Runtime: 1.2s
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On June 26, 2022 at 5:07:27 AM UTC, was accessible when tested on AS25472 in Greece.


HTTP Experiment
DNS Experiment

DNS Queries

Answer IP Info
AS20940 (Akamai International B.V.)
AS20940 (Akamai International B.V.)
Answer IP Info
AS20940 (Akamai International B.V.)
AS20940 (Akamai International B.V.)

TCP Connections

2a02:26f0:c000::213:333e:80: failed (network_unreachable)
2a02:26f0:c000::213:3345:80: failed (network_unreachable) succeeded succeeded

HTTP Requests

Response Headers
private, no-cache
text/html; charset=utf-8
Sun, 26 Jun 2022 05:07:29 GMT
Sun, 26 Jun 2022 05:07:29 GMT
1; mode=block
Response Body
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      <!-- Slide    Stronger Together         "Featured Image/Graphic" - Mario -->
      <div class="slideshow-mySlides slideshow-fade-animation">
            alt="Feature graphic image of LGT Scott Berrier meeting and walking with the Ukranian Ambassador. Oksana Markarova. Large title. Stronger Together. Subtext. On March 9, Ukranian Ambassador Oksana Markarova visited D.I.A. Headquarters. Button below that reads. Learn More."
              slideshow-background slideshow-img
              visible-xl visible-lg visible-md
            alt="Feature graphic image of LGT Scott Berrier meeting and walking with the Ukranian Ambassador. Oksana Markarova. Large title. Stronger Together. Subtext. On March 9, Ukranian Ambassador Oksana Markarova visited D.I.A. Headquarters. Button below that reads. Learn More."
            class="slideshow-background slideshow-img visible-sm visible-xs"
      <!-- End of Slide    Stronger Together         "Featured Image/Graphic" - Mario -->
      <!-- Slide    It Takes DIA         "Featured Image/Graphic" - Mario -->
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            alt="Feature graphic image of 6 images collaged together on the upper portion of people in different settings with a fadded image below with the words. It Takes D.I.A. and a button that reads. Watch Now"
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      <!-- End of Slide    Stronger Together         "Featured Image/Graphic" - Mario -->
      <!-- Slide    Newest Podcast S2E9         "Featured Image/Graphic" - Mario
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        <a href="/News-Features/Podcasts#Season2"
            alt="Image of a blue background with a white inner boarder surrounding a collage of images. Left to right. Two men laughing together, above an image of Condoleezza Rice. An image of a man using a fishing pole to point out specifics on a giant map. A military uniformed man. Drawn men on top of an aerial map, above an eye looking at a tank that is shooting, with a map of Europe in the back. Photo slide reels of a rocket launching. A fighter pilot inside an aircraft. Below the collage is the title. D.I.A. Connections."
              slideshow-background slideshow-img
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            alt="Image of a blue background with a white inner boarder surrounding a collage of images. Left to right. Two men laughing together, above an image of Condoleezza Rice. An image of a man using a fishing pole to point out specifics on a giant map. A military uniformed man. Drawn men on top of an aerial map, above an eye looking at a tank that is shooting, with a map of Europe in the back. Photo slide reels of a rocket launching. A fighter pilot inside an aircraft. Below the collage is the title. D.I.A. Connections."
            class="slideshow-background slideshow-img visible-sm visible-xs"
      <!-- Slide    Newest Podcast S2E8         "Featured Image/Graphic" - Mario -->
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            alt="Image of a blue background with white accents on the right. Accompanied by an image on the right-side of an eye, with light coming from it, looking at a military tank. Behind is a map of Europe with a Soviet symbol on the left of a hammer and sickle. A title on the left reads. D.I.A. Connections. Subtitle Season 2, Episode 8. With a large text below that reads. Strange Things at D.I.A. A button below reads. Listen Now"
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            alt="Image of a blue background with white accents on the right. Accompanied by an image on the right-side of an eye, with light coming from it, looking at a military tank. Behind is a map of Europe with a Soviet symbol on the left of a hammer and sickle. A title on the left reads. D.I.A. Connections. Subtitle Season 2, Episode 8. With a large text below that reads. Strange Things at D.I.A. A button below reads. Listen Now"
            class="slideshow-background slideshow-img visible-sm visible-xs"
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      <!-- Slide    Space Report         "Featured Image/Graphic" - Mario -->

