March 3, 2022 at 11:07:30 PM UTC
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<a href="/en/ukraines-zelenskyy-asks-putin-for-direct-talks-live-updates/a-60993269" rel="nofollow">
<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="940" height="411" title="Ukrainian civilians throw Molotov cocktails to the defend the city of Zhytomyr" alt="Ukrainian civilians throw Molotov cocktails to the defend the city of Zhytomyr" /> </a>
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<a href="/en/ukraines-zelenskyy-asks-putin-for-direct-talks-live-updates/a-60993269" rel="nofollow">
LIVE — Zelenskyy asks Putin for direct talks
<p>Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in a message to Putin: "I don't bite. What are you afraid of?" Meanwhile, the US and UK have unveiled new sanctions on Russian oligarchs. DW has the latest.&nbsp;
<span class="icon intern">Go to article</span>
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<a href="/en/ukraine-eu-agrees-protection-plan-for-refugees/a-60997378">
<h2 class="linkable">
EU agrees protection plan for Ukraine refugees
<div class="teaserImg">
<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="220" height="124" title="People from Ukraine cross border to enter Poland " alt="People from Ukraine cross border to enter Poland " /> </div>
<p>The number of people fleeing Russia's war in Ukraine into neighboring countries could run into the millions. <span class='icon tv'></span>
&nbsp; </p>
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<a href="/en/olaf-scholz-says-ex-chancellor-gerhard-schröder-should-resign-from-russian-firms/a-61007011">
<div class="teaserImg">
<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="220" height="124" title="Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and Russian leader Vladimir Putin about to embrace back in 2001 when Schroeder was still chancellor" alt="Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and Russian leader Vladimir Putin about to embrace back in 2001 when Schroeder was still chancellor" /> </div>
<h2 class="linkable">
Scholz: Schröder should resign from Russian boards
<p>German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said former Chancellor Schroeder ought to resign from Russian companies. &nbsp; </p>
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<a href="/en/refugees-fleeing-ukraine-arrive-in-berlin/av-60996286">
<div class="teaserImg">
<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="220" height="124" title="Two women hug each other deeply after refugees from the Ukraine arrive at the main train station on March 1, 2022, in Berlin, Germany" alt="Two women hug each other deeply after refugees from the Ukraine arrive at the main train station on March 1, 2022, in Berlin, Germany" /> </div>
<h2 class="linkable">
Berlin welcomes refugees from Ukraine
<p>The German capital expects to receive around 20,000 people in the coming months, says the city's mayor.<span class='icon tv'></span>
&nbsp; </p>
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<a href="/en/ukraine-the-situation-in-kyiv-one-week-into-the-war/a-61005528">
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<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="460" height="259" title="Buildings in Kyiv" alt="Buildings in Kyiv" /> </div>
<div class="teaserContentWrap">
The situation in Kyiv a week into the war
<p>The situation in Ukraine's capital is stable, but there are fears of shelling elsewhere. Alexander Savitsky reports.
&nbsp; </p>
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<a href="/en/is-russia-using-vacuum-bombs-in-ukraine/a-61001817">
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<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="460" height="259" title="A multiple rocket launcher and a thermobaric weapon" alt="A multiple rocket launcher and a thermobaric weapon" /> </div>
<div class="teaserContentWrap">
Is Russia using vacuum bombs in Ukraine?
<p>Ukraine has accused Russia of using a vacuum bomb. DW looks at how they work and the harm they inflict.
&nbsp; </p>
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<a href="/en/germany-to-ship-anti-aircraft-missiles-to-ukraine-reports/a-60995325">
<div class="teaserImg">
<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="220" height="124" title="A soldier holds up a Strela missile" alt="A soldier holds up a Strela missile" /> </div>
<h2 class="linkable">
Germany to ship anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine
<p>Germany has approved a shipment of Soviet-made missiles to Ukraine, according to sources in the Economy Ministry.
&nbsp; </p>
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<div class="linkList intern">
<a href="/en/western-arms-supplies-for-ukraine-how-are-they-getting-there/a-60959864">
How are Western arms getting to Ukraine?
&nbsp; </h2>
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<a href="/en/germanys-army-will-100-billion-make-it-strong/a-60996891">
<div class="teaserImg">
<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="220" height="124" title="Bundeswehr's 9th Tank Brigade on the training grounds in Munster on February 07, 2022" alt="Bundeswehr's 9th Tank Brigade on the training grounds in Munster on February 07, 2022" /> </div>
<h2 class="linkable">
Will €100 billion make Germany's army strong?
<p>The Bundeswehr is to receive an extra €100 billion. What weapon systems are at the top of its wish list?
&nbsp; </p>
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<div class="linkList intern">
<a href="/en/nato-how-useful-is-germanys-bundeswehr/a-60917464">
NATO: How useful is Germany's Bundeswehr?
&nbsp; </h2>
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<a href="/en/russia-ukraine-whose-side-are-middle-eastern-countries-really-on/a-61003595">
<div class="teaserImg">
<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="460" height="259" title="Syrian artists Aziz Asmar and Anis Hamdoun paint a mural amid the destruction, depicting the colours of the Russian and Ukrainian flags, to protest against Russia's military operation in Ukraine, ." alt="Syrian artists Aziz Asmar and Anis Hamdoun paint a mural amid the destruction, depicting the colours of the Russian and Ukrainian flags, to protest against Russia's military operation in Ukraine, ." /> </div>
<div class="teaserContentWrap">
Whose side are Middle Eastern countries on?
<p>Security, trade and oil ties make it hard for these states to openly condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
&nbsp; </p>
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<a href="/en/russias-invasion-of-ukraine-in-7-graphics/a-60909241">
<div class="teaserImg">
<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="460" height="259" title="An armed man stands by the remains of a Russian military vehicle in Bucha, close to the capital Kyiv" alt="An armed man stands by the remains of a Russian military vehicle in Bucha, close to the capital Kyiv" /> </div>
<div class="teaserContentWrap">
Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 7 graphics
<p>These graphics explain the current military situation and the history of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
&nbsp; </p>
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<a href="/en/africa-rushes-to-evacuate-nationals-from-ukraine/a-61000850">
<h2 class="linkable">
Africa rushes to evacuate nationals from Ukraine
<div class="teaserImg">
<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="220" height="124" title="Ghanaian students on arrival in Accra" alt="Ghanaian students on arrival in Accra" /> </div>
<p>Following reports of mistreatment and racial profiling of Africans in war-ravaged Ukraine, governments have begun to evacuate their nationals. Most of the evacuees are medical students hoping to finish their studies. &nbsp; </p>
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<a href="/en/opinion-your-solidarity-is-problematic-if-you-leave-africans-behind-in-ukraine/a-60986969">
Opinion: Solidarity is problematic if you leave Africans behind
&nbsp; </h2>
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<h4 class="meta">More on Ukraine-Russia crisis</h4>
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<div class="linkList plain">
<a href="/en/ukraine-macron-tells-putin-hes-making-a-major-mistake/a-61005062">
Ukraine: Macron tells Putin he's making a 'major mistake'
<div class="linkList plain">
<a href="/en/what-constitutes-a-war-crime/a-60989316">
What constitutes a war crime?
<div class="linkList plain">
<a href="/en/germany-fridays-for-future-activists-rally-against-war-in-ukraine/a-61004603">
Germany: Fridays for Future activists rally against war in Ukraine
<div class="linkList plain">
<a href="/en/germany-warns-against-ban-on-energy-imports-from-russia/a-61002737">
Germany warns against ban on energy imports from Russia
<div class="linkList plain">
<a href="/en/sanctions-on-russia-death-by-a-thousand-cuts/a-60992232">
Sanctions on Russia: Death by a thousand cuts
<div class="linkList plain">
<a href="/en/from-russia-with-haste-mass-exodus-of-companies-over-ukraine-invasion/a-60978353">
From Russia with haste: Mass exodus of companies over Ukraine invasion
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<a href="/en/non-ukrainians-face-longer-waits-at-border-crossings/av-60995502">
<h2>Non-Ukrainians wait longer at border
<p>More than a million people have fled Ukraine, according to the UN. But non-Ukrainians face difficulties getting out.<span class='icon tv'></span>
&nbsp; </p>
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<h2>Zelenskyy: &#39;It will not happen with rockets, it will not happen with bombs, tanks, any strikes&#39;
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<h2>&#39;Preparation on the Russian side has been very poor&#39;
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<span class="right">01:24</span>
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<a href="/en/war-in-ukraine-equal-rights-for-all-refugees/av-60987597">
<h2>Ukraine: Equal rights for all refugees?
<p>EU leaders have said there&#39;s no room for racism, after reports of discrimination against Africans fleeing Ukraine.<span class='icon tv'></span>
&nbsp; </p>
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<span class="right">01:19</span>
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<a href="/en/germany-thousands-join-anti-war-protest-in-munich/av-60997138">
<h2>Thousands join anti-war protest in Munich
<p>Thousands of people gathered in Munich to show their solidarity with the people of Ukraine.<span class='icon tv'></span>
&nbsp; </p>
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<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="120" height="68" title="Ahmed Waleed, a student from Egypt, waits in line in Porubne, the last checkpoint in Ukraine before entering Romania" alt="Ahmed Waleed, a student from Egypt, waits in line in Porubne, the last checkpoint in Ukraine before entering Romania" /> </div>
<div class="teaserContentWrap">
<h2>Non-Ukrainians wait longer at border<span class="icon tv"></span></h2>
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<img loading="lazy" title="Mathias Bölinger reports from Lviv" alt="Mathias Bölinger reports from Lviv" src=""/>
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<h2>Mathias Bölinger reports from Lviv<span class="icon tv"></span></h2>
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<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="120" height="68" title="Empty city center street in Kyiv" alt="Empty city center street in Kyiv" /> </div>
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<h2>Kyiv under attack: Ukrainian MP Yelyzaveta Yasko talks to DW<span class="icon tv"></span></h2>
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<img loading="lazy" title="Zelenskyy: &#39;It will not happen with rockets, it will not happen with bombs, tanks, any strikes&#39;" alt="Zelenskyy: &#39;It will not happen with rockets, it will not happen with bombs, tanks, any strikes&#39;" src=""/>
<div class="teaserContentWrap">
<h2>Zelenskyy: 'It will not happen with rockets, it will not happen with bombs, tanks, any strikes'<span class="icon tv"></span></h2>
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<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="120" height="68" title="Ed Arnold, a research fellow for European Security at the RUSI defense and security think tank in London." alt="Ed Arnold, a research fellow for European Security at the RUSI defense and security think tank in London." /> </div>
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<h2>'Preparation on the Russian side has been very poor'<span class="icon tv"></span></h2>
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<h2>Ukraine: Equal rights for all refugees?<span class="icon tv"></span></h2>
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<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="120" height="68" title="People with flags depicting white doves attend an anti-war protest against Russian invasion of Ukraine, in Munich" alt="People with flags depicting white doves attend an anti-war protest against Russian invasion of Ukraine, in Munich" /> </div>
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<h2>Thousands join anti-war protest in Munich<span class="icon tv"></span></h2>
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<a href="/en/germanwings-crash-france-drops-manslaughter-proceedings/a-61000671">
<h2 class="linkable">
France drops Germanwings crash inquiry
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<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="220" height="124" title="Memorial stone set up in the French Alps" alt="Memorial stone set up in the French Alps" /> </div>
<p>The court said no one could have expected the suicidal act of the co-pilot, who purposely crashed in the Alps in 2015.
&nbsp; </p>
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<a href="/en/georgia-formally-applies-for-eu-membership/a-61001839">
