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On June 26, 2022 at 5:08:51 AM UTC, was accessible when tested on AS25472 in Greece.


HTTP Experiment
DNS Experiment

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Answer IP Info
AS20940 (Akamai International B.V.)
AS20940 (Akamai International B.V.)
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AS20940 (Akamai International B.V.)
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TCP Connections

2a02:26f0:c000::213:333e:80: failed (network_unreachable)
2a02:26f0:c000::213:3345:80: failed (network_unreachable) succeeded succeeded

HTTP Requests

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private, no-cache
text/html; charset=utf-8
Sun, 26 Jun 2022 05:08:53 GMT
Sun, 26 Jun 2022 05:08:53 GMT
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                    <img class="img-responsive contentCenter" src="" alt="PACIFIC OCEAN (June 20, 2022) - Two B-1B Lancers, assigned to 34th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron, fly in formation over the Pacific Ocean while one releases flares during a Bomber Task Force mission, June 20, 2022. Bomber Task Force missions provide opportunities to train alongside our allies and partners to build interoperability and bolster our collective ability to support a free and open Indo-Pacific. (U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Nicholas Priest)" title="PACIFIC OCEAN (June 20, 2022) - Two B-1B Lancers, assigned to 34th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron, fly in formation over the Pacific Ocean while one releases flares during a Bomber Task Force mission, June 20, 2022. Bomber Task Force missions provide opportunities to train alongside our allies and partners to build interoperability and bolster our collective ability to support a free and open Indo-Pacific. (U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Nicholas Priest)" />
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                        <h2>Two B-1B Lancers fly in formation over the Pacific Ocean during a Bomber Task Force mission</h2>
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                            PACIFIC OCEAN (June 20, 2022) - Two B-1B Lancers, assigned to 34th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron, fly in formation over the Pacific Ocean while one releases flares during a Bomber Task Force mission, June 20, 2022. Bomber Task Force missions provide opportunities to train alongside our allies and partners to build interoperability and bolster our collective ability to support a free and open Indo-Pacific. (U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Nicholas Priest)
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                    <img class="img-responsive contentCenter" src="" alt="JAPAN (June 22, 2022) - U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. Tyler Somers, a machine gunner with 3d Battalion, 2d Marines fires an M2 machine gun during Exercise Shinka 22.1 at Combined Arms Training Center, Camp Fuji, Japan, June 22, 2022. Shinka exemplifies a shared commitment to realistic training that produces lethal, ready, and adaptable forces capable of decentralized operations across a wide range of missions. 3/2 is forward deployed in the Indo-Pacific under 4th Marines, 3d Marine Division as part of the Unit Deployment Program. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Michael Taggart)" title="JAPAN (June 22, 2022) - U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. Tyler Somers, a machine gunner with 3d Battalion, 2d Marines fires an M2 machine gun during Exercise Shinka 22.1 at Combined Arms Training Center, Camp Fuji, Japan, June 22, 2022. Shinka exemplifies a shared commitment to realistic training that produces lethal, ready, and adaptable forces capable of decentralized operations across a wide range of missions. 3/2 is forward deployed in the Indo-Pacific under 4th Marines, 3d Marine Division as part of the Unit Deployment Program. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Michael Taggart)" />
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                        <h2>U.S. Marine Corps machine gunner fires an M2 machine gun during Exercise Shinka 22.1</h2>
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                            JAPAN (June 22, 2022) - U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. Tyler Somers, a machine gunner with 3d Battalion, 2d Marines fires an M2 machine gun during Exercise Shinka 22.1 at Combined Arms Training Center, Camp Fuji, Japan, June 22, 2022. Shinka exemplifies a shared commitment to realistic training that produces lethal, ready, and adaptable forces capable of decentralized operations across a wide range of missions. 3/2 is forward deployed in the Indo-Pacific under 4th Marines, 3d Marine Division as part of the Unit Deployment Program. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Michael Taggart)
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                    <img class="img-responsive contentCenter" src="" alt="PACIFIC OCEAN (June 20, 2022) - An F/A-18E Super Hornet assigned to the “Vigilantes” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 151 conducts a fly-by off the port side of the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Gridley (DDG 101). Abraham Lincoln Strike Group is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations to enhance interoperability through alliances and partnerships while serving as a ready-response force in support of a free and open Indo-Pacific region. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Colby A. Mothershead)" title="PACIFIC OCEAN (June 20, 2022) - An F/A-18E Super Hornet assigned to the “Vigilantes” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 151 conducts a fly-by off the port side of the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Gridley (DDG 101). Abraham Lincoln Strike Group is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations to enhance interoperability through alliances and partnerships while serving as a ready-response force in support of a free and open Indo-Pacific region. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Colby A. Mothershead)" />
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                        <h2>An F/A-18E Super Hornet conducts a fly-by near the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Gridley </h2>
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                            PACIFIC OCEAN (June 20, 2022) - An F/A-18E Super Hornet assigned to the “Vigilantes” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 151 conducts a fly-by off the port side of the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Gridley (DDG 101). Abraham Lincoln Strike Group is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations to enhance interoperability through alliances and partnerships while serving as a ready-response force in support of a free and open Indo-Pacific region. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Colby A. Mothershead)