      <div class="slideshow-mySlides slideshow-fade-animation">
            alt="Feature graphic showing the moon in the middle with the Earth on the right. Main title on left side. 2022 Challenges to Security in Space. Sub title. Space reliance in an Era of competition and expansion. Available Now"
              slideshow-background slideshow-img
              visible-xl visible-lg visible-md
            alt="Feature graphic showing the moon in the middle with the Earth on the right. Main title on left side. 2022 Challenges to Security in Space. Sub title. Space reliance in an Era of competition and expansion. Available Now"
            class="slideshow-background slideshow-img visible-sm visible-xs"
      <!-- Slide    Washington Letters         "Featured Image/Graphic" - Mario --

      <div class="slideshow-mySlides slideshow-fade-animation">
            alt="Feature graphic showing a museum layout. Main title. Straight from the pride of mount vernon"
              slideshow-background slideshow-img
              visible-xl visible-lg visible-md
            alt="Feature graphic showing a museum layout. Main title. Straight from the pride of mount vernon"
            class="slideshow-background slideshow-img visible-sm visible-xs"
      <!-- Slide   DIA Comic Book        "Featured Image/Graphic" - Mario -->

      <div class="slideshow-mySlides slideshow-fade-animation">
            alt="Image showing two silhouettes in front of armed men, military vehicles, a woman on a computer system, and another holding a laptop. Main title. D.I.A. Subtitle. Exposing the truth. Issue number 1."
              slideshow-background slideshow-img
              visible-xl visible-lg visible-md
            alt="Image showing two silhouettes in front of armed men, military vehicles, a woman on a computer system, and another holding a laptop. Main title. D.I.A. Subtitle. Exposing the truth. Issue number 1."
            class="slideshow-background slideshow-img visible-sm visible-xs"
      <!-- Slide   DIA Strategy        "Featured Image/Graphic" - Mario -->
      <!-- Slide    Newest Podcast S2E7         "Featured Image/Graphic" - Mario -->
      <div class="slideshow-mySlides slideshow-fade-animation">
        <a href="/News-Features/Podcasts#Season2"
            alt="Image of a fighter pilot with helmet on inside of an aircraft. Main title on the left is D.I.A. Connections. Subtitle. Season 2. Episode 7. Bolded Title. Top Gun. A button below reads. Listen Now"
              slideshow-background slideshow-img
              visible-xl visible-lg visible-md
            alt="Image of a fighter pilot with helmet on inside of an aircraft. Main title on the left is D.I.A. Connections. Subtitle. Season 2. Episode 7. Bolded Title. Top Gun. A button below reads. Listen Now"
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            alt="Feature graphic showing four interconnected globes. Main title. DIA strategic approach. Subtitle. Delivering defense intelligence for strategic competition to warfighters, decision makers, policymakers, and the acquisition community. For more information read DIA’s strategic approach. "
              slideshow-background slideshow-img
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            alt="Feature graphic showing four interconnected globes. Main title. DIA strategic approach. Subtitle. Delivering defense intelligence for strategic competition to warfighters, decision makers, policymakers, and the acquisition community. For more information read DIA’s strategic approach. "
            class="slideshow-background slideshow-img visible-sm visible-xs"
      <!-- Slide   North Korea Mil Power       "Featured Image/Graphic" - Mario -->

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            alt="Feature image of an outlined country and a publication. Main title. North Koea military power. Sub title A growing regional and global threat. Available Now. Learn More."
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            alt="Feature image of an outlined country and a publication. Main title. North Koea military power. Sub title A growing regional and global threat. Available Now. Learn More."
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<h1 class="custom-mission-header" style="color: white; text-transform: uppercase;">Our Mission</h1>

