Runtime: 5.6s
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On October 26, 2021 at 5:14:26 PM UTC, was accessible when tested on AS138168 in Myanmar (Burma).


HTTP Experiment
DNS Experiment

DNS Queries

Answer IP Info
AS6130 (American Internet Services, LLC.)

TCP Connections succeeded

HTTP Requests

Response Headers
frame-ancestors 'self'; upgrade-insecure-requests
text/html; charset=utf-8
Tue, 26 Oct 2021 17:14:34 GMT
Response Body
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    bizx.cmp.ifConsent('', ['all','google-ads'], function(){

<!-- prep GPT ads -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
(function() {
	function page_type (loc) {
		only four page types:
		- Story
		- Poll
		- Homepage (/ only)
		- Other (but AdOps wants 'Homepage' again)
		var path = loc.pathname;
		var just_the_root = /^\/?$/.test(path);
		var story_or_poll = /^\/(story(?=\/)|submission(?=\/)|poll(?=\/|Booth|s\b))/i.exec(path);

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		return page_type;

	function page_section(loc) {
		//var greek = ['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma', 'delta'].join('|');
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		var pathwise = '^/(?:(recent|popular|blog)|stories/([^/]+))';
		var rootwise = '^\/?$';

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		var rootwisely = new RegExp(rootwise, 'i').exec(loc.pathname);

		var section = (rootwisely && 'homepage')
			|| (pathwisely && (pathwisely[1] || pathwisely[2]))
			|| ''

		return section.replace(/[^_a-z]/ig, '');

	function single_size(size) {
		return '' + size[0] + 'x' + size[1];

	function sz_sz(sz) {
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		var sizes = [];
		if (sz[0] instanceof Array) {
			for (size in sz) {
			return sizes.join(',');
		} else {
			return single_size(sz);

	function unique_tpc_array(array1, array2) {
		var j = array1.concat(array2);
		j.forEach(function (v, i, a) {
			a[i] = v.replace(/[^_a-z]/ig, '');
		return j.filter(function (v, i, a) {
			return v != '' && a.indexOf(v) === i;

		- 'sz' = "size"
		- 'npt' = "no page type" in ad unit name
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		'Pulse_300x600_A': {'sz': [300, 600]},
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		'1x1': {'sz': [1, 1]}

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	var tag_name_pagetype = page_type(location);
	var tag_topic = page_section(location);
	if (tag_name_pagetype == 'poll') {
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	var before_tag_pagetyped = network_path
		+ tag_name_prefix
		+ tag_name_linkage
		+ tag_name_pagetype
		+ tag_name_linkage
	var before_tag_pagetypeless = network_path
		+ tag_name_prefix
		+ tag_name_linkage
		/* + tag_name_pagetype */
		/* + tag_name_linkage */

		//can be safely called
		googletag.cmd.push(function () {

			function remove_sticky_top() {
				setTimeout(function () {
				}, 1000);

			function remove_sticky_railad() {
				setTimeout(function () {
					$('#slashboxes .adwrap-unviewed').addClass('adwrap-viewed-railad');
				}, 1000);

			function viewable_imp(slot) {
				for (var i in slot) {
					if (typeof slot[i] !== 'string') continue;
					switch (slot[i]) {
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						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_story_728x90_A":
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_Poll_728x90_A":
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						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_story_728x90_Ref_A":
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_Poll_728x90_Ref_A":
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						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_story_300x250_A":
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_Poll_300x250_A":
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_homepage_300x250_Ref_A":
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_story_300x250_Ref_A":
						//case "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_Poll_300x250_Ref_A":
					//if(slot[i] === "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_homepage_728x90_A") remove_sticky_top();
					//if(slot[i] === "/41014381/Slashdot/SD_homepage_300x250_A") remove_sticky_railad();

			function define_me_a_slot(tag) {
				if (tags[tag].skip && tags[tag].skip[tag_name_pagetype])
				var sandbox_regex = /\.xb\.sf\.net$/i;
				var full_name = tags[tag].npt  // "no page type"
					? before_tag_pagetypeless + tag
					: before_tag_pagetyped + tag
				var div_id = 'div-gpt-ad-' + tag.toLowerCase();
				// extend jQuery and get URL query params
					getQueryParameters: function (str) {
						return (str ||^\?)/, '').split("&").map(function (n) {
							return n = n.split("="), this[n[0]] = n[1], this

