June 26, 2022 at 6:00:42 AM UTC
Runtime: 1.7s
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On June 26, 2022 at 6:00:42 AM UTC, http://www.dit-inc.us/ was accessible when tested on AS12874 in Italy.


HTTP Experiment
DNS Experiment

DNS Queries

IN A www.dit-inc.us
Answer IP Info
AS6939 (Hurricane Electric LLC)

TCP Connections succeeded

HTTP Requests

GET http://www.dit-inc.us/
Response Headers
text/html; charset=UTF-8
Sun, 26 Jun 2022 05:59:44 GMT
Sun, 10 Jul 2016 16:15:09 GMT
Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS)
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      <h2 class="title">
      <a href="node/123.html">中国的DNS劫持系统 - 2014年1月22日更新报告</a>
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      <ul class="links inline"><li class="node_read_more first last"><a href="node/123.html" title="Read the rest of 中国的DNS劫持系统 - 2014年1月22日更新报告.">Read more</a></li>
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<div class="node node-teaser node-type-story" id="node-122"><div class="node-inner">

      <h2 class="title">
      <a href="node/122.html">January 22, 2014 - China&#039;s DNS hijacking system - an updated report</a>
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    <p>In 2002, China started to use DNS hijacking technology to block web sites. Dynamic Internet Technology (DIT) released a report on October 2, 2002, to demonstrate how it works. We gain more insight into how China is using this technology throughout the years. On January 21, 2014, there was a large-scale Internet breakdown in China caused by this DNS hijacking system. It is a good time to release some of the additional information we have about the system.</p>

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      <ul class="links inline"><li class="node_read_more first last"><a href="node/122.html" title="Read the rest of January 22, 2014 - China&#039;s DNS hijacking system - an updated report.">Read more</a></li>
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      <h2 class="title">
      <a href="node/121.html">October 16, 2013 - Dynaweb presents &quot;Weibo Leak,&quot; reviving deleted micro blog posts</a>
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    <p>China, with a population of over 1.3 billion, is the world's largest Internet market. Nearly half of China's population are Internet users. By the end of 2012, registered users of Sina Weibo had already surpassed 500 million. 46 million of these are very active users. These staggering figures can often lead to a misunderstanding that China's Internet is as free as the Internet overseas.</p>

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      <h2 class="title">
      <a href="2007092400.html">September 24, 2007 - DIT announced discovery of &quot;Skype Redirects Users in China to Censorware Version&quot;</a>
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    <p>Dynamic Internet Technology Inc., September 24, 2007. Dynamic Internet<br />
Technology (DIT) announced today its discovery of Skype's further<br />
cooperation with the Internet censorship in China, apparently in an<br />
effort to stop the spread of DIT's popular anti-censorship tool.</p>
<p>Skype (<a href="http://www.skype.com" title="http://www.skype.com">http://www.skype.com</a>), an instant messaging, voice chat and file</p>

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      <h2 class="title">
      <a href="2006020200.html">February 2, 2006 - DIT released Report on Google.cn&#039;s Self Censorship</a>
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    <p>Dynamic Internet Technology Inc. (<a href="mailto:contact@dit-inc.us">contact@dit-inc.us</a>), February 6, 2006</p>

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      <a href="2005060601.html">June 6th, 2005 - DIT released executive summary of &quot;Report on Chinese People Renouncing the Chinese Communist Party via Internet Circumvention Technologies&quot;</a>
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    <p>June 6th, 2005 - DIT <a href="report/9p200505/9prelease_200506.html">released</a> <a href="report/9p200505/9pExecutiveSummary.html">executive summary</a> of &quot;Report on Chinese People Renouncing the Chinese Communist Party via Internet Circumvention Technologies&quot;.The full report can be downloaded <a href="report/9p200505/9preport.php.html">here</a>.</p>

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      <a href="2004091601.html">Sep. 16, 2004 - DIT released report &quot;Google Chinese news censorship demonstrated&quot;</a>
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    <h3>Google Chinese news censorship demonstrated</h3>
<p><em>2004 Sep. 16, Bill Xia, Dynamic Internet Technology Inc.</em></p>

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      <h2 class="title">
      <a href="2004070901.html">July 9, 2004 - DIT presented &quot;How the Great Firewall works&quot; in the fifth HOPE conference</a>
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    <p>July 9, 2004 - DIT presented &quot;How the Great Firewall works&quot; in <a href="http://www.the-fifth-hope.org/hoop/">the fifth HOPE conference</a>. Slides is available <a href="http://dit-inc.us/report/hope2004/main.html">here</a> with some after notes added as appendix.</p>

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      <h2 class="title">
      <a href="2004043001.html">April 30, 2004 - DIT presented &quot;How the Great Firewall works&quot; in &quot;China&#039;s Digital Future: Advancing the Understanding of China&#039;s Information Revolution&quot;</a>
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    <p>April 30, 2004 - DIT presented &quot;How the Great Firewall works&quot; in <a href="http://journalism.berkeley.edu/conf/chinadf/index.html">&quot;China's Digital Future: Advancing the Understanding of China's Information Revolution&quot;.</a> Streaming video is available <a href="http://journalism.berkeley.edu/conf/chinadf/schedule.html">here.</a> PowerPoint presentaion file is available <a hre</p>
</a></p>  </div>

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      <a href="2004031201.html">March 12, 2004 - &quot;On Internet Blockage: Exclusive Interview with the CEO of DIT&quot; (Translated from Chinese) </a>
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    <p>March 12, 2004 - <a href="http://chinascope.org/cs22.html">&quot;On Internet Blockage: Exclusive Interview with the CEO of DIT&quot;. </a>(Translated from <a href="http://www.dajiyuan.com/gb/4/3/12/n483844.htm">Chinese.</a>)</p>

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