<p class="custom-mission-body" style="color: white; font-weight: lighter; font-size: 2rem !important">Provide intelligence on foreign militaries to prevent<br />
and decisively win wars.</p>

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   <div style="color: #004177; font-weight: bolder; font-size: 36px;">THE DIA MUSEUM</div>

   <div style="margin-top: 16px; font-size: 20px;"><span style="font-size: 16px; background-color: transparent;">DIA provides intelligence on foreign militaries and their operating environments so the United States and its allies can prevent and decisively win wars. We serve everyone from the president to the soldier in combat through a combination of expert analysis, intelligence gathering, and cutting-edge science and technology. The DIA Museum provides a unique, declassified look at DIA's roles that include exposing the truth, supporting operations, enabling diplomacy and supporting every effort to safely return our troops.</span></div>

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                <span class="sr-only">U.S. Air Force and Czech Republic leadership salute the 2801 Czech Air Force Airbus as it departs during the dignified transfer of Brigadier Gen. František Moravec at Joint Base Andrews, Md., April 25, 2022. Moravec’s remains will be transported to his home country of the Czech Republic, where he will be laid to rest. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Bridgitte Taylor)</span>
            <div class="dod2-card__overlay"></div>
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                <h3 class="dod2-card__title"><span style="font-size: 2rem;">World War II leader remembered as relentless in pursuit of freedom</span></h3>
                <div class="dod2-object-eyebrow">
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                    <div class="dod2-object-eyebrow-date">
                        Apr. 29, 2022
                <hr class="dod2-card__hr" />
                <div class="dod2-card__description">
                    <span>Unwavering in the pursuit of freedom during World War II, Brig. Gen. František “Frank” Moravec will finally...</span>
                    <div class="dod2-card__read-more">Read More</div>
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                <span class="sr-only">Image of a person holding document.</span>
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                <h3 class="dod2-card__title"><span style="font-size: 2rem;">From the strategic crossroads of the American Revolution</span></h3>
                <div class="dod2-object-eyebrow">
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                    <div class="dod2-object-eyebrow-date">
                        Apr. 14, 2022
                <hr class="dod2-card__hr" />
                <div class="dod2-card__description">
                    <span>On April 5, DIA received the third in a series of letters on loan from the Library of Congress that traces the...</span>
                    <div class="dod2-card__read-more">Read More</div>
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            <div class="dod2-card__image" style="background-image: url(">
                <span class="sr-only">Graphic depicting moon and space background</span>
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                <h3 class="dod2-card__title"><span style="font-size: 2rem;">Challenges mount against U.S., allies in race to maintain stability in space</span></h3>
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                    <div class="dod2-object-eyebrow-date">
                        Apr. 12, 2022
                <hr class="dod2-card__hr" />
                <div class="dod2-card__description">
                    <span>Released on April 12, 2022, DIA’s "Challenges to Security in Space — 2022" report details Chinese and Russian...</span>
                    <div class="dod2-card__read-more">Read More</div>
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            <div class="dod2-card__image" style="background-image: url(">
                <span class="sr-only">An image of people together, meeting</span>
            <div class="dod2-card__overlay"></div>
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                <h3 class="dod2-card__title"><span style="font-size: 2rem;">Stronger Together</span></h3>
                <div class="dod2-object-eyebrow">
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                    <div class="dod2-object-eyebrow-date">
                        Mar. 28, 2022
                <hr class="dod2-card__hr" />
                <div class="dod2-card__description">
                    <span>On March 9, Ukrainian Ambassador Oksana Markarova arrived at DIA Headquarters to meet with DIA Director Lt...</span>
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        <a class="dod2-card" href="">
            <div class="dod2-card__image" style="background-image: url(">
                <span class="sr-only">Photo of former DIA Director Retired Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart</span>
            <div class="dod2-card__overlay"></div>
            <div class="dod2-card__content">
                <h3 class="dod2-card__title"><span style="font-size: 2rem;">For the greater good: Reflections on legacy with Vincent Stewart</span></h3>
                <div class="dod2-object-eyebrow">
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                    <div class="dod2-object-eyebrow-date">
                        Feb. 24, 2022
                <hr class="dod2-card__hr" />
                <div class="dod2-card__description">
                    <span>Retired Lt. Gen. Vincent Stewart holds the distinction of being DIA’s first Black director, and DIA’s first...</span>
                    <div class="dod2-card__read-more">Read More</div>
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		<style type="text/css">.career-opp-custom-col {
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<div style="padding: 32px; background-color: #F1F1F1;">
<div class="centered-container">
<div style="font-size: 36px; font-weight: bolder; color: #121315; text-align: center;">CAREERS &amp; OPPORTUNITIES
<div style="
          background: #121315;
          content: '';
          display: block;
          height: 5px;
          margin: 0px auto 15px;
          width: 105px;
          box-sizing: border-box;