<h2 class="linkable">
Georgia formally applies for EU membership
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<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="220" height="124" title="Irakli Garibashvili" alt="Irakli Garibashvili" /> </div>
<p>The application comes after the European Parliament backed a similar move from Ukraine amid a Russian invasion.
&nbsp; </p>
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<a href="/en/romania-military-personnel-killed-in-aircraft-crashes/a-60997669">
<h2 class="linkable">
Romanian military personnel killed in air crash
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<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="220" height="124" title="Image of fighter jet MiG 21 LanceR belonging to the Romanian Air Force" alt="Image of fighter jet MiG 21 LanceR belonging to the Romanian Air Force" /> </div>
<p>A mission to find a crashed fighter jet ended in tragedy when the search-and-rescue helicopter went down as well.
&nbsp; </p>
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<a href="/en/germany-charges-gambian-with-crimes-against-humanity/a-60998722">
<h2 class="linkable">
Germany charges Gambian with crimes against humanity
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<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="220" height="124" title=" Two policemen in front of the Regional Higher Court in Celle" alt=" Two policemen in front of the Regional Higher Court in Celle" /> </div>
<p>German prosecutors have claimed a Gambian man was involved in killing dissidents under strongman leader Yahya Jammeh.
&nbsp; </p>
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<h4 class="meta">Most Read</h4>
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Fact check: Ukraine's 'Ghost of Kyiv' fighter pilot
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<a href="/en/germany-to-ship-anti-aircraft-missiles-to-ukraine-reports/a-60995325">
Germany to ship anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine — reports
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<a href="/en/western-arms-supplies-for-ukraine-how-are-they-getting-there/a-60959864">
Western arms supplies for Ukraine: How are they getting there?
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<a href="/en/china-asked-russia-to-wait-for-olympics-to-end-before-invading-ukraine/a-60994583">
China asked Russia to wait for Olympics to end before invading Ukraine
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<h4> <span class="label">Now live</span> DW English
<h2>War in Ukraine</h2>
<p>DW reports on the situation in Ukraine with extended news broadcasts and special programming.</p>
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<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="460" height="259" title="The Beijing 2022 Paralympic logo " alt="The Beijing 2022 Paralympic logo " /> </div>
<div class="teaserContentWrap">
Paralympics: Russian athletes banned after all
<p>Less than 24 hours after athletes from Russia or Belarus were allowed to compete as neutrals, the decision was reversed.
&nbsp; </p>
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<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="460" height="259" title="Ivan Velikanov" alt="Ivan Velikanov" /> </div>
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Russian conductor suspended for peace speech
<p>Ivan Velikanov stood up for peace on stage in Russia. That had immediate consequences for the star conductor.
&nbsp; </p>
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What the war in Ukraine means for travel
<p>How is the fighting affecting travelers, travel agencies, airlines and cruise operators?
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<a href="/en/climate-change-why-it-is-now-or-never-for-india/a-61000680">
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Climate change: It's now or never for India
<p>A new report warns that climate change repercussions will be irreversible if New Delhi doesn't take drastic measures.
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<div class="teaserContentWrap">
Floods in eastern Australia — in pictures
<p>Hundreds of thousands of Australians face evacuation. Elsewhere, the big cleanup has already started.<span class='icon pics'></span>
&nbsp; </p>
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<a href="/en/womens-cricket-world-cup-how-safe-is-the-sport/a-60981073">
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<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="460" height="259" title="Smriti Mandhana plays a shot" alt="Smriti Mandhana plays a shot" /> </div>
<div class="teaserContentWrap">
Women's Cricket World Cup: How safe is it?
<p>The 2022 Women's Cricket World Cup starts on Friday, but recent events make it the right time to look at player safety.
&nbsp; </p>
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<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="460" height="259" title="A group of young women in South Africa" alt="A group of young women in South Africa" /> </div>
<div class="teaserContentWrap">
South Africa's controversial virginity testing
<p>Virginity tests are seen as violating the dignity of women, yet traditionalists say it's an important cultural practice.<span class='icon tv'></span>
&nbsp; </p>
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<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="460" height="259" title="A physical bitcoin" alt="A physical bitcoin" /> </div>
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Selling a more sustainable bitcoin
<p>Some companies are using bitcoin mining to clean up toxic waste. Can bitcoin be "greened up"?<span class='icon tv'></span>
&nbsp; </p>
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<a href="/en/how-south-korean-movies-are-dominating-world-cinema/a-60987822">
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<div class="teaserContentWrap">
How S. Korean movies are dominating cinema
<p>From independent films to hit streaming series, South Korean productions are capturing audiences worldwide.
&nbsp; </p>
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Olaf Scholz says ex-Chancellor Gerhard Schröder should resign from Russian firms
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Germany: Fridays for Future activists rally against war in Ukraine
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<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="220" height="124" title="Germany warns against ban on energy imports from Russia" alt="Germany warns against ban on energy imports from Russia" /></div>
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Germany warns against ban on energy imports from Russia
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<a href="/en/germanwings-crash-france-drops-manslaughter-proceedings/a-61000671">
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<h2 class="">
Germanwings crash: France drops manslaughter proceedings

