December 8, 2021 at 8:58:57 PM UTC
Runtime: 3.4s
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On December 8, 2021 at 8:58:57 PM UTC, was accessible when tested on AS6400 in Dominican Republic.


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AS16276 (OVH SAS)

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		<a class="no-underline h-underline tracked-oswald black db link" href="" rel="bookmark">Devices of Palestinian Human Rights Defenders Hacked with NSO Group’s Pegasus Spyware</a>
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	<time class="ma0 gray pr2" datetime="2021-11-08" itemprop="datePublished">November 8, 2021</time>	<div class="dn db-ns">
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		<p>Front Line Defenders’ analysis indicated that six devices belonging to six Palestinian human rights defenders were hacked with Pegasus, a spyware developed by the cyber-surveillance company NSO Group. Both the Citizen Lab and Amnesty International’s Security Lab independently confirmed these findings.</p>
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	<time class="ma0 gray pr2" datetime="2021-10-24" itemprop="datePublished">October 24, 2021</time>	<div class="dn db-ns">
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            Breaking the News: New York Times Journalist Ben Hubbard Hacked with Pegasus after Reporting on Previous Hacking Attempts          </a>
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      <div dir="ltr"><p>Our forensic analysis of two iPhones belonging to Hubbard found evidence of Pegasus infections in July 2020 and June 2021. Notably, these infections occurred after Hubbard reported in January 2020 that we found that he was targeted in 2018 by the Saudi Arabia-linked Pegasus operator that we call KINGDOM.</p>

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	<time class="ma0 gray pr2" datetime="2021-09-28" itemprop="datePublished">September 28, 2021</time>	<div class="dn db-ns">
		<a href="" class="blue underline-hover hover-black link hover-bg-lightest-blue">Transparency and Accountability</a>	</div></div>
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            Pandemic Privacy: A Preliminary Analysis of Collection Technologies, Data Collection Laws, and Legislative Reform during COVID-19          </a>
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      <div dir="ltr"><p>In this report, we undertake a preliminary comparative analysis of how different information technologies were mobilized in response to COVID-19 to collect data, the extent to which Canadian laws impeded the response to COVID-19, and the potential consequences of reforming data protection or privacy laws to enable more expansive data collection, use, or disclosure of personal information in future health emergencies.</p>

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	<time class="ma0 gray pr2" datetime="2021-09-13" itemprop="datePublished">September 13, 2021</time>	<div class="dn db-ns">
		<a href="" class="blue underline-hover hover-black link hover-bg-lightest-blue">Targeted Threats</a>	</div></div>
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            FORCEDENTRY: NSO Group iMessage Zero-Click Exploit Captured in the Wild          </a>
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      <div dir="ltr"><p>While analyzing the phone of a Saudi activist infected with NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware, we discovered a zero-day zero-click exploit against iMessage. The exploit, which we call FORCEDENTRY, targets Apple’s image rendering library, and was effective against Apple iOS, MacOS and WatchOS devices.</p>

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						<h1 class="f2 ma0">Lifting the lid off the Internet.</h1>
							<p class="f5 b no-hyphen lh-copy">The Citizen Lab is an interdisciplinary laboratory based at the Munk School of Global Affairs &amp; Public Policy, University of Toronto, focusing on research and development at the intersection of information and communication technologies, human rights, and global security. <a class="link underline-hover underline hover-bg-lightest-blue" href="about">Learn more</a>.</p>

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				<a href="" rel="bookmark">GFWatch: A Longitudinal Measurement Platform Built to Monitor China&#8217;s DNS Censorship at Scale</a>
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	<time class="ma0 gray pr2" datetime="2021-11-04" itemprop="datePublished">November 4, 2021</time>	<div class="dn db-ns">
		<a href="" class="blue underline-hover hover-black link hover-bg-lightest-blue">Free Expression Online</a>	</div></div>
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			<p>In this report, we introduce the design of GFWatch, a large-scale longitudinal measurement platform that informs the public about how GFW censorship changes over time and its negative impact on the free flow of information.</p>


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				<a href="" rel="bookmark">New York Times: I Was Hacked. The Spyware Used Against Me Makes Us All Vulnerable.</a>
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	<time class="ma0 gray pr2" datetime="2021-10-24" itemprop="datePublished">October 24, 2021</time>	<div class="dn db-ns">
		<a href="" class="blue underline-hover hover-black link hover-bg-lightest-blue">In the Media</a>	</div></div>
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			<p>New York Times journalist and bureau chief, Ben Hubbard, discusses working with the Citizen Lab and discovering that he had been hacked several times by operators using NSO Group&#8217;s Pegasus spyware. </p>


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				<a href="" rel="bookmark">Ronald Deibert Provides Statement on behalf of Chelsea Manning</a>
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	<time class="ma0 gray pr2" datetime="2021-10-13" itemprop="datePublished">October 13, 2021</time>	<div class="dn db-ns">
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			<p>The statement was delivered in the context of Chelsea Manning’s inadmissibility proceeding before the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada.</p>


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				<a href="" rel="bookmark">Ronald Deibert Wins Shaughnessy Cohen Prize for Political Writing</a>
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	<time class="ma0 gray pr2" datetime="2021-09-22" itemprop="datePublished">September 22, 2021</time>	<div class="dn db-ns">
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			<p>Delivered by the Writers&#8217; Trust of Canada, the award was announced at the digital edition of Politics and the Pen gala on September 22, 2021.</p>


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				<a href="" rel="bookmark">Openly: Banned and blocked: LGBT+ websites censored from Russia to Indonesia</a>
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	<time class="ma0 gray pr2" datetime="2021-08-31" itemprop="datePublished">August 31, 2021</time>	<div class="dn db-ns">
		<a href="" class="blue underline-hover hover-black link hover-bg-lightest-blue">In the Media</a>	</div></div>
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			<p>Senior researcher, Irene Poetranto, discusses a joint report written by the Citizen Lab, OutRight Action International, and the Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI), focused on LGBTIQ website censorship and its impact on LGBTIQ communities.</p>


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				<a href="" rel="bookmark">No Access: LGBTIQ Website Censorship in Six Countries</a>
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	<time class="ma0 gray pr2" datetime="2021-08-31" itemprop="datePublished">August 31, 2021</time>	<div class="dn db-ns">
		<a href="" class="blue underline-hover hover-black link hover-bg-lightest-blue">Free Expression Online</a>	</div></div>
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			<p>The Citizen Lab, OutRight Action International, and the Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) collaborated to conduct research on LGBTIQ website censorship and its impact on LGBTIQ communities. The results indicate the technical and legal obstacles many users have in accessing LGBTIQ news, health, and human rights websites. </p>


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				<h1 class="f3 tracked-oswald" itemprop="name">Democracy Now: NSO Group Spies Secretly Seized Control of Apple Devices by Exploiting Flaw in Code</h1>
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					<p>Ron Deibert joined Democracy Now to discuss how Citizen Lab research of a zero-click zero-day exploit—used by NSO Group—led Apple to issue a patch to over 1.65 billion products. </p>
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