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                    <img class="img-responsive contentCenter" src="" alt="VUNG RO BAY, Vietnam (June 19, 2022) - Hospital ship USNS Mercy (T-AH 19) arrives in Vung Ro Bay in the Phu Yen province of Vietnam for Pacific Partnership 2022, June 19. Now in its 17th year, Pacific Partnership is the largest annual multinational humanitarian assistance and disaster relief preparedness mission conducted in the Indo-Pacific. (U.S. Navy Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Brandon Parker/Released)" title="VUNG RO BAY, Vietnam (June 19, 2022) - Hospital ship USNS Mercy (T-AH 19) arrives in Vung Ro Bay in the Phu Yen province of Vietnam for Pacific Partnership 2022, June 19. Now in its 17th year, Pacific Partnership is the largest annual multinational humanitarian assistance and disaster relief preparedness mission conducted in the Indo-Pacific. (U.S. Navy Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Brandon Parker/Released)" />
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                        <h2>Hospital ship USNS Mercy arrives in Vung Ro Bay in the Phu Yen province of Vietnam for Pacific Partnership 2022</h2>
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                            VUNG RO BAY, Vietnam (June 19, 2022) - Hospital ship USNS Mercy (T-AH 19) arrives in Vung Ro Bay in the Phu Yen province of Vietnam for Pacific Partnership 2022, June 19. Now in its 17th year, Pacific Partnership is the largest annual multinational humanitarian assistance and disaster relief preparedness mission conducted in the Indo-Pacific. (U.S. Navy Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Brandon Parker/Released)
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                    <img class="img-responsive contentCenter" src="" alt="ALLEN ARMY AIRFIELD, Alaska (June. 15, 2022) - U.S. Army Paratroopers assigned to the 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 11th Airborne Division, conduct their first major airborne operation in decades during RED FLAG-Alaska 22-2 over Allen Army Airfield, Alaska, June 15, 2022. The exercise provides unique opportunities to integrate various forces into joint, coalition and multilateral training from simulated forward operating bases. " title="ALLEN ARMY AIRFIELD, Alaska (June. 15, 2022) - U.S. Army Paratroopers assigned to the 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 11th Airborne Division, conduct their first major airborne operation in decades during RED FLAG-Alaska 22-2 over Allen Army Airfield, Alaska, June 15, 2022. The exercise provides unique opportunities to integrate various forces into joint, coalition and multilateral training from simulated forward operating bases. " />
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                        <h2>U.S. Army Paratroopers conduct airborne operations during RED FLAG-Alaska 22-2</h2>
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                            ALLEN ARMY AIRFIELD, Alaska (June. 15, 2022) - U.S. Army Paratroopers assigned to the 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 11th Airborne Division, conduct their first major airborne operation in decades during RED FLAG-Alaska 22-2 over Allen Army Airfield, Alaska, June 15, 2022. The exercise provides unique opportunities to integrate various forces into joint, coalition and multilateral training from simulated forward operating bases.
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                    <img class="img-responsive contentCenter" src="" alt="TOKYO, Japan (Jan. 17, 2022) - U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Gen. Steven R. Rudder, left, commander, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific (MARFORPAC) , and Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) Gen. Yoshihide Yoshida, chief of staff, meets for an out-call after the Pacific Amphibious Leaders Symposium 2022, Tokyo, Japan, " title="TOKYO, Japan (Jan. 17, 2022) - U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Gen. Steven R. Rudder, left, commander, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific (MARFORPAC) , and Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) Gen. Yoshihide Yoshida, chief of staff, meets for an out-call after the Pacific Amphibious Leaders Symposium 2022, Tokyo, Japan, " />
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                        <h2>U.S. MARFORPAC Commander and JGSDF chief of staff meet following the Pacific Amphibious Leaders Symposium </h2>
                        <span class="jcs_details">
                            TOKYO, Japan (Jan. 17, 2022) - U.S. Marine Corps Lt. Gen. Steven R. Rudder, left, commander, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific (MARFORPAC) , and Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) Gen. Yoshihide Yoshida, chief of staff, meets for an out-call after the Pacific Amphibious Leaders Symposium 2022, Tokyo, Japan, June 17, 2022. This iteration of PALS brought senior leaders of allied and partnered militaries together to discuss amphibious force readiness, expeditionary advanced base operations, intermediate force capabilities, and ways to improve interoperability between partners within the Indo-Pacific region. A total of 18 participating delegations from Asia, Australia, Europe, South America, and North America participated in the symposium. 
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                    <img class="img-responsive contentCenter" src="" alt="JOINT BASE PEARL HARBOR-HICKAM (June 16, 2022) -- The Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarine USS Topeka (SSN 754) pulls into port following a routine underway, June 16, 2022. Topeka is capable of supporting various missions, including anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface ship warfare, strike warfare, and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. " title="JOINT BASE PEARL HARBOR-HICKAM (June 16, 2022) -- The Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarine USS Topeka (SSN 754) pulls into port following a routine underway, June 16, 2022. Topeka is capable of supporting various missions, including anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface ship warfare, strike warfare, and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. " />
