December 2, 2021 at 9:48:08 AM UTC
Measurement start time from the future
Runtime: 931ms
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On December 2, 2021 at 9:48:08 AM UTC, the test for failed on AS12353 in Portugal.


HTTP Experiment
DNS Experiment

DNS Queries

Answer IP Info
AS54113 (Fastly)
AS54113 (Fastly)
AS54113 (Fastly)
AS54113 (Fastly)

TCP Connections succeeded succeeded succeeded succeeded

HTTP Requests

Response Headers
upgrade-insecure-requests; frame-ancestors 'self'
Wed, 01 Dec 2021 09:48:08 GMT
prov=143b5ff0-954c-e7bc-07a2-1c3a7b73e417;; expires=Fri, 01-Jan-2055 00:00:00 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly
1.1 varnish
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                    All distances different on a chessboard
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                    Can the 6502 clock be changed on the fly?
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                    Why is film still used in aerial imaging applications?
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                    asked 14 hours ago
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                    Arcing the center dots between factors to show repeated multiplication
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                    asked 13 hours ago
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                    How does an Otyugh move?
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                    asked 15 hours ago
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                    Confidence interval given the population mean and standard deviation
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                    How to detect power cut remotely?
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                    Why do I get through so many exhaust pipes?
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                    Can a giant mountain be used as a wind shield?
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                    Why can the UK&#39;s Competition and Markets Authority tell Facebook to sell Giphy?
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                    Valueing Coding over Physics, how to address this in applications?
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                    How to shorten the python code?
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                        <a href="" class="post-tag ">python</a>
4 answers |
                    asked 9 hours ago
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                    Is it ethical to convince someone to get vaccinated?
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                    Lowest tech level for a civilization to widely produce fake meat
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                    asked 17 hours ago
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                    How to treat Copyleft Open Source licenses?
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                        <a href="" class="post-tag ">copyleft</a>
2 answers |
                    asked 18 hours ago
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                    What to look for in a first telescope for a child?
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                    strcat_new() function, not present in standard C library
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Vodafone Portugal - Communicacoes Pessoais S.A.
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ooniprobe-android (3.4.1)
Measurement Engine
ooniprobe-engine (3.10.0-beta.3)

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