				var queryParams = $.getQueryParameters();

				if (queryParams.source === 'autorefresh') {
					full_name = full_name.replace(/(\d+x\d+)/, '$1_Ref');
					//console.log('TAG NAME: ', full_name);

				var slot = googletag.defineSlot(

				service = slot.addService(googletag.pubads());

				window.SD.Ads.slotsById[div_id] = slot;
				window.SD.Ads.idsByPath[full_name] = div_id;

				service.setTargeting('sz', tags[tag].sz);

				var frontend_tpc = tag_topic.split(",");
				var backend_tpc = [  ];

				var tpc_final = unique_tpc_array(frontend_tpc, backend_tpc);
				service.setTargeting('tpc', tpc_final);
				if (location.hostname.match(sandbox_regex)) {
					service.setTargeting('test', 'adops');


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			define_me_a_slot(tag, false);

			googletag.pubads().addEventListener('slotVisibilityChanged', window.SD.Ads.visibilityChangedTracker);

		googletag.pubads().addEventListener('impressionViewable', function(event) {

                googletag.pubads().setTargeting('requestSource', 'GPT');

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/* Ad-Refresh code */
window.SD.Ads.visibilityChangedTracker = function(event) {
	var id = event.slot.getSlotElementId();
	if (!window.SD.Ads.visibleTime.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
		window.SD.Ads.visibleTime[id] = {
			visible: false,
			prevVisibleTotal: 0,
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			reloadCount: 0
	var timeinfo = window.SD.Ads.visibleTime[id];
	if (event.inViewPercentage >= 50 && !document.hidden) {
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	} else {
		if (timeinfo.visible) {
			timeinfo.prevVisibleTotal += - timeinfo.visible;
			timeinfo.visible = false;

window.SD.Ads.setupAdRefresh = function() {
	document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', function () {
		for (var id in window.SD.Ads.visibleTime) {
			if (window.SD.Ads.visibleTime.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
				var timeinfo = window.SD.Ads.visibleTime[id];
				if (document.hidden) {
					timeinfo.wasVisibleBeforePageBgd = !!timeinfo.visible;
					if (timeinfo.visible) {
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						timeinfo.visible = false;
				} else if (!document.hidden && timeinfo.wasVisibleBeforePageBgd) {
					timeinfo.visible =;
	}, false);

	// after 30 sec, start checking every second for reload
	var LIMIT_MS = 30000;
	setTimeout(function () {
		setInterval(function () {
			if (document.hidden) {
			for (var id in window.SD.Ads.visibleTime) {
				if (window.SD.Ads.visibleTime.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
					var timeinfo = window.SD.Ads.visibleTime[id];
					if (timeinfo.visible &&
						timeinfo.prevVisibleTotal + ( - timeinfo.visible) >= LIMIT_MS &&
						timeinfo.reloadCount < 50
					) {
						timeinfo.visible = false;
						timeinfo.prevVisibleTotal = 0;
		}, 1000);
	}, LIMIT_MS);

window.SD.Ads.Helpers.refreshBids = function (reloadIds) {
		console.log('AD REFRESH: refreshBids', reloadIds);
		pbjs.que.push(function () {
			for (var i = reloadIds.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
				var id = reloadIds[i];
				// clear out winner status from earlier auctions
				if (bizxPrebid.Ads.prebidWinners[id]) {
					delete bizxPrebid.Ads.prebidWinners[id];
				// if has complement (hubicon), remove it since they are just house ads and can cause funky layouts if this leaderboard is refreshed to a different size
				var path = window.SD.Ads.slotsById[id].getAdUnitPath();
				/*var complement = gptadComplements[path];
				if (complement) {
					var complement_shortname = complement[0];
					var complement_path = "/41014381/SD/" + complement_shortname;
					var slot = window.SD.Ads.slotsById[window.SD.Ads.idsByPath[complement_path]];
					if (slot) {
						var $wrappedAd = $(window.SD.Ads.Helpers.getContainerIDFromPath(complement_path));
						delete gptadComplements[path];


				timeout: window.bizxPrebid.PREBID_TIMEOUT,
				adUnitCodes: reloadIds,
				bidsBackHandler: function () {
					var reloadSlots = { return window.SD.Ads.slotsById[id]; });

