July 2, 2022 at 1:05:45 AM UTC
Runtime: 2.6s
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On July 2, 2022 at 1:05:45 AM UTC, https://www.soma.com/store/ was accessible when tested on AS37492 in Tunisia.


HTTP Experiment
DNS Experiment

DNS Queries

IN A www.soma.com
Answer IP Info
AS16625 (Akamai Technologies, Inc.)

TCP Connections succeeded

HTTP Requests

GET https://www.soma.com/store/
Response Headers
Sat, 02 Jul 2022 01:05:45 GMT
Nacho Web Server
cdn-cache; desc=MISS
JSESSIONID=EA76A4E2670B7F0EACE83536210392D3.ga3pjve1swap004; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly
9 - 0 pmb=mTOE,4mRUM,2
SAMEORIGIN ALLOW-FROM https://design-use.ci360.sas.com
Chicos EComm
Response Body
<!doctype html>
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P : "removeEventListener"; if (e) { V(t,a) } r.forEach(function(e) { t[i](e,a) }) },X = function(e,t,a,i,r) { var n = D.createEvent("Event"); if (!a) { a = {} } a.instance = k; n.initEvent(t,!i,!r); n.detail = a; e.dispatchEvent(n); return n },Y = function(e,t) { var a; if (!i && (a = u.picturefill || H.pf)) { if (t && t.src && !e[$]("srcset")) { e.setAttribute("srcset",t.src) } a({ reevaluate: true,elements: [e] }) } else if (t && t.src) { e.src = t.src } },Z = function(e,t) { return (getComputedStyle(e,null) || {})[t] },s = function(e,t,a) { a = a || e.offsetWidth; while (a < H.minSize && t && !e._lazysizesWidth) { a = t.offsetWidth; t = t.parentNode } return a },ee = function() { var a,i; var t = []; var r = []; var n = t; var s = function() { var e = n; n = t.length ? r : t; a = true; i = false; while (e.length) { e.shift()() } a = false }; var e = function(e,t) { if (a && !t) { e.apply(this,arguments) } else { n.push(e); if (!i) { i = true; (D.hidden ? I : U)(s) } } }; e._lsFlush = s; return e }(),te = function(a,e) { return e ? function() { ee(a) } : function() { var e = this; var t = arguments; ee(function() { a.apply(e,t) }) } },ae = function(e) { var a; var i = 0; var r = H.throttleDelay; var n = H.ricTimeout; var t = function() { a = false; i = f.now(); e() }; var s = o && n > 49 ? function() { o(t,{ timeout: n }); if (n !== H.ricTimeout) { n = H.ricTimeout } } : te(function() { I(t) },true); return function(e) { var t; if (e = e === true) { n = 33 } if (a) { return } a = true; t = r - (f.now() - i); if (t < 0) { t = 0 } if (e || t < 9) { s() } else { I(s,t) } } },ie = function(e) { var t,a; var i = 99; var r = function() { t = null; e() }; var n = function() { var e = f.now() - a; if (e < i) { I(n,i - e) } else { (o || r)(r) } }; return function() { a = f.now(); if (!t) { t = I(n,i) } } },e = function() { var v,m,c,h,e; var y,z,g,p,C,b,A; var n = /^img$/i; var d = /^iframe$/i; var E = "onscroll" in u && !/(gle|ing)bot/.test(navigator.userAgent); var _ = 0; var w = 0; var M = 0; var N = -1; var L = function(e) { M--; if (!e || M < 0 || !e.target) { M = 0 } }; var x = function(e) { if (A == null) { A = Z(D.body,"visibility") == "hidden" } return A || !