<div style="width: 100%;">
<div class="row" style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: center;">
<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3" style="min-width: 381px;">
<div class="career-opp-custom-col grow">
<div><a href="/Careers-Internships/"><img alt="Image of uniformed member at hiring event welcome table. With two people are behind the table." class="career-opp-col-image" src="/portals/110/Images/Home/vacancies.jpg" title="Image of uniformed member at hiring event welcome table. With two people are behind the table." /> </a></div>

<div class="career-opp-text-container">
<div class="career-opp-col-header">Vacancies</div>

<div class="career-opp-col-link"><a href="/Careers-Internships/">Apply for jobs</a></div>

<div class="career-opp-col-description">DIA is committed to hiring exceptional talent for a variety of career opportunities that span the globe to help support our mission. The majority of our hiring is done at the entry-level through invitation-only hiring events; however, vacancies may be posted for mid- and senior-level positions as mission dictates.</div>

<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3" style="min-width: 381px;">
<div class="career-opp-custom-col grow">
<div><a href="/Careers-Opportunities/Veterans/"><img alt="Image of uniformed member with significant other, shaking hands with a third person." class="career-opp-col-image" src="/portals/110/Images/Home/veterans.jpg" title="Image of uniformed member with significant other, shaking hands with a third person." /> </a></div>

<div class="career-opp-text-container">
<div class="career-opp-col-header">Veterans</div>

<div class="career-opp-col-link"><a href="/Careers-Opportunities/Veterans/">Wounded Warrior Program, Eligibility</a></div>

<div class="career-opp-col-description">Experience, leadership, integrity, teamwork&nbsp;and dedication are all traits military personnel already possess. DIA recognizes the values and service of these unique men and women, and offers many opportunities for them to continue their careers and serve the Nation.</div>

<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3" style="min-width: 381px;">
<div class="career-opp-custom-col grow">
<div><a href="/Careers-Opportunities/Students/"><img alt="Image of young business people working together using technology" class="career-opp-col-image" src="/portals/110/Images/Home/students.jpg" title="Image of young business people working together using technology" /> </a></div>

<div class="career-opp-text-container">
<div class="career-opp-col-header">Students</div>

<div class="career-opp-col-link"><a href="/Careers-Opportunities/Students/">Make a difference pursuing your career</a></div>

<div class="career-opp-col-description">DIA offers valuable work experience for college students. With a variety of programs, internships and entry-level career options, DIA seeks the best and brightest students and recent graduates to bring their knowledge and skills to our diverse workforce.</div>

<div class="col-md-3 col-sm-3" style="min-width: 381px;">
<div class="career-opp-custom-col grow">
<div><a href="/Business/Office-of-Small-Business-Programs/"><img alt="A close up image of a still handshake" class="career-opp-col-image" src="/portals/110/Images/Home/business.jpg" title="A close up image of a still handshake" /> </a></div>

<div class="career-opp-text-container">
<div class="career-opp-col-header">Small Business Programs</div>

<div class="career-opp-col-link"><a href="/Business/Office-of-Small-Business-Programs/">We welcome your business</a></div>

<div class="career-opp-col-description">DIA&#39;s Office of Small Business Programs is committed to increasing acquisition opportunities to small businesses. We understand how forming partnerships with the private sector enhance the DIA mission and support U.S. growth.</div>