					// clear out previous sizing attrs, as they may change after refresh
					for (var i = 0; i < reloadSlots.length; i++) {
						var $wrappedAd = $(window.SD.Ads.Helpers.getContainerIDFromPath(reloadSlots[i].getAdUnitPath()));
						var classes = $wrappedAd.attr('class').split(' ');
						for (var j = 0; j < classes.length; j++) {
							if (classes[j].indexOf('sz_') >= 0) {

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		<span id="title-154224637" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Facebook Says It's Refocusing Company on 'Serving Young Adults'</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-154224637" datetime="on Tuesday October 26, 2021 @12:49PM">on Tuesday October 26, 2021 @12:49PM</time>
			 from the <span class="dept-text">how-about-that</span> dept.

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				Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says he's redirected teams within his company to "<a href="">make serving young adults their north star</a>." The comment, made on a call with investors this afternoon, speaks to Facebooks' concerns about declining usage among teens and young adults. From a report:<i> "So much of our services have gotten dialed to be the best for the most people who use them, rather than specifically for young adults," Zuckerberg said. He suggested the change will be more than just lip service. Facebook usage among older users will grow slower than it otherwise would have because of the changes, Zuckerberg said. Even with those tradeoffs, he said, "I think it's the right approach." Zuckerberg expects the changes to take years. One of the more immediate shifts could be to Instagram, which he says will see "significant changes" to lean further into video and make Reels "a more central part of the experience."</i><br>



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		<span id="title-154223247" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Biden Appoints Jessica Rosenworcel To Officially Lead the FCC</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-154223247" datetime="on Tuesday October 26, 2021 @12:05PM">on Tuesday October 26, 2021 @12:05PM</time>
			 from the <span class="dept-text">moving-forward</span> dept.

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				President Joe Biden named acting Federal Communications Commissioner Chair Jessica Rosenworcel to <a href="">officially head the agency</a> on Tuesday, propping her up as the administration's leader to tackle broadband expansion and net neutrality. Biden also nominated progressive advocate Gigi Sohn as the third Democrat for the bench. From a report:<i> The decision comes late into Biden's term, beating out both former presidents Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon who nominated their FCC chairs well into September of their first years. If confirmed by the Senate before December, the FCC's 2-2 deadlock would end and provide Democrats with a majority to push forward Biden's telecom agenda. But it's unclear if senators plan to move on Rosenworcel and Sohn's confirmations before the end of the year. Without a majority, current Democratic commissioners Rosenworcel and Geoffrey Starks have their hands tied when it comes to implementing Biden's agenda. In July, Biden signed an executive order urging the FCC to restore Obama-era net neutrality rules and to take up other measures to promote broadband competition, including requiring companies to provide transparency into pricing.</i><br>



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		<span id="title-154222479" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Amazon Joins Race for Quantum Computer With New Caltech Center</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-154222479" datetime="on Tuesday October 26, 2021 @11:31AM">on Tuesday October 26, 2021 @11:31AM</time>
			 from the <span class="dept-text">how-about-that</span> dept.

<div class="body" id="fhbody-154222479">

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				Amazon is officially <a href="">entering the race to develop a quantum computer</a>, joining U.S. and Chinese rivals in the quest to harness the properties of nature's tiniest particles into computing power far surpassing existing machines. From a report:<i> Amazon will base its quantum team at a new center on the campus of Caltech in Pasadena, Calif., which officially opens this week. Caltech described it as the first "corporate-partnership building" on the university's campus, showing "Caltech's interests in bringing fundamental science to the marketplace." The investment reflects growing corporate interest in quantum computers, which are still at an early stage of development but could someday crack problems that existing computers can't, such as identifying new materials to capture and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, or new chemical compounds to treat intractable diseases. In the defense sphere, some scientists believe quantum computers might someday be able to break existing forms of encryption, making them a hot development priority for the United States, China and other nations.</i><br>



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		<span id="title-154221371" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Amazon is Building a Clubhouse Competitor That Turns Hosts Into DJs</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-154221371" datetime="on Tuesday October 26, 2021 @10:55AM">on Tuesday October 26, 2021 @10:55AM</time>
			 from the <span class="dept-text">closer-look</span> dept.