(Z(e.parentNode,"visibility") == "hidden" && Z(e,"visibility") == "hidden") }; var W = function(e,t) { var a; var i = e; var r = x(e); g -= t; b += t; p -= t; C += t; while (r && (i = i.offsetParent) && i != D.body && i != O) { r = (Z(i,"opacity") || 1) > 0; if (r && Z(i,"overflow") != "visible") { a = i.getBoundingClientRect(); r = C > a.left && p < a.right && b > a.top - 1 && g < a.bottom + 1 } } return r }; var t = function() { var e,t,a,i,r,n,s,o,l,u,f,c; var d = k.elements; if ((h = H.loadMode) && M < 8 && (e = d.length)) { t = 0; N++; for (; t < e; t++) { if (!d[t] || d[t]._lazyRace) { continue } if (!E || k.prematureUnveil && k.prematureUnveil(d[t])) { R(d[t]); continue } if (!(o = d[t][$]("data-expand")) || !(n = o * 1)) { n = w } if (!u) { u = !H.expand || H.expand < 1 ? O.clientHeight > 500 && O.clientWidth > 500 ? 500 : 370 : H.expand; k._defEx = u; f = u * H.expFactor; c = H.hFac; A = null; if (w < f && M < 1 && N > 2 && h > 2 && !D.hidden) { w = f; N = 0 } else if (h > 1 && N > 1 && M < 6) { w = u } else { w = _ } } if (l !== n) { y = innerWidth + n * c; z = innerHeight + n; s = n * -1; l = n } a = d[t].getBoundingClientRect(); if ((b = a.bottom) >= s && (g = a.top) <= z && (C = a.right) >= s * c && (p = a.left) <= y && (b || C || p || g) && (H.loadHidden || x(d[t])) && (m && M < 3 && !o && (h < 3 || N < 4) || W(d[t],n))) { R(d[t]); r = true; if (M > 9) { break } } else if (!r && m && !i && M < 4 && N < 4 && h > 2 && (v[0] || H.preloadAfterLoad) && (v[0] || !o && (b || C || p || g || d[t][$](H.sizesAttr) != "auto"))) { i = v[0] || d[t] } } if (i && !r) { R(i) } } }; var a = ae(t); var S = function(e) { var t = e.target; if (t._lazyCache) { delete t._lazyCache; return } L(e); K(t,H.loadedClass); Q(t,H.loadingClass); V(t,B); X(t,"lazyloaded") }; var i = te(S); var B = function(e) { i({ target: e.target }) }; var T = function(e,t) { var a = e.getAttribute("data-load-mode") || H.iframeLoadMode; if (a == 0) { e.contentWindow.location.replace(t) } else if (a == 1) { e.src = t } }; var F = function(e) { var t; var a = e[$](H.srcsetAttr); if (t = H.customMedia[e[$]("data-media") || e[$]("media")]) { e.setAttribute("media",t) } if (a) { e.setAttribute("srcset",a) } }; var s = te(function(t,e,a,i,r) { var n,s,o,l,u,f; if (!(u = X(t,"lazybeforeunveil",e)).defaultPrevented) { if (i) { if (a) { K(t,H.autosizesClass) } else { t.setAttribute("sizes",i) } } s = t[$](H.srcsetAttr); n = t[$](H.srcAttr); if (r) { o = t.parentNode; l = o && j.test(o.nodeName || "") } f = e.firesLoad || "src" in t && (s || n || l); u = { target: t }; K(t,H.loadingClass); if (f) { clearTimeout(c); c = I(L,2500); V(t,B,true) } if (l) { G.call(o.getElementsByTagName("source"),F) } if (s) { t.setAttribute("srcset",s) } else if (n && !l) { if (d.test(t.nodeName)) { T(t,n) } else { t.src = n } } if (r && (s || l)) { Y(t,{ src: n }) } } if (t._lazyRace) { delete t._lazyRace } Q(t,H.lazyClass); ee(function() { var e = t.complete && t.naturalWidth > 1; if (!f || e) { if (e) { K(t,H.fastLoadedClass) } S(u); t._lazyCache = true; I(function() { if ("_lazyCache" in t) { delete t._lazyCache } },9) } if (t.loading == "lazy") { M-- } },true) }); var R = function(e) { if (e._lazyRace) { return } var t; var a = n.test(e.nodeName); var i = a && (e[$](H.sizesAttr) || e[$]("sizes")); var r = i == "auto"; if ((r || !m) && a && (e[$]("src") || e.srcset) && !e.complete && !J(e,H.errorClass) && J(e,H.lazyClass)) { return } t = X(e,"lazyunveilread").detail; if (r) { re.updateElem(e,true,e.offsetWidth) } e._lazyRace = true; M++; s(e,t,r,i,a) }; var r = ie(function() { H.loadMode = 3; a() }); var o = function() { if (H.loadMode == 3) { H.loadMode = 2 } r() }; var l = function() { if (m) { return } if (f.now() - e < 999) { I(l,999); return } m = true; H.loadMode = 3; a(); q("scroll",o,true) }; return { _: function() { e = f.now(); k.elements = D.getElementsByClassName(H.lazyClass); v = D.getElementsByClassName(H.lazyClass + " " + H.preloadClass); q("scroll",a,true); q("resize",a,true); q("pageshow",function(e) { if (e.persisted) { var t = D.querySelectorAll("." + H.loadingClass); if (t.length && t.forEach) { U(function() { t.forEach(function(e) { if (e.complete) { R(e) } }) }) } } }); if (u.MutationObserver) { new MutationObserver(a).observe(O,{ childList: true,subtree: true,attributes: true }) } else { O[P]("DOMNodeInserted",a,true); O[P]("DOMAttrModified",a,true); setInterval(a,999) } q("hashchange",a,true);["focus","mouseover","click","load","transitionend","animationend"].forEach(function(e) { D[P](e,a,true) }); if (/d$|^c/.test(D.readyState)) { l() } else { q("load",l); D[P]("DOMContentLoaded",a); I(l,2e4) } if (k.elements.length) { t(); ee._lsFlush() } else { a() } },checkElems: a,unveil: R,_aLSL: o } }(),re = function() { var a; var n = te(function(e,t,a,i) { var r,n,s; e._lazysizesWidth = i; i += "px"; e.setAttribute("sizes",i); if (j.test(t.nodeName || "")) { r = t.getElementsByTagName("source"); for (n = 0,s = r.length; n < s; n++) { r[n].setAttribute("sizes",i) } } if (!a.detail.dataAttr) { Y(e,a.detail) } }); var i = function(e,t,a) { var i; var r = e.parentNode; if (r) { a = s(e,r,a); i = X(e,"lazybeforesizes",{ width: a,dataAttr: !!t }); if (!i.defaultPrevented) { a = i.detail.width; if (a && a !== e._lazysizesWidth) { n(e,r,i,a) } } } }; var e = function() { var e; var t = a.length; if (t) { e = 0; for (; e < t; e++) { i(a[e]) } } }; var t = ie(e); return { _: function() { a = D.getElementsByClassName(H.autosizesClass); q("resize",t) },checkElems: t,updateElem: i } }(),t = function() { if (!t.i && D.getElementsByClassName) { t.i = true; re._(); e._() } }; return I(function() { H.init && t() }),k = { cfg: H,autoSizer: re,loader: e,init: t,uP: Y,aC: K,rC: Q,hC: J,fire: X,gW: s,rAF: ee } }(e,e.document,Date); e.lazySizes = t,"object" == typeof module && module.exports && (module.exports = t) }("undefined" != typeof window ? window : {});
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<!-- DTC-6084: Soma Add Final Sale verbiage to Styles - DO NOT DELETE -->
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             //Cart Page
             $(window).bind("fas.pcart.products.complete", function(){
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        console.log('SOMA - FS Override Error '+e)

//# sourceURL=soma_finalSale_override.js
<!-- DTC-6084: Soma Add Final Sale verbiage to Styles - DO NOT DELETE -->
/* Temp*/
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Resolver ASN
Resolver IP
Resolver Network Name
Google LLC
Measurement UID
Report ID
Software Name
ooniprobe-desktop-unattended (3.14.1)
Measurement Engine
ooniprobe-engine (3.14.1)

Raw Measurement Data