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                        <h2>Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarine USS Topeka (SSN 754) pulls into port following a routine underway</h2>
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                            JOINT BASE PEARL HARBOR-HICKAM (June 16, 2022) -- The Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarine USS Topeka (SSN 754) pulls into port following a routine underway, June 16, 2022. Topeka is capable of supporting various missions, including anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface ship warfare, strike warfare, and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. 
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                    <img class="img-responsive contentCenter" src="" alt="KADENA AIR BASE, OKINAWA, Japan (June 15, 2022) - Two 44th Fighter Squadron F-15C Eagles fly behind a 909th Air Refueling Squadron KC-135 Stratotanker after being refueled over the Pacific Ocean, June 15, 2022. The F-15C Eagle is an all-weather, maneuverable, tactical fighter designed to permit the Air Force to gain and maintain air supremacy over the battlefield. " title="KADENA AIR BASE, OKINAWA, Japan (June 15, 2022) - Two 44th Fighter Squadron F-15C Eagles fly behind a 909th Air Refueling Squadron KC-135 Stratotanker after being refueled over the Pacific Ocean, June 15, 2022. The F-15C Eagle is an all-weather, maneuverable, tactical fighter designed to permit the Air Force to gain and maintain air supremacy over the battlefield. " />
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                        <h2>Two F-15C Eagles fly behind a KC-135 Stratotanker after being refueled over the Pacific Ocean</h2>
                        <span class="jcs_details">
                            KADENA AIR BASE, OKINAWA, Japan (June 15, 2022) - Two 44th Fighter Squadron F-15C Eagles fly behind a 909th Air Refueling Squadron KC-135 Stratotanker after being refueled over the Pacific Ocean, June 15, 2022. The F-15C Eagle is an all-weather, maneuverable, tactical fighter designed to permit the Air Force to gain and maintain air supremacy over the battlefield. 
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                    <img class="img-responsive contentCenter" src="" alt="PACIFIC OCEAN (June 14, 2022) - An MH-60R Sea Hawk helicopter, from the "Battlecats" of Helicopter Strike Maritime Squadron (HSM) 73, lifts off of the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68). Nimitz is underway in the U.S. 3rd Fleet area of operations. " title="PACIFIC OCEAN (June 14, 2022) - An MH-60R Sea Hawk helicopter, from the "Battlecats" of Helicopter Strike Maritime Squadron (HSM) 73, lifts off of the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68). Nimitz is underway in the U.S. 3rd Fleet area of operations. " />
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                        <h2>MH-60R Sea Hawk helicopter lifts off of the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz</h2>
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                            PACIFIC OCEAN (June 14, 2022) - An MH-60R Sea Hawk helicopter, from the "Battlecats" of Helicopter Strike Maritime Squadron (HSM) 73, lifts off of the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68). Nimitz is underway in the U.S. 3rd Fleet area of operations. 
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                    <img class="img-responsive contentCenter" src="" alt="Palau (June 15, 2022) - A PAC-2 Patriot interceptor missile is launched at a Kratos Defense Firejet cruise missile surrogate target during the Patriot live-fire exercise as part of Valiant Shield 22. Air defenders from Charlie Battery, 1-1 Air Defense Artillery Battalion successfully intercepted the target at approximately 10:00 a.m. local time. The target traveled out to sea on a southeast track, then executed a 180-degree turn and flew towards the airport from the southeast. At this point, two PAC-2 Patriot interceptor missiles engaged the target in salvo mode, with the second Patriot launching three seconds after the first. " title="Palau (June 15, 2022) - A PAC-2 Patriot interceptor missile is launched at a Kratos Defense Firejet cruise missile surrogate target during the Patriot live-fire exercise as part of Valiant Shield 22. Air defenders from Charlie Battery, 1-1 Air Defense Artillery Battalion successfully intercepted the target at approximately 10:00 a.m. local time. The target traveled out to sea on a southeast track, then executed a 180-degree turn and flew towards the airport from the southeast. At this point, two PAC-2 Patriot interceptor missiles engaged the target in salvo mode, with the second Patriot launching three seconds after the first. " />
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                        <h2>A PAC-2 Patriot interceptor missile is launched during the Patriot live-fire exercise as part of Valiant Shield</h2>
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                            Palau (June 15, 2022) - A PAC-2 Patriot interceptor missile is launched at a Kratos Defense Firejet cruise missile surrogate target during the Patriot live-fire exercise as part of Valiant Shield 22. Air defenders from Charlie Battery, 1-1 Air Defense Artillery Battalion successfully intercepted the target at approximately 10:00 a.m. local time. The target traveled out to sea on a southeast track, then executed a 180-degree turn and flew towards the airport from the southeast. At this point, two PAC-2 Patriot interceptor missiles engaged the target in salvo mode, with the second Patriot launching three seconds after the first. The interceptor missiles engaged the target approximately 35km off the coast of Palau at an altitude of 10,000 feet and speed of 350 knots; the first interceptor successfully destroyed the target, and the second interceptor adjusted course to target the largest piece of debris from the first intercept. 
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                    <img alt="The crew of U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Steadfast takes a photograph in Manzanillo, Mexico, with two men they rescued during a deployment in the Eastern Pacific Ocean June 10, 2022. The men were lost at sea for 23 days after their vessel was beset by weather. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by Seaman Brad O&#39;Brien)" src="" class="" />
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                    <img alt="On June 20, 2022, Khan Quest 2022 ended with the official closing ceremony. Over the past two weeks Mongolian Armed Forces (MAF) hosted 15 nations in this 18th iteration of the exercise. By participating in Khaan Quest, nations were able to showcase their resolve in peacekeeping missions around the world.