<div class="body" id="fhbody-154221371">

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				Amazon is next on the list of companies getting into the live audio game. The company is building a new app, codenamed "Project Mic," that gives <a href="">anyone the ability to make and distribute a live radio show, complete with music</a>, according to a presentation viewed by The Verge. From a report:<i> This project's big goal is to democratize and reinvent the radio. The app will be focused on the US initially. Listeners will be able to tune in through the app, as well as through Audible, Amazon Music, Twitch, and Alexa-equipped devices. With the Alexa devices, listeners will be able to interact with shows using just their voice. The app experience will also be optimized for the car, playing into Amazon's idea of trying to reinvent radio. A mockup app image viewed by The Verge depicts a screen listing shows that are currently live; trending topics, like #NBA or #hot100; and featured creators. Users will also be able to search for content by topic, name, or music.</i><br>



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		<span id="title-154219707" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">AnandTech Reviews Apple's M1 Pro and M1 Max Chips</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-154219707" datetime="on Tuesday October 26, 2021 @10:06AM">on Tuesday October 26, 2021 @10:06AM</time>
			 from the <span class="dept-text">closer-look</span> dept.

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				AnandTech reviews the recently <a href="">unveiled M1 Pro and M1 Max chips</a> :<i> The M1 Pro and M1 Max change the narrative completely -- these designs feel like truly SoCs that have been made with power users in mind, with Apple increasing the performance metrics in all vectors. We expected large performance jumps, but we didn't expect the some of the monstrous increases that the new chips are able to achieve. On the CPU side, doubling up on the performance cores is an evident way to increase performance -- the competition also does so with some of their designs. How Apple does it differently, is that it not only scaled the CPU cores, but everything surrounding them. It's not just 4 additional performance cores, it's a whole new performance cluster with its own L2. On the memory side, Apple has scaled its memory subsystem to never before seen dimensions, and this allows the M1 Pro &amp; Max to achieve performance figures that simply weren't even considered possible in a laptop chip. The chips here aren't only able to outclass any competitor laptop design, but also competes against the best desktop systems out there, you'd have to bring out server-class hardware to get ahead of the M1 Max -- it's just generally absurd.<br> <br>

On the GPU side of things, Apple's gains are also straightforward. The M1 Pro is essentially 2x the M1, and the M1 Max is 4x the M1 in terms of performance. Games are still in a very weird place for macOS and the ecosystem, maybe it's a chicken-and-egg situation, maybe gaming is still something of a niche that will take a long time to see make use of the performance the new chips are able to provide in terms of GPU. What's clearer, is that the new GPU does allow immense leaps in performance for content creation and productivity workloads which rely on GPU acceleration. To further improve content creation, the new media engine is a key feature of the chip. Particularly video editors working with ProRes or ProRes RAW, will see a many-fold improvement in their workflow as the new chips can handle the formats like a breeze -- this along is likely going to have many users of that professional background quickly adopt the new MacBook Pro's. For others, it seems that Apple knows the typical MacBook Pro power users, and has designed the silicon around the use-cases in which Macs do shine. The combination of raw performance, unique acceleration, as well as sheer power efficiency, is something that you just cannot find in any other platform right now, likely making the new MacBook Pro's not just the best laptops, but outright the very best devices for the task.</i> It's a comprehensive review, and Intel should be panicking.<br>



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		<span id="title-154191177" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Amazon Brings Alexa To Hospitals and Senior Living Centers</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-154191177" datetime="on Tuesday October 26, 2021 @09:00AM">on Tuesday October 26, 2021 @09:00AM</time>
			 from the <span class="dept-text">digital-assistants</span> dept.