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Inside Europe Medium 03.03.2022 <span class='icon audio'></span> </h2>
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<a href="/en/are-bans-against-russian-arts-targeting-the-right-people/a-61001207">
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<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="220" height="124" title="Are bans against Russian arts targeting the right people?" alt="Are bans against Russian arts targeting the right people?" /></div>
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Are bans against Russian arts targeting the right people?
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<a href="/en/can-europe-help-us-china-rapprochement/a-61001093">
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Can Europe help US-China rapprochement?
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<h2 class="">
Living Planet: Seaweed coming to your plate
<span class='icon audio'></span> </h2>

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<a href="/en/africalink-on-air-03-march-2022/av-61004880">
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<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="220" height="124" title="AfricaLink on Air — 03 March 2022" alt="AfricaLink on Air — 03 March 2022" /></div>
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AfricaLink on Air — 03 March 2022
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<a href="/en/africa-rushes-to-evacuate-nationals-from-ukraine/a-61000850">
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<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="220" height="124" title="Africa rushes to evacuate nationals from Ukraine" alt="Africa rushes to evacuate nationals from Ukraine" /></div>
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Africa rushes to evacuate nationals from Ukraine
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<a href="/en/germany-charges-gambian-with-crimes-against-humanity/a-60998722">
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<img loading="lazy" itemprop="image" src="" width="220" height="124" title="Germany charges Gambian with crimes against humanity" alt="Germany charges Gambian with crimes against humanity" /></div>
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Germany charges Gambian with crimes against humanity
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AfricaLink on Air — 02 March 2022
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Climate change: Why it is now or never for India
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Can Europe help US-China rapprochement?
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From Ukraine to Poland: Refugees at a crossroads