Soldiers, Spc. Hunter Mains and Spc. Kyle Johnson with the Army Alaska National Guard, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 297th Regional Support Group contributed a major role in CPX operations which had them role play in several different scenarios. 

Both Soldiers also participated at the end of the exercise mock press conference. The press conference is designed to prepare peacekeepers and military leaders for questions that may be asked of them during stressful situations. Johnson and Mains roleplayed as journalists asking the questions. 

Pictured here the CPX participants listen to the news conference brief given by the military leadership in a role playing scenerio." src="" class="" />
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                    <img alt="U.S. Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro greets U.S. Marine Corps Col. Christopher Steele, the commanding officer of Marine Rotational Force-Darwin (MRF-D) 22, during a visit with MRF-D 22 at Royal Australian Air Force Base Darwin, June 18, 2022. Secretary Del Toro visited Marines and Sailors with MRF-D 22 and Australian Defence Force personnel as part of the Indo-Pacific battlefield circulation. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Emeline Molla)" src="" class="" />
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                    <img alt="PHU YEN, VIETNAM (June 20, 2022) – Captain Hank Kim, Pacific Partnership 2022 mission commander, left, delivers remarks during the Pacific Partnership Vietnam opening ceremony. Now in its 17th year, Pacific Partnership is the largest annual multinational humanitarian assistance and disaster relief preparedness mission conducted in the Indo-Pacific. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Brandie Nuzzi)" src="" class="" />
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<p><a href="" target="_blank">Chargé d&rsquo;Affaires Variava Delivers Covid-19 Assistance to Zamboanga</a> (U.S. Embassy in the Philippines)</p>

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Response Headers
Sun, 26 Jun 2022 05:08:53 GMT
Response Body

Empty body


Resolver ASN
Resolver IP
Resolver Network Name
Google LLC
Measurement UID
Report ID
Software Name
ooniprobe-android (3.6.0)
Measurement Engine
ooniprobe-engine (3.14.1)

Raw Measurement Data