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				An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: <i>After already targeting verticals like hotels and apartment complexes, Amazon <a href="">announced</a> today it's now <a href="">rolling out new solutions for healthcare providers and senior living centers</a>. The solutions, which are a part of Alexa Smart Properties, are designed specifically to meet the needs of deploying Alexa devices at scale and will allow the facility's administrators to create customized experiences for their residents or patients. In senior living centers, the residents would be able to use Alexa devices to call their family members and other loved ones, as well as keep up with the goings-on at their community and other community news. The devices could also be used to make announcements, allow the residents to communicate with each other through direct audio messages and make voice and video calls, and they can streamline other center activities -- like check-ins, maintenance requests and various administrative tasks. Amazon believes this could help make facilities more efficient and productive. Amazon says senior living communities include Atria and Eskaton will integrate with its new solution.
<br> <br>
With Amazon's new solution for hospitals, patients will be able to use Alexa to communicate with care staff, control the devices in their room, and stay entertained with news and music. Healthcare providers can also communicate with their patients using Alexa features like calling and Drop-In, without having to enter the patient rooms. This could also help hospitals be more productive and conserve their medical supplies and protective equipment like gloves, masks and gowns, notes Amazon. (PPE shortages had been an ongoing issue in some locations as COVID spiked during the pandemic.) Though Amazon has struggled with privacy issues related to its use of voice recordings and transcriptions, the healthcare and senior living center solutions will not save the voice recordings and don't require users to share personal info with Alexa to use the device, the company explains. Users can also mute the Echo's microphone at any time with the button on top. Amazon also claims it safeguards protected health information received through HIPAA-eligible Alexa skill interactions. Both of the new Alexa Smart Properties solutions will roll out in the U.S. starting next month, Amazon says.</i><br>



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		<span id="title-154191025" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">China To Cut Fossil Fuel Use To Below 20% By 2060</a></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-154191025" datetime="on Tuesday October 26, 2021 @06:00AM">on Tuesday October 26, 2021 @06:00AM</time>
			 from the <span class="dept-text">what-to-expect</span> dept.

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				China is targeting a clean energy goal of <a href="">reducing fossil fuel use to below 20% by 2060</a>, according to an official plan published by state media. The Guardian reports: <i> The cabinet document, released on Sunday, follows a pledge by President Xi Jinping to wean the world's biggest polluter off coal, with a target of peaking carbon emissions by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality 30 years later. But the country has been criticized for pushing ahead with opening dozens of new coal-fired power plants. Authorities have also been wanting to ramp up production, with coal prices surging and supplies running low, both factors behind recent power outages. The guidelines come as countries gear up for a new round of climate talks in Glasgow starting on 31 October, from which Xi will be conspicuously absent. China faces a struggle to wean itself off coal, which fuels nearly 60% of its energy-hungry economy.
<br> <br>
But on Sunday guidelines published by China's official Xinhua news agency laid out a host of targets in its path towards carbon neutrality. Among them was the proportion of non-fossil fuel consumption reaching about 25% of total energy use by 2030 -- when the nation targets peak emissions. By then, carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP would have dropped by more than 65% from 2005 levels, while the total installed capacity of wind and solar power is targeted to reach more than 1,200 gigawatts, Xinhua said. The guidelines also reiterated an earlier aim for carbon emissions per unit of GDP to fall 18% in 2025, from 2020 standards. </i>



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		<span id="title-154190869" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Facebook Is Spending At Least $10 Billion This Year On Its Metaverse Division</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-154190869" datetime="on Tuesday October 26, 2021 @03:00AM">on Tuesday October 26, 2021 @03:00AM</time>
			 from the <span class="dept-text">considerable-sums-of-money</span> dept.

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				Last week, Facebook <a href="">announced</a> plans to hire 10,000 workers in the European Union to help build "the metaverse," a futuristic notion for connecting online that uses augmented and virtual reality. We now know how much the company plans to spend on this venture, as revealed in the company's <a href="">third-quarter earnings release</a>. According to The Verge, "Facebook <a href="">plans to spend at least $10 billion this year on Facebook Reality Labs</a>, its metaverse division tasked with creating AR and VR hardware, software, and content." From the report: <i> "We are committed to bringing this long-term vision to life and we expect to increase our investments for the next several years," the company writes in its third-quarter earnings release this afternoon. Facebook sees AR and VR as being core to "the next generation of online social experiences." The division, which already makes the Oculus Quest headset and Portal lineup of calling devices, is clearly being positioned as the next big thing inside of Facebook. For one, CEO Mark Zuckerberg has been talking about the metaverse nonstop for the past several months. And today, Facebook said it's going to begin reporting earnings specifically for its Reality Labs segment, while Facebook's main ads business -- a staggering $28 billion this last quarter alone -- will be reported under another bucket. It's a sign to investors that the Reality Labs business matters and should be judged separately from how they value Facebook today.
<br> <br>
It's also a move to, perhaps, distract from what else is going on in Facebook's earnings today. The company missed revenue expectations by around $1 billion (this is not a lot, exactly, at Facebook's scale), which speaks to some of the company's struggles right now. Facebook blames a number of factors for this: COVID-19, the economy, and Apple's recent ad-tracking changes -- something we saw last week when Snap reported earnings, too. </i><br>