</div><!-- End_Module_23615 --></div>
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        style="background-image: url('/Portals/110/Images/Home/dia_connections5.jpg'); background-position: center; min-height: 760px; background-size: cover;">
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                            <div style="margin: 32px; text-align: center;"><a class="button"
                                    href="/News-Features/Podcasts/" style="font-size: 28px; white-space: nowrap;">LISTEN

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                                <div class="hidden-xs hidden-sm hidden-md"
                                    style="border-left: 1px solid #FFFFFF; padding: 24px; margin-left: 24px;">&nbsp;

                                <div style="color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 24px; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px;">
                                    <div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 0px;"><img
                                            alt="Image of the text D.I.A. Connections"
                                            style="max-width: 100%; padding-bottom: 10px;"
                                            title="Image of the text D.I.A. Connections" /></div>

                                    <p style="font-size: 2rem;">DIA Connections is an exciting podcast that
                                        features&nbsp;overlooked or unfamiliar aspects of DIA, including what we
                                        do&nbsp;and the countless ways we&#39;ve impacted the lives of people around the
                                        world. Since its creation in 1961, DIA&nbsp;has been the Nation&#39;s premier
                                        all-source military intelligence organization. Our team at DIA deploys globally,
                                        alongside warfighters and interagency partners, to defend America&#39;s national
                                        security interests. But, as this podcast series reveals,&nbsp;we are so much

</div><!-- End_Module_23626 --></div>
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 End of Font Awesome Call --><!-- Styles for Animated Hyperlinks -->
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<div style="text-align: center;"><img src="/portals/110/Images/Footer/dia_symbol_trans100.png" style="width: 128px;" alt="DIA Symbol" /></div>
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<!-- End of White Vertical line --><!-- Container for Hyperlinks with responsive class -->

<div class="container"><!-- Row with 4 columns. 3 x 4 = 12-->
<div class="row"><!-- First column of hyperlinks -->
<div class="col-md-2 footer-link-center">
<div class="footer-entry"><a class="animated-link" href="" target="_blank"><span style="color: #ffffff">Link Disclaimer</span></a></div>

<div class="footer-entry"><a class="animated-link" href="" target="_blank"><span style="color: #ffffff">Web Policy</span></a></div>

<div class="footer-entry"><a class="animated-link" href="" target="_blank"><span style="color: #ffffff">No FEAR Act</span></a></div>
<!-- End of First column of hyperlinks --><!-- Second column of Hyperlinks -->

<div class="col-md-3 footer-link-center">
<div class="footer-entry"><a class="animated-link" href="" target="_blank"><span style="color: #ffffff">DIA Inspector General</span></a></div>

<div class="footer-entry"><a class="animated-link" href="" target="_blank"><span style="color: #ffffff">DIA Status/</span></a></div>

<div class="footer-entry"><a class="animated-link" href="" target="_blank"><span style="color: #ffffff">Accessibility/Section 508</span></a></div>
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<div class="footer-entry"><a class="animated-link" href="/FOIA.aspx"><span style="color: #ffffff">FOIA</span></a></div>

<div class="footer-entry"><a class="animated-link" href="/Employee-Resources"><span style="color: #ffffff">Employee Resources</span></a></div>

<div class="footer-entry"><a class="animated-link" href="" target="_blank"><span style="color: #ffffff">Web Policy &amp; Security</span></a></div>
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<div class="row" style="display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-wrap: wrap;"><!-- First attempt at including the Social Media Links --><!-- Title Section -->
<div style="text-align: center">
<div style="font-size: 1.8rem; color: white; padding: 15px 0 10px; white-space: nowrap;">CONNECT WITH US</div>
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<div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 32px;"><img src="/portals/110/Images/Footer/Slogan_Tran.png" style="width: 512px; max-width: 100%;" alt="DIA Slogan" /></div>
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Sun, 26 Jun 2022 05:07:28 GMT
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Google LLC
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ooniprobe-android (3.6.0)
Measurement Engine
ooniprobe-engine (3.14.1)

Raw Measurement Data