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DW Business - America
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VW halts Russian business <span class='icon tv'></span> </h2>
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<h2 class="">
Does Germany really need LNG terminals?

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Opinion: Turning the tide on plastic pollution </h2>
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Living Planet: Seaweed coming to your plate
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Living Planet: Plastic solutions in Kenya
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On the Green Fence <span class='icon audio'></span> </h2>

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Ukraine: Cyberwar creates chaos, 'it won't win the war'
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How a teenager's Twitter tracks Russian oligarchs
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Was the Black Death really that deadly?
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Will Musk's Starlink save Ukraine, SpaceX save the ISS?

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Are bans against Russian arts targeting the right people?
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Cultural backlash against Russia's invasion of Ukraine
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Beethoven and a peace speech get Russian conductor suspended
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War, peace and democracy: Ukraine in film
<span class='icon pics'></span> </h2>

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Women's Cricket World Cup: How safe is the sport?
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Linn Kazmaier: Germany's youngest para-athlete with her whole career ahead of her
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Paralympics: Russian and Belarusian athletes banned after U-turn
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'Mature' RB Leipzig wear German Cup favorites tag lightly </h2>

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Opinion: The cyberwar over Ukraine is like nothing we've seen before
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Opinion: Turning the tide on plastic pollution </h2>
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Opinion: US president opts to put trans-Atlantic ties over popularity at home
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From Russia with haste: Mass exodus of companies over Ukraine invasion

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