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		<span id="title-154185181" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Your Brain Uses 'Autocorrect' To Decipher Language and AI Just Helped Us Prove It, New Study Says</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-154185181" datetime="on Monday October 25, 2021 @11:30PM">on Monday October 25, 2021 @11:30PM</time>
			 from the <span class="dept-text">language-processing</span> dept.

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				An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Debrief: <i>How do we how know to speak and to read? These essential questions led to new research from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that <a href="">uses AI models to examine how and why our brains understand language</a>. Oddly enough, your brain may work just like your smartphone's autocorrect feature. The new study, <a href="">published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences</a>, shows that the function of these AI language models resembles the method of language processing in the human brain, suggesting that the human brain may use next-word prediction to drive language processing.
<br> <br>
In this new study, a team of researchers at MIT analyzed 43 different language models, many of which were optimized for next-word prediction. These models include the GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3), which can generate realistic text when given a prompt, or other ones designed to provide a fill-in-the-blanks function. Researchers presented each model with a string of words to measure the activity of its neural nodes. They then compared these patterns to activity in the human brain, measured when test subjects performed language tasks like listening, reading full sentences, and reading one word at a time. The study showed that the best performing next-word prediction models had activity patterns that bore the most resemblance to those of the human brain. In addition, activity in those same models also correlated with human behavioral measures, such as how fast people could read the text.
<br> <br>
The new study results suggest that next-word prediction is one of the key functions in language processing, supporting a previously proposed hypothesis but has yet to be confirmed. Scientists have not found any brain circuits or mechanisms that conduct that type of processing. Moving forward, the researchers plan to build variants of the next-word prediction models to see how small changes between each model affect their processing ability. They also plan to combine these language models with computer models developed to perform other brain-like tasks, such as perception of the physical world.</i><br>



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		<span id="title-154184933" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Greenhouse Gas Levels Hit a New High In 2020, Even With Pandemic Lockdowns</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-154184933" datetime="on Monday October 25, 2021 @10:10PM">on Monday October 25, 2021 @10:10PM</time>
			 from the <span class="dept-text">way-off-track</span> dept.

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				Despite a world economy that slowed significantly because of COVID-19, the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere <a href="">reached a new record last year</a>, putting the goal of slowing the rise of global temperatures "way off track," according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). NPR reports: <i> The United Nations body said Monday that carbon dioxide had risen by more than the 10-year average in 2020 to 413.2 parts per million, despite a slight decrease in emissions due to the coronavirus pandemic. Methane and nitrous oxide, two other potent greenhouse gases, also showed increases, the WMO said in the <a href="">latest issue of its Greenhouse Gas Bulletin</a>. "At the current rate of increase in greenhouse gas concentrations, we will see a temperature increase by the end of this century far in excess of the Paris Agreement targets of 1.5 to 2 C above preindustrial levels," WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas said. "We are way off track," he said.
<br> <br>
Taalas said the last time the Earth had a comparable level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was 3 million to 5 million years ago, when the average global temperature was 2 to 3 Celsius hotter and the sea level was 10 to 20 meters (32 to 65 feet) higher than today. The WMO says that only half of human-emitted carbon dioxide is absorbed by oceans and land ecosystems. The other half remains in the atmosphere, and the overall amount in the air is sensitive to climate and land-use changes. Because carbon emissions increased in the last decade, even though there was a decrease last year due to reduced economic activity, atmospheric levels continued to increase progressively from the accumulation. </i><br>



