			  - 5 min</p>
			  <p class="textcentre">
	  		  <a href="">More Videos on HarrysNews</a></p>
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Cloudflare, Inc.
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ooniprobe-desktop (3.2.3)
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ooniprobe-engine (3.5.2)

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