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		<span id="title-154184855" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">Argon Fluoride Laser Could Lead To Practical Fusion Reactors</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				The US Naval Research Laboratory (AFL) is developing an Argon Fluoride (ArF) laser that <a href="">may one day make fusion power a practical commercial technology</a>. New Atlas reports: <i> The wide-bandwidth ultraviolet laser is designed to have the shortest laser wavelength that can scale up to power a self-sustaining fusion reaction. [...] The NRL's ArF laser is intended for a test facility based on the principle of Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF). In this, a bead of deuterium or tritium, which are heavy isotopes of hydrogen, is fired upon by multiple lasers, heating and compressing it in a fraction of a second to such an extent that the hydrogen atoms implode, fuse together, and release enormous amounts of energy.
<br> <br>
The new deep ultraviolet laser, also known as a laser driver, is claimed to transfer energy to the fuel bead with greater efficiency and produces much higher temperatures to generate the implosion. Using radiation hydrodynamics simulations the NRL scientists say that performance could be increased a hundredfold with an efficiency of 16 percent, compared to only 12 percent from the next most efficient krypton fluoride laser. Because of these improvements, the ArF laser could lead to smaller and less expensive fusion power plants. However, the team stresses that there is still a long way to go before fusion is hooked up to the national grid. The laser will need to provide the required energy, repetition rate, precision, and billion-shot class reliability for a practical plant.
<br> <br>
To move towards this, the laboratory is running a three-phase program with the first dedicated to the basic science and technology of the ArF laser. This will be followed by phase two, which will concentrate on building and testing a full-scale high-energy ArF laser, and then phase three where an implosion facility consisting of 20 to 30 lasers will be constructed. "The advantages could facilitate the development of modest size, less expensive fusion power plant modules operating at laser energies less than one megajoule," says Steve Obenschain, Ph.D., a research physicist at NRL. "That would drastically change the existing view on laser fusion energy being too expensive and power plants being too large." </i> The research was <a href="">published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society</a>.<br>



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				An indie developer has found an interesting observation: Though only 5.8% of his game's buyers were playing on Linux, they <a href="">generated over 38% of the bug reports</a>. Not because the Linux platform was buggier, either. Only 3 of the roughly 400 bug reports submitted by Linux users were platform specific, that is, would only happen on Linux. PC Gamer reports: <i> The developer, posting as Koderski for developer Kodera Software <a href="">on Reddit</a>, makes indie game [<a href="">Delta] V: Rings of Saturn</a> -- that's Delta V, or DV, for the non-rocket-science-literate. [...] Koderski says he's sold a little over 12,000 copies of his game, and about 700 of those were bought by Linux players. "I got 1040 bug reports in total, out of which roughly 400 are made by Linux players," says Koderski's post. "That's one report per 11.5 users on average, and one report per 1.75 Linux players. That's right, an average Linux player will get you 650% more bug reports." Koderski's numbers are a limited sample size drawn from one person's experience, but tell a compelling story.
<br> <br>
Koderski also says that very few of those bugs were specific to Linux, being clear that "This 5.8% of players found 38% of all the bugs that affected everyone." The bug reports themselves were also pretty high quality, he said, including software and OS versions, logs, and steps for replication. Multiple commenters on the post chalked this up to the kind of people who use Linux: Software professionals, IT employees, and engineers who would already be familiar with official bug reporting processes. It's a strong theory as to why this might be, though the sheer passion that the gaming on Linux community has for anyone who supports their favorite hobby may be another. </i><br>



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		<span id="title-154184085" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">CPU Benchmarks: Pre-Release Intel Alder Lake Chip Beats Apple's M1 Max</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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		<time id="fhtime-154184085" datetime="on Monday October 25, 2021 @08:10PM">on Monday October 25, 2021 @08:10PM</time>
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				An anonymous reader quotes a report from ZDNet: <i>The reign of Apple's M1 SoC at the top of the Geekbench speed benchmarks may soon be over with the impending arrival of Intel's 12th-generation Alder Lake mobile processors. Hardware site Wccftech appears to have been leaked Intel's upcoming Core i9-12900HK mobile CPU, and has now <a href=";utm_medium=twitter">revealed</a> the first benchmarks. The results show Intel's mobile CPU <a href="">narrowly outperforming Apple's flagship 10-core M1 Max</a>, which also integrates a 32-core GPU and 64GB of unified memory.
<br> <br>
In these latest tests, the Core i9-12900HK outperforms the M1 Max on both single-core and multi-core benchmarks. The margin is slim, but is important for Intel since Apple ditched its CPUs for its own designs in new MacBooks. Intel's Alder Lake CPU didn't beat the M1 Max by much, with respective single-core scores of 1851 and 1785. It beat the Core i9-11980HK and AMD's top mobile CPU, the Ryzen 5980HX, by a bigger margin: the latter two CPUs saw scores of 1616 and 1506, respectively. In the multi-core benchmark, the Core i9-12900HK scored 13256 versus the M1 Max's score of 12753. Again, it trounced AMD's 5980HX, which scored 8217. Wccftech's Alder Lake benchmarks were run using Windows 11, so it's possible Thread Director's hardware scheduling influenced the results.</i><br>



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		<span id="title-154182561" class="story-title"> <a onclick="return toggle_fh_body_wrap_return(this);"  href="//">China Locks Down Thousands in North to Contain Growing Outbreak</a> <span class=" no extlnk"><a class="story-sourcelnk" href=""  title="External link -" target="_blank"> ( </a></span></span>

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				China locked down a county that has seen the <a href="">most Covid-19 cases in the nation's latest delta outbreak</a>, as an initial flareup in the northwest quickly spirals into a nationwide surge. From a report:<i> Ejin, a county in China's Inner Mongolia region, asked its 35,700 residents to stay home from Monday and warned of civil and criminal liabilities should anyone disobey the order, state broadcaster CCTV reported, citing a local government statement. The small county bordering Mongolia is the current outbreak's hotspot, home to nearly one-third of the more than 150 infections found over the past week in the mainland. The lockdown comes a day after a warning from National Health Commission officials that the outbreak would continue to worsen after spreading to 11 provinces in about a week. China reported 38 Covid infections on Monday, half of which were found in Inner Mongolia.<br> <br>

The capital Beijing -- which has seen a dozen new cases traced back to the northwest -- has all but banned entry by people arriving from anyplace in the country that's reported locally-transmitted Covid cases. People who have to visit Beijing from these areas must provide a negative Covid test conducted no longer than two days earlier, and undergo two weeks of unspecified health monitoring.</i><br>



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				Owen Jones, a British newspaper columnist and activist for the Labour Party, writes in an opinion piece for The Guardian: <i> The aftermath of the horrific killing of Conservative MP David Amess should have been a moment for politicians and the public to unite in an effort to protect democracy. Instead, the discussion has been derailed by a push to ban anonymous social media accounts, <a href="">which would stifle free speech and democratic rights</a>. Threatening online messages to politicians and other public figures should be taken seriously. As someone who has experienced online abuse, and a physical attack at the hands of the far right, I know all too well the danger. But, in this tragic event, there seems to be no known connection between the death of Amess and anonymous online posting.
<br> <br>
While MPs are grieving, and understandably feel vulnerable, we must ask whether strengthening the <a href="">online safety bill</a> is the right approach. By shifting attention away from extremism toward online anonymity, do we hinder our democracy? There are many legitimate reasons why a citizen may not feel comfortable posting their opinion or sharing information under their own identity. Given the number of politicians who offer off-the-record quotes to journalists on a daily basis, generally for fear of their jobs or other harmful consequences, MPs will be able to empathize with this. The bill would allow Ofcom to punish social networks that fail to remove "lawful but harmful" content. Defining abuse is politically subjective -- what is seen as accountability by some could be seen as abuse by others. Mark Francois, who is campaigning for the changes, said "while people in public life must remain open to legitimate criticism, they can no longer be vilified or their families subject to the most horrendous abuse." While there is no place for verbally violent, threatening or disturbing language, what can be defined as vilification versus illegitimate criticism is harder to judge...</i> <b>Friendly reminder</b>: Slashdot continues to allow users to post comments and stories anonymously as an "Anonymous Coward." This is something that's been criticized <a href="">since its inception</a>, but it's something we think is important and <a href="">plan to continue</a> for the foreseeable future.<br>



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<li> <b><a href="//;cid=61927843&amp;sbsrc=topcom">Re:LOL Ok</a>
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<li> <b><a href="//;cid=61927409&amp;sbsrc=topcom">Re:Hear that?</a>
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	by LKM</b>
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Resolver ASN
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Resolver Network Name
Google LLC
Measurement UID
Report ID
Software Name
ooniprobe-android (3.3.1)
Measurement Engine
ooniprobe-engine (3.10.0-beta.3)

Raw Measurement Data
